Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.




  • Day of the BearDay of the Bear The Qun demandsRegistered User regular
    good nep there
  • ASimPersonASimPerson And they will tremble again at the sound of our silence.Registered User regular
    Today in Homestuck
    May 9

    2009: 4 pages, 1 flash: [ S] ==>. TT notices that John has obtained the Beta and connects as his server. (She also notes that the bunny "is practically ensconced in the fold of my personal mythology".) John pushes the ENTER key and a loading screen appears.
    5/9/2009 Page 2037
    [ S] ==>
    Audio: Sburban Jungle by Micheal Guy Bowman
    JOHN installs his copy of the SBURB BETA CLIENT on his computer. This is the loading screen, which features the Sburb geometric logo expanding and contracting while showing a progress bar, featuring loading messages (not entirely unlike the SimCity series of games). Finally, the screen fades to black and the word SBURB is displayed in its usual font.

    2010: No update.

    2011: No update.

    2012: 2 pages. We are no longer the dead Propsitian guard and now Jake again, specifically, his "non-dead non-dream self" who is currently listening to a "non-sleeping dead ancient spider ghost" who knows how to use her GIFT OF GAB badge to its fullest extent. After an apparently lengthy explanation of who she is, Aranea asks Jake if he has anything to say or if he wants to tell his own story. He is apparently too nervous to speak, which she catches on to not only because he is "perspiring heavily" but also because she admits to being "a fairly gifted psychic", though her gift when it comes to humans is generally limited to getting "an empathic impression of your emotional state". Jake realizes that he's now blown his cool on multiple levels, and she wonders who he was "talking" to earlier. Jake explains it as a "brain ghost memory splinter of my best friend dirk". Jake expounds a tad more on that, and then they switch topics to this bubble. Aranea says that she hasn't spent a lot of time studying the post-scratch version of the kids' universe (apparently this is controlled by the gods). She tries to get him to talk about himself again, but he is too nervous to really even make much small talk, distilling his life into "just me sitting around herewatching movies and stuff and sometimes polishing firearms". He tries to show her around a bit, which is when brain-Dirk reminds Jake of how awkward he's being. That combined with Dirk talking about Jake's apparently dirty mind does nothing to help. Aranea starts to wonder if she should come back later.
    SE++ Forum Battle Archive | PST = Pacific Standard Time | DRUNKSTUCK: A Homestuck recap
  • ASimPersonASimPerson And they will tremble again at the sound of our silence.Registered User regular
    Today in Homestuck
    May 10

    2009: No update.

    2010: No update.

    2011: No update.

    2012: 2 pages. Aranea picks up a copy of SPIDER ISLAND off Jake's bed. He's apparently embarrassed by her finding his "nerdy" comic books and frantically tries to figure something out to talk about. She tells him straight up "You know, it's not the first time I've sensed that someone felt a flushed attraction for me." She tells Jake it's okay, but he's so embarrassed that he wants to die, or at least wake up. She points out that she can do that, but she also points out of that if he thinks she's attractive "wouldn't you want to spend a little more time here with me?" instead of going to feel sorry for himself. She points out the advantages of being able to read others' thoughts, saying that she's found people are often more likable than they think. Jake figures that if he were a psychic then he would be on "EASY STREET" with regards to his relationship issues, just kicking "back in my eligible bachelors limousine". Aranea says that there, of course, a downside. On occasion you happen across people who genuinely don't like you, and since you know that you tend to dwell on it and try to right things with them, often just leading people to think "you are over8earing and needy". She says that she at least resisted the temptation to directly manipulate people with her powers. Jake demonstrates that he was paying attention earlier when he mentions the "hemospectrum", and get a quick lesson in what pre-Scratch Alternia was like: "the jo8 of each 8lood caste was to serve the needs of all those 8elow it". Jake asks if it "all went to shit because of that meddlesome demon" [that] "im named after?" Aranea says he's not supposed to that last bit yet and wonders who told him. "Uh... I guess technically my own brain did?" She says she wasn't "planning on mentioning that. Or at least not yet."
    SE++ Forum Battle Archive | PST = Pacific Standard Time | DRUNKSTUCK: A Homestuck recap
  • ASimPersonASimPerson And they will tremble again at the sound of our silence.Registered User regular
    Today in Homestuck
    May 11

    2009: No update.

    2010: 3 pages. Jade takes advantage of Dave's nap to make some progress on building up his apartment, as her Propsitian friends (including Ms. Paint) look on. She realizes that she probably needs to wake up soon, but she doesn't want to miss John waking up.

    2011: No update.

