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I just want my pants back, Or, these hips don't lie

Colt45Colt45 Registered User regular
I feel like this is a problem that most men don't have, and it's a little embarrassing for me.

So thanks to genetics I've always had a rather large pair of legs and behind, and that was never a problem because thanks to the southern diet I also always had a fairly round midsection. Now I'm starting to exercise and eat healthier and my waist has shrunk considerably, but my lower body has not. I currently am stuck with two pairs of slacks and some shorts that will accomodate my legs and waist, and it's still pretty chilly in my neck of the woods so I can't really comfortably wear shorts.

Basically, I was wondering if anyone knows of a brand of men's jeans that is more accommodating to the more shapely. I've heard hollister is better, so I'm looking into that, and I know the cut of the jean matters but I don't know what cut to get. Also I have thought about having a pair tailored, but I'm sort of worried about the overall cost of something like that. Any new perspective on this would be appreciated!


  • ceresceres not beautiful like you Pennsylvania, USASuper Moderator, Moderator mod
    My husband has rounder hips, and he used to buy store brand (so they were ambiguous to the untrained eye) women's jeans. He still looks there sometimes. Make sure the pockets are what you want though.. women's pants tend to screw us out of pockets.
    The avalanche has already started; it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
  • hsuhsu Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I have a similar problem. Did you try loose fit Gap jeans or relaxed fit Levis? In general, the loose fit or relaxed fit moniker is the code word for pants built for athletes, and they are actually tight around the thighs. Note that all clothing companies lie about the waist size of their pants (the number is 1"-2" smaller than the actual size), so you'll have to try on different sizes before giving up.

    As a side note, I'd suggest reducing your leg exercises at the gym, from weekly to every other week, subbing in an upper body workout instead, just to lose leg muscle mass, to make it easier to find pants that fits. That's the route I went down.
    hsu on
  • Colt45Colt45 Registered User regular
    I did almost buy a pair of ladies pants once. I was shopping around in a new store I wasn't familiar with and tried on something called boyfriend jeans. I assumed it was meant to mean they would help the wearer become a boyfriend or something, but apparently not.
    I'll have to look around for some relaxed fit. I used to wear boot cut and they were pretty good but I don't really wear cowboy boots that much anymore so they just flare out too much.
    I haven't done any mass exercises on my legs in probably two years! Pretty much all I do now is bulking exercises for my chest arms and back, some core strengthening exercise and a lot of running/hiking up a mountain near my house and exercises that tone and firm the buttocks(because let's face it, you may as well work with what you've got).
  • schussschuss Registered User regular
    I also have junk in the trunk and have found that Guess makes some great jeans for our bodies. As far as slacks go, just keep trying on different types, as every store usually has 2-3 different cuts/fits. Check out a Nordstrom if you can, as they have very knowledgeable salespeople.
  • Pure DinPure Din Rhode Island Registered User regular
    Tailoring is sometimes cheaper for guys. Quality mens pants often have extra materials in the hips, in order to let them out, which is cheaper than having the waist taken in. almost all women's pants need to be bought to fit the biggest part of the body.

    Second the recommendation for Nordstroms. Between the awesome sales person and the onsite tailor, my boyfriend got perfectly fitting pants in like 90 minutes. And his butt looks awesome.
  • Dr. FrenchensteinDr. Frenchenstein Registered User regular
    I have tree trunk legs, and in my experience Lucky Brand has the only jeans that i can comfortably wear. i always try on jeans that are skintight on the thighs, and i'm swimming in the waist. Lucky is often shockingly expensive in a retail store, but dirt cheap in their outlets (or at Costco!). so try those i guess?

    In my experience Hollister is built for rail thin dudes. i tried to put on an XXL shirt, and i couldn't get my arm through the sleeve. i've never bothered with their jeans.
  • Colt45Colt45 Registered User regular
    I've heard that lucky tailors your jeans for free as well? they have an outlet pretty near my house so I'll check them out. I think there is a Nordstrom's within driving distance to my house, but it's pretty far, so I'll have to see them second.
  • Dr. FrenchensteinDr. Frenchenstein Registered User regular
    Do they? i know Levi's does, online. i don't know if it's free or anything though. i've never heard of lucky doing that.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Arizona Jeans (JCPenney sells them).
  • ShogunShogun Registered User regular
    Do they? i know Levi's does, online. i don't know if it's free or anything though. i've never heard of lucky doing that.

    they do promotions where they will provide you with a voucher to get your jeans that you just bought tailored for free. They are usually 3 day promotions during spring and summer.
  • Colt45Colt45 Registered User regular
    Actually I was confusing what my gf told me about Lucky with what she said about True Religion. I'll have to look into Arizona as well, Lucky is a little pricey but for a good pair of jeans it would be cheaper to get one pair now for X amount than to have to end up getting two pairs for 2X/3. If that makes sense. I really don't know what to even pay or jeans anymore. The last time I bought an honest to goodness new pair of jeans(not on black friday) Levis were twenty dollars. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw how much they are now.
  • MadpoetMadpoet Registered User regular
    Levis 550s are a godsend. When I was in shape, I'd bike about 10-20 miles a day and wound up with fairly disproportionate thighs. 550s were the only pair that I could get my leg into without needing a huge belt. Now that I'm not in as great of shape, I still have huge legs, and the 550s are pretty much mandatory.
  • Dr. FrenchensteinDr. Frenchenstein Registered User regular
    Lucky's will run you about $50/each if you catch a sale. I usually buy 2-3 pairs a year, and they last the entire year plus more. I wear jeans every day (pretty much) at work throughout the year, so they get quite a bit of use. i'd recommend them because they are comfy and are well built, but yeah, they will cost a bit.
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    I'll second Lucky Brand jeans. Because I squat my thighs and rear are good sized, and Lucky's are the only jeans that really fit me comfortably. Check Costco because sometimes they have Lucky's there and they'll run you about 43 bucks a pair.
    Steam ID: DoctorArch Xbox Live: DoctorArch
  • Dr. FrenchensteinDr. Frenchenstein Registered User regular
    if you go to the outlet, they end up that price, but it's usually BOGO deals. also if you are a toolbag like me, you'll spend another $50 on tshirts.
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