Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

Shadow of the Eternals -- THIS CAN'T... BE... HAPPENING! (white flash)



  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Cleaning at Your Mom's HouseRegistered User regular
    All of this negative stuff about the developer is totally news to me. I just know that I freaking loved Eternal Darkness and my friends and I played through it probably half a dozen times. I will say though that all of the developer stuff aside, I have been growing a little weary of all the crowd funding. I kinda want to just buy a game when it comes out, but all this cool stuff keeps coming along asking for my future money.

    Then wait. Wait till the game is out and then buy it if people say it's good.

    Do not do what some people seem to be doing and that is giving a fucking penny to Denis Dyack before there is a game. I cannot stress this enough.
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Cleaning at Your Mom's HouseRegistered User regular
    All of this negative stuff about the developer is totally news to me. I just know that I freaking loved Eternal Darkness and my friends and I played through it probably half a dozen times. I will say though that all of the developer stuff aside, I have been growing a little weary of all the crowd funding. I kinda want to just buy a game when it comes out, but all this cool stuff keeps coming along asking for my future money.

    Look up Dyack, Too Human, and lawsuit. Not only did the guy overspend on a game that ended up shit, he also tried to blame all the problems on the people who made the engine. Then he sued them, and in the countersuit, it was determined that Dyack violated violated the license and the law. Dyack was then required to destroy all copies of Too Human, since it was determined the game was developed in violation of their license.

    Basically, the guy is a snake who takes money and information, then does anything possible to avoid accepting the results of his mistakes if he fucks up. As far as reputations go, the guy is literally a crook and a thief; handing him money via a non-Kickstarter system is basically the definition of poor money management, because the guy is scum and his recent record proves it.

    Don't forget to mention the X-Men Destiny debacle, where they were basically stealing money from Activision and hoping no one noticed.
  • mxmarksmxmarks Registered User regular
    I went to the site and I also noticed the way the image was structured is very...sketchy. It's an arrow downward, like a flowchart, with $1.whatever million and it ends at 'Pilot episode'. Then the rest of the flowchart is greyed out.

    He says this is what, 12 episodes?

    So it looks like this isn't the price for the project, but for 1/12th of the project.
    XBL: MXrox - PSN: mxmarks - "Yes, mxmarks is the King of Queens" - Unbreakable Vow
  • AthenorAthenor Dapper Storyteller Registered User regular
    Well obviously the goal is to fund the proof of concept such that there is no risk of failure (unless he goes over budget again).

    If the first breaks even, no one loses out. If it succeeds, they fund future development.
    NNID and many other services: Athenor or Myridiam // 3DS: 3883-5283-0471
  • Kid PresentableKid Presentable Registered User regular
    All of this negative stuff about the developer is totally news to me. I just know that I freaking loved Eternal Darkness and my friends and I played through it probably half a dozen times. I will say though that all of the developer stuff aside, I have been growing a little weary of all the crowd funding. I kinda want to just buy a game when it comes out, but all this cool stuff keeps coming along asking for my future money.

    Then wait. Wait till the game is out and then buy it if people say it's good.

    Do not do what some people seem to be doing and that is giving a fucking penny to Denis Dyack before there is a game. I cannot stress this enough.

    That's my plan!
  • WybornWyborn simple as can be Registered User regular
    edited May 2013


    This first demo level seems to be a remake of Anthony's level, at the start
    Wyborn on
    Xbox Live: GZOTP | Origin: Khuutra
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    I've donated to over a dozen gaming kickstarters.

    I loved Eternal Darkness.

    I hate Kotaku.

    Still, based on that article I don't think I can donate to this in good conscience.
  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    What happens if you do not reach your goal?

    Our financial goal is a flexible one, and Precursor Games is committed to creating Shadow of the Eternals. All contributions will go directly towards the development of this game and making it a reality.

    i.e. we'll take your money even if we don't reach our goal.

    This has since been updated. Fail = refund.
  • WybornWyborn simple as can be Registered User regular
    Now if TellTale was making this game...
    Xbox Live: GZOTP | Origin: Khuutra
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Vyolynce wrote: »
    What happens if you do not reach your goal?

