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Who likes concept art?

silentragesilentrage canadaRegistered User new member
edited May 2013 in Artist's Corner
I do. :winky:

I started going to school for concept art 2 years ago, I'd been sketching a lot just for fun before then, and doing some 3d work, but I decided if something's worth doing on my spare time, then it's worth doing full time.
So I thought it'd be fun to post some stuff I did when/before I started, and some stuff I did more recently.

All feedback/critique/comments/jokes/essays/dissertations/novels welcome.



silentrage on


  • IrukaIruka Moderator regular
    Is that your most recent?

    It doesn't help us much to see old work. We need to critique where you are right now to help push you towards where you want to be. Do you want to be a concept artist full time? Do you have any influences?

    I wouldn't really call these "Concept art" which has a fairly particular function. The second one is a pretty good drawing, so it would be really helpful to see more, if you want helpful comments.
  • silentragesilentrage canadaRegistered User new member
    edited May 2013
    Oops, I forgot to post any concept in a thread about concept art, my bad. :p

    I think I'd like to just post art in general with some concept art focus, it's less restrictive that way. I edited the first post to include some actual concepts.

    I do wanna be a concept artist full time, I have a lot of influences, but the most prominent ones I think are iain mccaig, craig mullins and ryan woodward.

    I also want to be able to do illustration, comic, storyboards, fine art, cd covers, or whatever the hell I can get my hands on that's fun and artistic, but I just wanna focus more on concept art at the moment to get good at one thing first. I have a terrible ADHD problem where if I study one subject for too long I lose interest, which is why I have to do multiple things at the same time.

    I hope that clears some things up. ^^
    silentrage on
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