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Breaking Up [560 Words] - I hate this title...

MarkGoodhartMarkGoodhart Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in The Writer's Block
These fucks think they have got it all figured out. They think that once they get out of School that they are going to go on and make millions of dollars like Bill Gates or something. The truth is they don’t have the stones to step up and be great. The real truth is they are going to go onto middle management at Super K and end up working until they die with a kid who is just like them.

Take Brandon here. Brandon has been my bitch since the 6th grade when he moved to town with God’s “kick me” sign strapped to his back. And who am I to tell God no? Now here it is 7 years later and Brandon must be counting down the days until he gets to escape to Medicore University and the land of internet porn. But not so fast there Brandon, we have us time for just one more date.
I know his class schedule almost as well as I know mine by now. He has biology last period and I know just how to get there before he leaves. The issue with jerks like Brandon is they don’t act decisively. They get so caught up in their fear that they don’t just move when it is time to move. They try to act sneaky and act invisible but all it does is draw attention. In a sea of people all moving in the same direction, you notice the one going against the tide.

It is pretty easy to grab Brandon and shove him against the wall. He seems shocked by this which is weird since it happens so often. A shot to the stomach changes his expression pretty darn fast, let me tell you. I think he might throw up on me for a moment before I force him backward and pick him up on his tip toes.

“Hey fuck face,” I say with a grin. This shit always makes my day.

The fucker coughs at me, trying to catch his breath. Probably trying to come up with a witty retort he saw in a movie once. An elbow to the side of the face drops him to his ass before I have to listen to something he saw on Star Trek or some shit.

Fuck he’s crying. That is hysterical. Crying already and I am hardly warmed up. He’s sobbing as he curls into a ball and I just can’t help laughing.

That is until Fatty McWhore comes up screaming at me at the top of her lungs. Jesus, what makes these bitches think they can just scream at people for no reason? She is just wailing and wailing about how not to hurt him or some nonsense. I think that ship has sailed there tubby. She sort of swings at me with one of those limp lady punches and I just pie face her across the floor. She lands with all the grace and dignity of a whale on a beach. She looks up at me with so much fear I just eat it up with a spoon. Where has Brandon been keeping this one?
“What is this Brandon” I laugh, “you got a big old fuck bud…?”

Brandon lunges at me.

I fucking feel it.

I even hear it.

But I never see it.

I never saw the knife.
MarkGoodhart on


  • Big DookieBig Dookie Smells great! Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Hey, just commenting to say I read this. I don't have a lot to add in terms of critiques though. You did a great job capturing the voice and thought process of this bully who is also probably a bit of a sociopath. Reminded me a little of American Psycho, really getting inside this guy's head for a bit even if we don't like what we see. I'm debating the final line, whether or not it should be "I never saw the knife" or "I never see the knife". I think either ways works, but the latter keeps me in the immediacy of the story, while the former provides a bit more denouement. I'll leave it up to you.

    As for the title, I think it's okay and ties into the "last date" theme you set up. I'll have to ponder on it and see if I can come up with anything better. I'm usually terrible at titles.
    WiiU NNID: BigDookie
  • CynicusCynicus Registered User regular
    I like the tone, and the character voices are strong, but some of the prose doesn't really flow well for me. It seems like that whenever I expect a comma, it isn't there. I realize that's not very specific, sorry.
  • MarkGoodhartMarkGoodhart Registered User regular
    Dookie: I went with the past tense in the last sentence in order to have the shift be a bit jarring. The narrator has been the active participant up to that point, driving everything that is happening. At the end, it is something that is happening to him and he is no longer in control. I think past tense sort of gets that across.

    Cynicus: I appreciate any and all feedback. I sort of wanted the narrator to be a bit of a 'shark' in that he really isn't stopping to think at any one point. He is more of a predator than a fully-realized person so I made his narration a bit quicker than I would normally. Thanks for reading though, I appreciate the comments.
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