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Exporting a day by day break down of Google Analytics data into excel

AmiguAmigu Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Help / Advice Forum
Hey guys I have a fairly technical question I've been struggling with today for my sites today.

So Google Analytics displays social media referals. It can chart them over time for you and you can export blocks of days (e.g. 05/04/2013-05/12/2013) into excel. However it will only give you the total data for that block of time, not a day by day break down.

The only way that I have found to get a day by day break down is to manually copy each day out. It appears that Google is purposefully blocking users from downloading a day by day spreadsheet?

I've searched for a work around but can't seem to find one. Has anyone else had to deal with this problem? I believe you can purchase programs that run a script for you but I'd prefer a free way of doing it...

Thanks in advance!
Amigu on


  • FiggyFiggy Registered User regular
    What is your end goal, here? Why do you want it in Excel?

    GA has an immense amount of customization options, and you can even set up a customized report to send to your e-mail every day if you want to. What are you looking to capture?
    daniant wrote:
    Alright, looks like I'm giving up golden showers for Lent.
    XBL : Figment3 · SteamID : Figment · Website : www.nathanswyers.com
  • AmiguAmigu Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    It's part of a larger report to track day by day referrals from social network sites. I actually put this question up n Quora too and got a really good response. The user sent me a pre-made template but she also broke down how she did it. If anyone is interested here it is:
    If the link doesn't work or you want to edit it/know how it was setup, this is a custom report as a flat table with two dimensions: Date and Social Network. I then added visits as the metric. Added a filter of social source referral exact yes and I think we are good to go. Not entirely sure that is what you were looking for but let me know :)
    Amigu on
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