    Our financial goal is a flexible one, and Precursor Games is committed to creating Shadow of the Eternals. All contributions will go directly towards the development of this game and making it a reality.

    i.e. we'll take your money even if we don't reach our goal.

    This has since been updated. Fail = refund.

    Actually that isn't quite what they said...
    Our financial goal is a flexible one. All contributions will go directly towards the development of this game and making it a reality. We are committed to making this game, however, if it becomes apparent that we cannot raise enough to develop this project then we will refund all pledges.

    Note they say "if it becomes apparent that we cannot raise enough to develop this project" and not "if we don't manage to hit our funding goal"

    There is no definition of what they consider not enough to develop the project.
  • Linespider5Linespider5 We Good? Registered User regular
    I'm beginning to suspect the 'twelve episodes' will scale accordingly to the amount donated. Five seems like a more believable number to me.

  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Wrath Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Day 4 and we're only up to 8.5%

    We needed 10% every 3 days to be on track.

    Without some kind of backer swell, this is dead in the water and will only hit ~65% by Day 30.


    Note: My biggest worry for this not succeeding is Nintendo noticing and thinking that the hate for Dyack is the same as dislike of the franchise and will never make a new Eternal Darkness based on its failure.

    TehSpectre on
  • WotanAnubisWotanAnubis Registered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »


    This first demo level seems to be a remake of Anthony's level, at the start

    Well, it would. The Cathedral is what Dyack pulled people off of X-Men: Destiny for when he still had hopes of shopping around Eternal Darkness 2. I'm not surprised they got something ready for that area.

  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    Vyolynce wrote: »
    What happens if you do not reach your goal?

    Our financial goal is a flexible one, and Precursor Games is committed to creating Shadow of the Eternals. All contributions will go directly towards the development of this game and making it a reality.

    i.e. we'll take your money even if we don't reach our goal.

    This has since been updated. Fail = refund.

    Actually that isn't quite what they said...
    Our financial goal is a flexible one. All contributions will go directly towards the development of this game and making it a reality. We are committed to making this game, however, if it becomes apparent that we cannot raise enough to develop this project then we will refund all pledges.

    Note they say "if it becomes apparent that we cannot raise enough to develop this project" and not "if we don't manage to hit our funding goal"

    There is no definition of what they consider not enough to develop the project.

    True, but I would assume there's a difference between them hitting 1.3 million and them hitting, say, .6 million. Actual limits would have been nice, yes.
  • Linespider5Linespider5 We Good? Registered User regular
    It's weird how most fundraisers that succeed do so in their first week. You know? It shouldn't make a difference compared to all the factors of what the project is, who is doing it, how much they want, and so on. Most live and die by their presentation video or lack thereof. /sidenote musings
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush On the edge. Making a run for it.Registered User regular
    I'm beginning to suspect the 'twelve episodes' will scale accordingly to the amount donated. Five seems like a more believable number to me.

    Well it's only going to be one episode if they hit their goal without landing a stretch, which makes the tiered rewards already including 11 stretch goals kind of funny.
  • WybornWyborn simple as can be Registered User regular
    It's weird how most fundraisers that succeed do so in their first week. You know? It shouldn't make a difference compared to all the factors of what the project is, who is doing it, how much they want, and so on. Most live and die by their presentation video or lack thereof. /sidenote musings

    I don't think that's what's happening here

    I think Dyack is literally infamous enough that he's killed a project people - at least some - are absolutely rabid about, just by association.
    Xbox Live: GZOTP | Origin: Khuutra
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush On the edge. Making a run for it.Registered User regular
    By the way, what are these costs like? The entirety of Project Eternity was budgeting for $1.1m, while Doublefine's adventure game shot for $400k. Both of those may have been lowballs, but $1.5m for a 2-hour episode seems pretty high in comparison.
    Well, it would. The Cathedral is what Dyack pulled people off of X-Men: Destiny for when he still had hopes of shopping around Eternal Darkness 2. I'm not surprised they got something ready for that area.

