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What to put in a room beside a couch?

Chop LogicChop Logic Registered User regular
So a friend just moved out of my apartment, taking the couch out of my room (I was borrowing it from him).

My room is pretty big, and I have a fairly large lofted space where my bed is. Basically, I'm thinking that there is something more interesting / chill I can put in this room than a couch. I have at least like 5 by 9 feet to work with, if not way more if I expand into the center of the room. I'm looking for like a pow wow vibe, people can sit in a circle, etc. I was originally thinking I would just put a giant mattress on the floor but I'm thinking that's going to look a little too crack den / not be very comfortable for guests.

Has anyone done anything successful in terms of setting up a chilling space with no couch? clue me in. I just don't like the way a couch makes everyone face in one direction, putting other people in uncomfortable chairs. I also just feel like if I spend the ~300 on a couch, I could do something way better with that amount of money.


  • BlazeFireBlazeFire Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    What about a hammock? It isn't going to get you the pow-wow vibe, but awesome for chilling out. Maybe a couple hammocks?
    BlazeFire on
  • ThunderSaidThunderSaid Registered User regular
    Bean-bag chairs seem like a pretty classic choice for what you're looking to do.

    You could also look at something in the chaise family. They're sort of chair/couch hybrids.

    If you're trying to avoid the crack den vibe, definitely don't go with a mattress on the floor. My brain automatically inserts the phrase "urine soaked" in front of the phrase "mattress on the floor," and I think a lot of people might have a similar reaction.
  • PantshandshakePantshandshake Registered User regular
    I don't always assume urine soaked, but I never assume anything good.

    I don't know if $300 was your spending limit or just something you were tossing out there, but maybe check out www.sumolounge.com.

    A friend of mine used a ton of throw pillows and such to make a lounging area, which also might work for you.
  • EggyToastEggyToast Registered User regular
    How about some small divans/pillows? If you're in the UK, think turkish divan instead of "bed." If you go more hookah lounge or middle-east living room style, it should be pretty chill while still allowing people to sit comfortably in a circle. Speaking as someone who finds it uncomfortable to sit on the floor due to my back, I appreciate having some pillows/support.

    The nice thing about going the Turkish/pillow route is that it's adaptable to the space and the number of people. The downside is it lacks the support and structure of a couch.
    || Flickr — || PSN: EggyToast
  • ratzofftoyaratzofftoya Registered User regular
    We should make a list of the top 10 most chill kinds of living room decorations.
  • SiskaSiska Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Huge ass bean bags (punny!)

    Comes in smaller and bigger sizes too, of course.
    Siska on
  • bsjezzbsjezz Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    if you have a corner space to work with, you could try some cinder-block style benches against the wall. you can use it as temporary shelf space and it looks neat when they're not being used

    we set up with some cheap, sturdy planks laid on top of upturned ikea wooden planting buckets. (the buckets could be righted and filled with ice for parties.) lay down some cushions in your own style and hey presto
    bsjezz on
  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    get a couple of thick area rugs and a low coffee table or two

    then everybody can just lounge on the floor
    hope? change? busproject.org
    my unofficial autobio will be accompanied with tips on how to smile
    cause I've found that when they don't see you frown, they never know that you're a threat
    and they don't sweat you when you came around
  • GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    I mean, there's a reason that the couch has worked its way into so many homes. It's a functional, versatile, and (sometimes) attractive piece of furniture.

    That said, it's not what you're looking for (and $300 isn't much to get one anyway). Definitely avoid the mattress on the floor. Not good. Beanbag chairs are a step up, but the issue with them is that you're not going to get a relaxed and cool vibe from them so much as a "too cheap to buy real furniture" vibe.

    A few chairs of assorted but complimentary types. Chaises or divans as mentioned above. A love seat and a couple of other chairs that you can drag 'round the table. Or maybe a couch.
  • MegaMan001MegaMan001 Registered User regular
    I cannot suggest the http://www.chillsac.com/home.html enough. I know the website is sketchy as hell, but I did some digging when I bought mine and I found out that it's actually owned by the same manufacturing group that makes Love Sac. So you're getting the same product (microsuede cover with shredded durafoam) for much, much less money.

    I got the $300 6 Foot Chill Sac and it's delivered as a ridiculously heavy vacuumed suctioned cube. You then get to break it out and throw it around so it expands.

    It is so goddamn comfortable. It fits you and your partner without issue. So nice.

    I was so mad I couldn't drag the damn thing from Minnesota to Boston, because I would have seriously traded all of my possessions for it.
    I am in the business of saving lives.

  • kaliyamakaliyama Registered User regular
    If you want general ideas I'd consult Dwell and Apartment Therapy.
  • CreaganCreagan Registered User regular
    I'm a fan of the "bent" couch, which allows people to face each other while still being a comfortable piece of furniture. Or, just get a bunch of really big pillows, plop them on a rug around a coffee table.
  • hsuhsu Registered User regular
    I have a CitySac from LoveSac, which is a competitor to ChillSac and basically a high end bean bag chair filled with memory foam, made of high end fabrics, like the type you'd find on real couches. While I love my CitySac, I would not recommend it for your situation. It takes up much more room than you'd expect.

    I'd go with a Japanese style tatami lounge. It's basically bamboo mats (tatami), low tables, and cushions for seating.
  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    A rug can really tie a room together, man.
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