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Buzz Cut for Thinning Hair

LastlineofdefenceLastlineofdefence Registered User new member
I am 26 and for the last 3-4 years have started going thin on top. My father was bald from about 30, although not as badly as mine if my memory serves me right to when he first started, thinning out and all of his brothers, my uncles are bald. I have always been conscious of my thinning hair but it seems to have become more noticeable over the last few months. It seems that at times of stress when busy in work etc the hair loss picks up. Having spent hours every week agonising in front of the bathroom mirror about my situation I am coming to the conclusion that I am best of buzzing what is remaining but am worried about the initial reaction it will receive. My baldness seems to be more at the front. Worried also that if I do buzz it, it will make it plainly obvious to people that I am going bald.
After every haircut I now get it seems to reveal more scalp and less hair, which is leading me to put of going to the barbers for as long as possible which doesn't look great. I would usually have kept my hair tidy, 3 blade on the back and short on top.
I am 6 ft 2 and would have considered myself to be quiet handsome, however my current hair style is causing a serious knock to my self confidence. It may almost seem that I am delaying the inevitable but think that it may be just for the best to be done with it. The fact also that I am quiet fair skinned, I wouldn't consider myself to be pale but I am definetely not sallow skinned, might make it look ridicoulous if I shave it all off.
I tried some products to prevent hair loss but found them all useless and just a drain on money. When I gave up on these I still had a respectable amount of hair on top but a year on my situation has worsened.
My girlfriend tells me not to worry about it that it's not that bad but sometimes I think she is saying only that to make me feel better. Subconciously I feel that it has become noticeable to everyone.
Tried to upload a pic of my head from top down to give a proper view of 'what's left'. I would like to go out with some dignity and prevent the use of a combover which is something I have done without meaning too. Looking face on to me I can pull off the art of deception but when I lower my head it can be quiet revealing. If I was to make a compaison to someone known who is thinning on top it could be Jude Law, maybe not to the extreme level as he went before getting a transplant but not a million miles off.


  • JebusUDJebusUD Registered User regular
    You might be panicking prematurely. I know some friends who's hair started to thin, so they cut it really short buzzy and that just made them look more balding. But if they had let it grow out a bit it looked totally full.

    The other thing is that since it is from the front, that is better. Using an example from The West Wing, since I have been watching that lately. Bradley Whitford (Josh Lyman in the show) definitely has a receding hairline, and Richard Schiff (Toby in the show) is basically bald more than halfway back, but still has a lot of hair in the back. Both look good with it that way. Buzzing it all down isn't always the answer.
  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    men's fashion has progressed to the point that nobody cares if you're bald/balding; the only time people are gonna look sideways at you about it is if you are really obviously and badly trying to hide it.

    I have an increasingly pronounced widow's peak and going to short haircuts was a great decision, both for appearance and ease of maintenance. You don't necessarily need to buzz it all the way down, either. Just ask your barber or stylist or whatever what sort of short haircut they think would look good on you.
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  • schussschuss Registered User regular
    Just make sure you get your hair cut by someone who knows how to cut thinning hair. This makes the difference in looking good, as there's plenty of ways to go bald gracefully.
  • FallingmanFallingman Registered User regular
    This happened to me, around 30.
    Here's my story (probably even a thread in H/A too!).

    So I started thinning, and was thinking I was getting away with it... Until I started seeing photos of myself, especially when looking down. One thing was always sure about is that I never wanted to be one of those dudes that tries (and always fail) to hide it. So one day, after discussing with my fiance, I gave some clippers to my sister at a family do, and said "go for it".

    It was surprisingly cathartic. This probably sounds silly, but it was great to take some control back over something that was happening *to* me.

    Luckily, my head was a good shape, and people started telling me I suited it. I thought it made me look a little agressive at first, but I came to really enjoy it. In fact, after a while, I realised that I really preferred it shorter as I liked the feel, and it make the hairline less obvious. So I went shorter. Then shorter still. Now, every 2-3 days, I shave my head in the shower with a razor.

    For me, it was the best thing to do. I think it was a way for me to go bald with dignity, and as I said - it was like taking the power back over my appearance.

    I say go for it.
  • GonzoGonzo Newcastle, UKRegistered User regular
    I went through the same thing, as with you most of my male relatives are bald/thinning. So last october I got my brother to take the clippers to it. It will be bizarre at first but everyone including yourself should get used to it within a week or 2
  • DjeetDjeet Registered User regular
    In my late 20's I decided I hate to look like I'm balding. I didn't want to take a medicine or topical treatment that I'd have to stick with for life or lose my hair, and I wasn't going to do surgery. I never really gave any thought to going to a stylist who would cut my hair in a more flattering way and if this is causing you so much grief I'd investigate that if you think shaving your head is too extreme.

    So I hate looking like I'm going bald, but turns out I don't mind being bald. Like even when only an 1/8" of fuzz comes back in I don't like the way it looks and will reshave. Weird eh?

