Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
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Ruzkin's Precious Little Art Thread

ruzkinruzkin Registered User regular
Hey AC, finally got the guts to start my own thread. I've been arting for a long time now, but never with any real sense of drive or will to learn. I thought I wanted to do concept art for a living back in the mid-2000s and even did a four year Industrial Design degree to further that goal, but I didn't put in the hard yards and basically went into a slump from '10 to '13 where I didn't output more than two or three doodles a year. But now, finally, I think I'm getting back on the wagon.

Some older stuff:

My current project:


Critiques are absolutely welcome!


  • HalenHalen Registered User regular
    There's something about the depth on your characters - all your shading is quite light, so everything ends up looking quite flat.
    Draw an egg.
  • kraz007kraz007 Registered User regular
    They remind of some Mother Russia posters I bought in Moscow. They are similarly cut and there's almost no shading.
    Riftforge: a free online RPG with fantasy tactics!


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  • ruzkinruzkin Registered User regular
    Thanks for the feedback, Halen. I wiped the face entirely and started with some stronger values - are these punchier?


    The rest of the pic (I'll adjust the other values to match those on the face if people think I'm headed in the right direction)

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