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Nook, ragged right?

NappuccinoNappuccino Registered User regular
So I just picked up a Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight and something that wasn't evident in the store was that the word spacing can get so drastically close (or far apart) that it makes things distracting to read at times.

Is this a by ebook basis (I'm currently reading and seeing this with Roadside Picnic) or is this a problem for all books?

Is there anyway I can either a) change the minimum space between words or b) make the ebooks load with ragged right?


  • schussschuss Registered User regular
    If you go into preferences, there are a bunch of font and size settings. I will note that it does seem to be book-specific, as certain books are straight-up dumb about formatting.
  • NappuccinoNappuccino Registered User regular
    Under the text settings they just have "Font" "Size" "Margins" and "Line Spacing" nothing about letting me do ragged right or changing word spacing.
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    Is the book you're reading a PDF?
  • NappuccinoNappuccino Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I'm not sure, just bought directly from the store built into the Nook and downloaded to the Nook. I don't think it's PDF, but it's probably some propriety thing.
    Nappuccino on
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    It shouldn't be a PDF then. If it's not then I'm not really sure what to say. I never had an issue like that with my old Nook.
  • NappuccinoNappuccino Registered User regular
    What's funny is that I watched a tech review of the model I have and, while I didn't see an option for it, the text was laid out in ragged right.
  • ShogunShogun Registered User regular
    Nappuccino wrote: »
    What's funny is that I watched a tech review of the model I have and, while I didn't see an option for it, the text was laid out in ragged right.

    there is a good chance this was because of the specific text they had loaded. I have several books on my kindle paperwhite that do this but I can't make them not do it or do something else.
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hmm, according to this it's up to the publisher. You might be boned here. At least for this book.
    Quid on
  • NappuccinoNappuccino Registered User regular
    Well damn. I was afraid of that. I know there are some programs you can use to reformat text . . . I just have no idea what they can actually do (to my knowledge, they're more for those free ebooks that you can find than re-working ebooks you've already bought. Guess I'll have to look into that)

    I've bought 4 more books and they're all justified--if anyone knows more about this I'll be all ears cause this is kinda bugging me.

    I am glad to hear that it isn't just the Nook though, I was starting to doubt my purchase. But, if it's a universal thing I can certainly live with it for now.
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