    Good point. You can see the monsters from the trailer in this post examining SK's downfall under the presumed ED2 concept art.
  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Wrath Registered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »
    It's weird how most fundraisers that succeed do so in their first week. You know? It shouldn't make a difference compared to all the factors of what the project is, who is doing it, how much they want, and so on. Most live and die by their presentation video or lack thereof. /sidenote musings

    I don't think that's what's happening here

    I think Dyack is literally infamous enough that he's killed a project people - at least some - are absolutely rabid about, just by association.
    Seems like it.

    The SotE presentation has been pretty grand.

    It had a countdown. It was talked about in blogs and gaming news sites.

    IGN had an exclusive trailer.

    The website looks good. There's a ton of polish all around, but because Dyack is onboard it is going to fail.

  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    By the way, what are these costs like? The entirety of Project Eternity was budgeting for $1.1m, while Doublefine's adventure game shot for $400k. Both of those may have been lowballs, but $1.5m for a 2-hour episode seems pretty high in comparison.

    That might be where some of the ambiguous wiggle room on "meeting our goal" vs "we can still develop this" comes from.
  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    Wyborn wrote: »
    It's weird how most fundraisers that succeed do so in their first week. You know? It shouldn't make a difference compared to all the factors of what the project is, who is doing it, how much they want, and so on. Most live and die by their presentation video or lack thereof. /sidenote musings

    I don't think that's what's happening here

    I think Dyack is literally infamous enough that he's killed a project people - at least some - are absolutely rabid about, just by association.
    Seems like it.

    The SotE presentation has been pretty grand.

    It had a countdown. It was talked about in blogs and gaming news sites.

    IGN had an exclusive trailer.

    The website looks good. There's a ton of polish all around, but because Dyack is onboard it is going to fail.

    With this sort of thing, reputation is everything. Shadowrun Returns didn't get funding because people just wanted Shadowrun, it was because of the people onboard for it. Star Citizen didn't get massive funding because people wanted a space sim, it was because it's a space sim getting made by the premiere names in making space sims. Wasteland 2 got funded almost thirty years after the original because the people involved worked on the original and were the progenitors of the Fallout series.

    Conversely, Dyack is a two-bit scumbag and everybody knows it. Even knowing he's associated with the project would hurt it, but the scummy funding approach and Dyack as the front man is basically a death sentence. Why would anybody want to give somebody like that to make anything, especially when he very clearly has a reputation of not delivering?
    Ninja Snarl P on
  • grozegroze Registered User new member
    I know I'm new here, and this is quite a lame, whiny first post, but I can't stress enough how you should NOT give these guys your money. I've been in their forums for a few days, trying to warn people, just to be targeted by the admin (Dyack) and his hound dog that, apparently, has enough weight to show up among the team members on display in their official website (all 10 of them) under the title of "Community Manager". I was talking via personal message with one of the few people out there that aren't blindly following Dyack and it seemed a good idea to share what I said to him in someplace other than their forums or nGAF -- if I did it on NeoGAF, I would just be accused of sharing something in an anti-Diack biased environment. So here it goes:
    it's really sad to see everyone in here so blind to what's happening. I tried being a "voice of reason" -- knowing I'm far from being a voice of "truth" -- but I guess it's time for me to quit it. I'll just eventually get banned by Aaron Unger, who's been actively targeting me and tagging all my posts as "Old", when all that's really old are the admins/devs answers to our most... "direct" questions and concerns.

    I was part of mr. Dyack's previous community in the Silicon Knights' forums, and I see him doing to you exactly the same thing he did to us -- except he didn't ask us for money. I'm an Eternal Darkness fan just the same as everyone else out here, but consider the fact that these people are taking advantage of that in order to get money from people that are still willing to trust them because they trust a project and, therefore, are more gullible than major companies -- major companies don't need to believe in anything, except for money and profit, but fans believe in a labor of love, particularly if they're being promised "an innovative part in it".

    I speak from experience when I say mr. Denis Dyack has promised interaction before and simply left us blowing in the wind when we started to see him for who he really is -- a narcissistic, self-centered, petty man with delusions of grandeur that simply likes to create these "guilds" [cf. Dyack's description on the Silicon Knights' website], these walled rose gardens in which he keeps whatever knowledge he so chooses to, leaving all people in it oblivious to what's happening outside.

