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PSP Repair

StrifeRaZoRStrifeRaZoR Registered User regular
So I have a PSP 1001. I've had this thing for many many years and it's been through quite a bit. After tampering with the battery years ago, I messed it up and the battery no longer worked. Instead of getting a new one, I just keep it plugged in 24/7, which seems to work fine. The screen is in pretty good condition considering the age, but the outside of the unit is pretty banged up. The UMD slot doesn't even open properly anymore, and the battery cover latch (the little plastic bit that snaps it into place) is missing...so it's being held on by some really sturdy tape. The analog stick works fine and the d-pad works flawlessly. The main issue I have is the R and L triggers. They're very...loose? They work, but they wiggle quite a bit in ways that they shouldn't. I've recently purchased a Vita, but my PSP has quite a few games and saves that I've passed down to my roommate so she can play Monster Hunter with me. Anyway, here's my question:

Does anyone have any experience with general repairs on these things? My last attempt at "tweaking" this thing resulted in a dead battery, so I'm afraid to take it apart. It's well beyond warranty, so I'm not risking anything other than a bricked unit by actually diving in. What sort of tools will I need to make sure this thing gets put back together properly? I don't want to take it apart, clean it, put it back together, then see 3 screws sitting on the table (Much like how my laptop repairs go). Is there a way to clean the BACK of the screen? I know some water got in there years ago and caused a slight smudge on the other side, but I've been too afraid to work on it. And lastly, is there a way to 'tighten' the L and R triggers so that they're more responsive?


  • Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Registered User regular
    The back of the screen is a pretty trivial repair. There are many instructions online on how to replace the analog on a PSP 1000, and all of these instructions will have you removing the front faceplate as part of the repair. Thus, you can follow those instructions to remove the faceplate and wipe the other side of the screen.

    Not sure about the R/L triggers. I've not had to replace those before.
    Steam ID: Hahnsoo, Steam Name currently: Hahnsopolis | PSN: Hahnsoo | Monster Hunter Tri: Hahnsoo, E8HJCA
  • StrifeRaZoRStrifeRaZoR Registered User regular
    I can honestly live with a slight smudge on the screen, but the triggers are highly annoying. They just kinda flop around as you're playing. They work 90% of the time, but it's as if they're just too loose. I'm looking up some videos and sites on cleaning it out. And yeah, the screen part looks pretty straight forward. I'm just paranoid about opening this thing up.
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