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Filling in web forms with Excel data - Automation? *** [DELETE/LOCK]

dresdenphiledresdenphile Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Help / Advice Forum
Situation: I'm trying to input data from an Excel worksheet into our company's new web-based work order system. There are three columns in the spreadsheet: Employee ID Number, First Name, and Last Name. I'm trying to find a way to do this without having to copy and paste a million times by hand.

Optimally, once I'm logged into the Account Creation section of the web site, the "process" would add a new user, pull the data for each text field from the corresponding Excel cell, input it, save that user, and repeat for all employees in the Excel worksheet.

Anyone done something similar? I'm not a programmer, and I fear that might be what is necessary to do this. :(

I can (and will, if necessary,) C+P all the users, but I thought that there may be a faster, better way to do so.

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  • CauldCauld Registered User regular
    I had to do something like this once and I eventually made a macro using sendkeys. do some googling with that and see if you can get it to work.
  • TofystedethTofystedeth veni, veneri, vamoosi Registered User regular
    Yeah, with something like SendKeys or Auto-It you can get this to run itself.
  • dresdenphiledresdenphile Registered User regular
    Thanks for the responses. I actually found a program called WinTask that does exactly what I was looking for.
    Play the DBZ OCG! Based on Score's DBZ CCG and 100% free! http://dragonballzocg.com/
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