    2012: No update.
    SE++ Forum Battle Archive | PST = Pacific Standard Time | DRUNKSTUCK: A Homestuck recap
  • ASimPersonASimPerson And they will tremble again at the sound of our silence.Registered User regular
    Today in Homestuck
    May 12

    2009: 10 pages. We get an introduction to the Sburb server interface. TT uses it to take John's magic chest and put it on his roof as she gets a feel for the controls. On the floor where the magic chest was is the card corresponding to the STACK FETCH MODUS, enabling John to switch between a queue and a stack at any time. DAD heads out to the store while TT attempts to get John's WISE GUY book and his Dad's PDA out of the yard, but she can't select the items because they are too far away. She also cannot select John himself. She then selects the BUNNY from John's bed and puts him back in the BOX.

    2010: 9 pages. Dave wakes up from his nap. Time to alchemize some sweet gear. First he takes a cue from future Dave and combines his sunglasses and iPhone to make the iSHADES. He then combines his TIMETABLES and COMPUTER to create the TURNTOP. He then combines a SMUPPET and his sweet tux to crete the ultra-comfortable RED PLUSH PUPPET TUX. He then takes the BROKEN CALEDSCRATCH and RUBY CONTRABAND, but the resultant item is entirely too expensive to actually make. Using the holopad preview feature, he is able to see that it would make the BROKEN SCARLET RIBBITAR. He also checks out the combination using the unbroken CALEDSCRATCH, resulting in an unbroken SCARLET RIBBITAR (which costs twice as much). He then takes one of his Bro's really shitty sword and combines it with a drawing of Hella Jeff to make the SORD, which is so shitty he can barely even hold it (and it costs zero grist). Last, but not least for today: a portrait of SNOOP DOGG, the A/C UNIT FROM HIS APARTMENT, and the CALEDSCRATCH, resulting in the SNOOP DOGG SNOW CONE MACHETE.

    2011: No update.

    2012: No update.
    SE++ Forum Battle Archive | PST = Pacific Standard Time | DRUNKSTUCK: A Homestuck recap
  • BeastehBeasteh RIP BIG CHRIZZLERegistered User regular
    4 fucking years son
  • SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG hence nothing remains except for our regretsRegistered User regular
  • SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG hence nothing remains except for our regretsRegistered User regular
    oh shit

    thats the best one yet
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    just be like me and stop at anime fufufu
  • Day of the BearDay of the Bear The Qun demandsRegistered User regular
    welcome to anime club
  • Indie WinterIndie Winter passive-aggressive raven Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    let me

    tell you


    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
    Indie Winter on
  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    let me

    tell you


    Johnjohn's Bizzare Adventure

    Steam: cristke
  • VickyBitVickyBit g-geezRegistered User regular
    no, let me!

    the jojo anime is f u c k i n g i n c r e d i b l e

    the end
  • Indie WinterIndie Winter passive-aggressive raven Registered User regular
  • JayKaosJayKaos Registered User regular
    I should probably give that one another try one of these days, the first episode was too full of terrible things happening to the main character and it put me off more than usual for some reason.
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaykaos This is my steam profile.
  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    Steam: cristke
  • Indie WinterIndie Winter passive-aggressive raven Registered User regular
    literally the swolest, most fabulous anime
  • VickyBitVickyBit g-geezRegistered User regular
    also if you aren't watching GG's subs of it, you aren't truly watching JoJo
  • BeastehBeasteh RIP BIG CHRIZZLERegistered User regular
    is this the anime thread now
  • Indie WinterIndie Winter passive-aggressive raven Registered User regular
    this never wasn't the anime thread
  • VickyBitVickyBit g-geezRegistered User regular
    homestuck is.......

    not really my favourite anime

    it's alright, though
  • Day of the BearDay of the Bear The Qun demandsRegistered User regular
    Naruto is the best anime
  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    I just remembered that FLCL is 13 years old.

    I am old.
    Steam: cristke
  • BeastehBeasteh RIP BIG CHRIZZLERegistered User regular
    Naruto is the best anime

    quoting this just so i can agree w/ it again

    also taking the 'tunity to @Crwth
  • Moth 13Moth 13 Golurker Registered User regular
    Dark Souls is the best anime.

  • Day of the BearDay of the Bear The Qun demandsRegistered User regular
    Which troll is which anime
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    Which troll is which anime

    vriska is queen's blade
  • Day of the BearDay of the Bear The Qun demandsRegistered User regular
  • VoproSTEINVoproSTEIN howdy howdy howdyRegistered User regular
    Which troll is One Piece, the real best anime?
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    VoproSTEIN wrote: »
    Which troll is One Piece, the real best anime?

    karkat obv
  • OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel Chief? McCloud!Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I just remembered that FLCL is 13 years old.

    I am old.

    A young anime sits in his DVD player. It just so happens that today is this young anime's birthday. Although it was thirteen years ago he was given airtime, it is only today he will be given a name!

    What will the name of this young anime be?
    OmnipotentBagel on
  • VoproSTEINVoproSTEIN howdy howdy howdyRegistered User regular
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Reported thread for animes.
  • Quantum TigerQuantum Tiger There is no answer, only absurdity... And french toastRegistered User regular
    Heh a "to go even further beyond" gis brings up three results from SE++
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