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Non-violent games



  • FrozenTempestFrozenTempest Registered User regular
    Sadly most of the multi-player non-violent games I know of are not for computer.

    There roller coaster tycoon 3, where you can create your own theme park. Unlike the previous versions, guest can't be accidentally or intentionally be harm or killed.

    It's originally a single player game, but you could try designing a theme-park together.
  • azith28azith28 Registered User regular
    Is it just the depiction of the violence that she doesnt want to see or the idea?
    For instance, Heroes of Might and magic is essentailly a chess-like strategic game, and you dont see much in the way of actual violence.
  • SiskaSiska Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I think The Guild can be played non violently (has multi-player). As long as you stick to the peaceful professions and don't assign any guards to your wagons. Then destroy your enemies (everyone else) socially, financially and politically, while making no attempts on their life. Everyone in the game, including your character, will die eventually though. From old age if nothing else. Nothing graphic. Just a sad tune and quick visit to the graveyard before you continue playing as one of your heirs. But if any kind of death is out, then this game is out too.

    Another game where you can choose to play non violently is The Movies. A very silly and humorous movie making sim, where you build your own studio, hire actors, directors, extras, cameramen etc AND shoot your own movies, any damn way you want.
    Siska on
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