    He should be ditched from this project altogether, if it was to have any chance of succeeding. Heck, if he loves this project all he says he does, he should be wise enough to leave and make a public announcement he's no longer remotely connected to this, since that action would go a long way into making a spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness a reality. But, no, he has to be a part of it and, because of this trait of his, the game will never see the light of day.

    Please note I've erased some parts of it in order to maintain the identity of the person I was talking to secret.
    «Food is good for the nerves and the spirit. Courage comes from the belly - all else is desperation.» - Charles Bukowski
  • AthenorAthenor Dapper Storyteller Registered User regular
    Yeah. As much as I dislike dyack, it's still his home turf - the people who post there aren't people just passing by with a bit of interest, they are die-hard into everything SK does. And yelling at any kind of message board is kind of pissing at the wind.

    I've seen a lot of posters around here that I'd like to dissuade, but at the end of the day it's people's money and they are allowed to do what they want. I don't think this Kickstarter is going to stop Nintendo from making another ED game (because I'm still holding out hope that it's what Retro is working on next), but it's probably not going to get traction anyways. Having to recall all your product and destroy it due to lawsuit will stop most people from trusting your creative output.
    NNID and many other services: Athenor or Myridiam // 3DS: 3883-5283-0471
  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Wrath Registered User regular
    Yeah, this is dead in the water.

    7 days in and it isn't even 10% funded yet.

    Most crowdfunding things need a huge boost at the beginning to show that there is even hope for the project and this is showing that they'll be lucky if they hit 50% funded by June.
  • Linespider5Linespider5 We Good? Registered User regular
    Even so, I suspect it will resurface in some form at least once or twice more before the end of the summer.
  • grozegroze Registered User new member
    edited May 2013
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    Are you really surprised you were banned from the forums for shitting all over the project and telling people to not help fund the game?

    I never said I was banned. Plus, I never shat all over the project, nor did I tell people not to fund the game. All I did was try to tell people to think a bit over things instead of acting out of sheer blind passion for something that should be doubted. And though I'm no Dyack fan, for sure, there are several other issues, here, that should make people think twice before donating:

    The fact it's an episodic game and the whopping $1,500,000 they're asking only goes to fund the pilot episode, while promising pledgers in high tiers a whole season of the game (what happens to those guys if, say, only two episodes get funded?).

    The so-called "innovation" of having a community participating directly in what will be the in-game content (I'm sure all of you have read or listened to preposterous suggestions by fans of this or that game; now imagine a community of juvenile, passionate-but-not-necessarily-clever people making the game with the developers, and getting mad because they paid and, therefore, are entitled to have their say).

    The vagueness surrounding their refund policy.

    The fact they avoid answering direct, more difficult questions, basically arguing we "should look into the future and stop dwelling in past mistakes" (from where I'm standing, the only way to look into the future with any chance of succeeding, even when it comes to small things, is to learn something from your past mistakes, not by avoiding them altogether) and that we should take a look at their (admittedly lacking) Crowdfund Campaign Update #1.

    And more, but mostly these aspects, if one is to ignore the whole Dyack thing -- which I advise doing to a degree, but never to overlook it.
    groze on
    «Food is good for the nerves and the spirit. Courage comes from the belly - all else is desperation.» - Charles Bukowski
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush On the edge. Making a run for it.Registered User regular
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    Most crowdfunding things need a huge boost at the beginning to show that there is even hope for the project and this is showing that they'll be lucky if they hit 50% funded by June.

    If they hit $750k I'm guessing there's not going to be refunds.

    Personally I'm just wondering what these seven people were thinking:

  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    Personally I'm just wondering what these seven people were thinking:

    There's a lot of limited vs unlimited tier nonsense going on there that I don't understand.
  • Linespider5Linespider5 We Good? Registered User regular
    I'm kind of tired of the tiered blather that goes into so many projects. I guess there's bragging rights and special stuff some people want. They kind of make them into achievements and junk for people to covet.

