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Thedandmom 2014

thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Artist's Corner
Posting some of my works so far from this year. Will also put more posts of artwork from this year in this thread.

60_zpsfcbd58fc.jpg Latest page of my webcomic (which you can check out by clicking the picture)

All the piraty looking images are for a game that I'm doing the artwork for called Conquering Corsairs.
thedandmom on


  • oroborosoroboros Registered User regular
    Really awesome stuff..My only tip would be to not forget to flip your canvas when doing head studies..Some of them are a little assymetrical or skewed, I use that canvas flip trick to give myself a new perspective.
  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    Yeah. I was doodling when i was doing those for a quick reference for a game. Normally I do try to flip the canvas to make sure they're looking okay.
  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    A couple more images from the game i'm working on. Also as a note. All this pirate stuff will be under CC come this summer for reuse.
  • NibCromNibCrom Registered User regular
    I'm confused as to what is happening on that comic page.

    Panel 1: Guy is looking through a crack in a door.

    Panel 2: POV of what guy is looking at.

    Panel 3: Girl spins around?

    Then it looks like they shoot the robot in the head. But whose hand is that? And who is holding that gun? Did they kick the door open and surprise the robot? Some establishing shots would help.

    Your sound effects could use some work. They look handwritten, which is fine, but they offer no contrast against your dialogue. They also don't enhance the sound they are imitating. I would expect "Click" and "Bzz" to look very different against each other. Right now, the sound effects look like an afterthought.

    Not sure why your word balloons are black with white text. Usually that's reserved for a character that might have a dark or spooky voice.

    Watch the order of your word balloons. It's not too bad on this page, although "nod" comes before "Your ready?". Remember that people read left to right and top to bottom. The order of your panels and your balloons should reflect this.
  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    Thanks for that. Yeah i can see what you're saying. It's been a while since I've gotten to do some pages, bit rusty. Thanks for the pointers.
  • NakedZerglingNakedZergling King Penis of Fuck Mountain. Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    I think this shows a lot of promise. I am more attracted to you colors than line though.
    Do you have NON anime stuff we could see? Im sure you've heard it before, but learning real anatomy will make your anime stuff even stronger.

    1) As a small side note, one day, I really hope to be King Penis of Fuck Mountain.

    2) No shitty anime or wolf-people, take that crap to deviant art
  • ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    So on turn arounds.

    The top of the head lines up, but the rest of the features do not. The eyes mouth nose are all lower on the right model, where on the left everything is elevated. A simple way to avoid this when doing different angles is to establish guidelines on the paper where certain features are supposed to line up. @iruka has a good example of this, I just can't seem to find it.
    Mice scratching at the walls inside of your head.
    This is a warning that my sig was too tall.
    You could have sent me a PM or something.
  • HalenHalen Registered User regular
    All your material looks incredibly stiff. Maybe do some studies of cloth and clothing to see how to make it fall more naturally.
    Draw an egg.
  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    I tend to lean more towards the cartoony as of late (the project I'm working on is for a game meant for younger audience) and also I got my start in doing very crappy anime drawings.
  • EncEnc FloridaRegistered User regular
    I'm really digging both of the last two! Your stuff has so much personality in it, I love it. :D
    "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
    — Robert Heinlein
  • NakedZerglingNakedZergling King Penis of Fuck Mountain. Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    I love your use of color

    1) As a small side note, one day, I really hope to be King Penis of Fuck Mountain.

    2) No shitty anime or wolf-people, take that crap to deviant art
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