    And like Fallingman I initially thought it made me look too intense/aggressive, but I think with no hair your eyes really stand out more as would your other facial features.
  • LastlineofdefenceLastlineofdefence Registered User new member
    Thanks for replies.......When I part my hair and comb the hair to either side where I am thinning the most it leaves a pretty large bald spot for all to see. The hair running up through the middle isn't overly thick either. I am more worried that if I do get the razor to it I will hate it and that it will be irreversable. Also the initial reaction I will get from people is a big deterrent.
  • Gigazombie CybermageGigazombie Cybermage Registered User regular
    Hrm... we'd have to see you if you really want our opinions. I went bald and started shaving my head, looked way better than the horseshoe look for me. A shaved head doesn't look good on everyone, however. Depends on the shape of your head and face, body type, etc.
  • PrimePrime Registered User regular
    Im half ape so cant relate to going bald but I have often radically changed my hair in the past (including buzzed all over). Normally you get an hour at work of people talking about it, maybe the odd poke in the ribs, then its never brought up again.
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  • DjeetDjeet Registered User regular
    Not sure why you think shaving your head would be an irreversible action. It's hair, it'll grow back. Problem with male pattern baldness is follicles stop working at a higher rate than if you do not have the condition. This is irrespective of if you shave your head or not. The only way to address that is via medication (propecia/minoxidil) or surgery (adding more follicles). I's not like shaving your head will worsen the issue and somehow cause you to grow less hair than if you didn't shave your head, it will just make it more apparent since all the hair is gone.

    You could wet down your hair entirely or use some kind of stocking cap to get an idea of your scalp/skull shape, but it wont look exactly the same as when you have everything off.
  • finalflight89finalflight89 Registered User regular
    I'm 23 and I take a razor to my head. There's no shame in it at all. Shaving works for me because of my nice round head, and the ladies seem like like its smoothness :)
  • TPSouTPSou Registered User regular
    I started losing my hair when I was 14 after a car accident (was run over and my head went through the windshield) I kept in denial for a good few years until a girlfriend at uni convinced me to just hsave it all off. Really glad I did, and now I just shave my head with some clippers myself. It is obvious I'm fairly much bald on top (I'm 27 now) but no-one seems to care.
  • NosfNosf Registered User regular
    My hair started to thin in my late twenties, early thirties. I have a pretty good solar panel going in the back that I only see when they show me a mirror at the barber. It's pretty much classic male pattern, thin on top thick and lustrous at the sides. I just get them to clipper the sides with a #2 and fade it to what's left on top. There's no kidding myself or anyone that the war is over, but then again, I'm married so I don't particularly give a shit either. The big thing is not to kid yourself, if its going away then get it trimmed and keep it neat. Letting it grow out just looks worse unless you have some personal stylist who is a goddamn magician. Short and trim is fine, or if you're dark haired and can manage it, grow a beard and shave the rest off. When people ask, just tell them it migrated south.

    As far as knocks to self confidence, Bruce Willis seems to have done better and better for himself after he cut off the pathetic bit of fuzz he had left during his moonlighting days. Samuel L Jackson actually looks worse with hair and well, check out Matthew McConaughey in that Dragon movie he did with Christian Bale. Hair or a lack of doesn't mean shit, to be honest. I mean, there's going to be women who prefer more to less and vice versa, but if a woman didn't want to date me owing to my lack of hair and was a real snot about it, unless she's Aphrodite herself come back to walk amongst the mortals, she can pretty much take a hike.

    Oh, and never comb over. Seriously. I knew a guy in my twenties who pushed his wedding up by a year or so, so they could get wedding pics with him having his hair. He must have spent a good bit of time each day artfully working that combover. I was standing at the top of some stairs one day and realized how totally bald he was. It meant two things; one - goddamn he was good at arranging what he had. Two - Get over it man, you're not the first or the last guy to lose his hair.

    Oh, and just so you know - you get to pay full pop for haircuts while the hairy goddamn hippie in the seat next to you with 2' long hair pays the same. I don't mind not having much, but there's no goddamn way I should pay as much to get it trimmed. Talk about insult to injury.
  • Natas_XnoybisNatas_Xnoybis Registered User regular
    out of sight out of mind. I started losing my hair when I was about 19/20... it was devastating to my self esteem in early college. The single best thing I ever did with my hair was buy a pair of clippers and just buzz it all off, then I used a razor (in the shower, no shaving cream fyi) and would shave it down.

    Was it wierd.. yeah it was very wierd at first, people got used to it, It was out of sight, and it became a non-issue for my confidence/dating etc. You can go the rogaine route and all that, but IMO trying to play cover-up is fairly obvious to others and makes you look a bit desperate.

    Andre Agassi, Bruce Willis, Patrick Stewart, all 3 guys who started going bald, said fuck it and shaved it off, all three look way better for it.

    NOTE: not everyone has a great skull, in some cases people have funky bumps and such and end up looking a bit odd with a shaved head. Fortunately I have a nice shaped skull, and quite frankly I look far better with a shaved head than i do with hair.

    ALSO: the older you get the less important it will feel. I know it is hard to believe it at your age, but trust me as you get older and the people you date get older it simply becomes less of an issue (especially if you just shave it off)
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  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    you don't need to worry about a bad haircut being irreversible really; if whatever you cut doesn't grow back it would've fallen out within a few months anyway.
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    my unofficial autobio will be accompanied with tips on how to smile
    cause I've found that when they don't see you frown, they never know that you're a threat
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  • November FifthNovember Fifth Registered User regular
    I went through this a couple of years ago, and went to a clipper cut.

    I really liked the result, and realized it was something I should have been doing for years.

    You don't have to have it all buzzed off at once. You could start with something like a 6 on the top and a 4 on the sides and see how you like it. The numbers are guard lengths for the clippers.

    Then go shorter from there if you want. 4-2 or 2 all over if you want it super short.
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