    As to those 'Sane Supporter' options...isn't the whole point of funding this to get, um, all twelve episodes? If I was a crueler man I'd almost say it looks like the special tiers are getting shortchanged or something.
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush On the edge. Making a run for it.Registered User regular
    The $1.5m goal is for the pilot. You can see Episode Two as the first stretch goal on their image, but they cut it off before listing the price point, so it's not clear how much cheaper each subsequent episode would be. They have a thing in the FAQ about the "episodes 1-12" tiers (which constitute a majority of current pledges), in which they say it's basically a sign of your faith in them.

    In other words, your faith in believing they'll hit eleven nebulous stretch goals after $1.5m and/or find other sources of funding to make an entire season.
  • SteevLSteevL Registered User regular
    So they just launched an official kickstarter for this thing now, on top of the original crowdfunding thing.

    That's....a little weird.
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Yeah the more I follow Shadow of the Eternals the more shady it seems in a complete contrast to the Hex TCG which the more I know about it the better I feel about that kickstarter.
  • WotanAnubisWotanAnubis Registered User regular
    Even Geth agrees this particular crowdfunding effort ain't much of a good idea.

    Still... at least with Kickstarter people will be able to get their money back in the increasingly likely event the funding goal isn't reached.
  • grozegroze Registered User new member
    I'm a little less skeptical since a podcast by a forum member that strikes me as particularly unbiased. Still not willing to give them my money - a lot of my concerns remain. This Kickstarter thing is as good as it is bad: though it certainly helps them legitimize their project in the eyes of some people, it raises a new problem, since they never closed their own site's "proprietary" donation system, now there's the question of "double dipping".

    Also, by the end of day 1, the Kickstarter is failing just as hard. The major problem with this was never the crowd funding system, and they're stubbornly still avoiding it.
    «Food is good for the nerves and the spirit. Courage comes from the belly - all else is desperation.» - Charles Bukowski
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush On the edge. Making a run for it.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Kickstarter is at least legit and may gain them more undecideds. Their Kickstarter target is their initial goal less the contributions they received from their own version, so if all future donations go to the KS it'll end up like it was on KS from the start. I don't know why they don't just close down their own version now, since it's duplicate and divided contributions weaken their KS, which requires them to hit the goal to get any of it. The KS gives them an extra two weeks over their initial goal, so if they shut down further donations on theirs it'd be a headstart, and they look to need all the advantages they can get.

    The whole thing doesn't give me a lot of faith in their project management, but now I hope it gets funded (...by other people) and we can see if there really will be a worthy successor to ED.

    (By the way, seeing the silhouettes on their KS page again makes me wonder: do they even have the rights to Alex and Pious? I know they bought art assets but I don't know if extends that far. Despite apparently working with Nintendo since it's going for Wii U, an interview mentioned that Nintendo had the sanity meter patented and they were thinking of ways to replicate without infringing.)
    SoundsPlush on
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    Oh my god there's a thread for this why are you doing this to yourselves.

    Dyack does not deserve your money, it has been a full ten years since he has been responsible for anything even remotely decent and at that point he had Nintendo looking over his shoulder.

    The man has no sense of project scope, it would be like giving your money to George Broussard to maybe develop an FPS sometime in the future possibly.
    icon-18x18_zps3f731cae.pngBasilius | Monster Hunter Tri: Red - TBUGW8 | TF2 Backpack | Hero Academy - Laitarne
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    Yeah, this is dead in the water.

    7 days in and it isn't even 10% funded yet.

    groze wrote: »
    Also, by the end of day 1, the Kickstarter is failing just as hard.


    Sometimes my faith in people is not completely undeserved.

    (Not including Denis Dyack in those people)
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • StormwatcherStormwatcher The bat The caveRegistered User regular
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    Yeah, this is dead in the water.

    7 days in and it isn't even 10% funded yet.

    groze wrote: »
    Also, by the end of day 1, the Kickstarter is failing just as hard.


    Sometimes my faith in people is not completely undeserved.

    (Not including Denis Dyack in those people)

    Only Dyack can make me agree with UV

    (love you UV)
    Steam: Stormwatcher | XBL: Stormwatcher 21 | PSN: Stormwatcher33 | Gamecenter: Stormwatcher33 | 3DS: 0130-2805-2850
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