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Wolfenstein: The New Order | Dumb Alternate History Nazi Shit

TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu ___________PIGEON_________San Diego, CARegistered User regular

It's 1960, and BJ "Blowjob" Blasckieweiczs has been revived from cryogenic storage to take on the evil Nazi Empire, which triumphed in World War II. Blowjob, armed only with a shotgun in each hand (leaving him unable to reload either shotgun without putting one of them down) must take on Nazi cyborg robots crated in evil assembly lines because assembly lines are evil, while jamming to awesome Jimi Hendrix music years before Hendrix became a musician and years before Bob Dylan wrote the song in the first place.

Also the trailer worryingly implies that the Holocaust was "inevitable" but that any bad shit that happens to America is "unthinkable" which strikes me as a really fucked up message.

So who's looking forward to fighting Mecha Hitler?

Developer: MachineGames (formed by the founders of Starbreeze Studios)
Release: Winter 2013
Genre: FPS
Platform: PS3/X360/PC/next gen consoles
Publisher: Bethesda
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  • SteevLSteevL Registered User regular
    I actually enjoyed the last Wolfenstein. If they go in the same general direction as that one, it could be fun.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular

    I guess that's neat. Though seriously crazy, not that I'm complaining, I don't think it's possible to make Weird War 2 stuff lame. It's just something I really wouldn't expect a big studio to make.
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    Could be good. Wolfenstein games a typically fun shooters.

    They do seem to be playing it a bit too serious in that trailer, though.
    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Could be good. Wolfenstein games a typically fun shooters.

    They do seem to be playing it a bit too serious in that trailer, though.

    Playing it straight is what makes dumb stuff great for me.

    Like all the propaganda stuff in Dino D-Day or Alloy of Law's victorian/mage news sheets.

  • GrimthwackerGrimthwacker Rydia Swimsuit Edition Sunny Fort Myers, FLRegistered User regular
    See, I don't really see why this is necessary, and this coming from a huge fan of id's works through the Quake 3 era. Return to Castle Wolfenstein was pretty much as spot on a Wolf game as there could be, and Raven's '09 one was enjoyable, but I don't see any need for a Wolfenstein game that ditches the goofy ideas of Nazi SCIENCE and dabbling in the occult and takes itself far too seriously. Especially one that's being made by a new developer, previous pedigrees of its founders aside (and I liked Riddick and The Darkness).

    Seriously Zenimax, just let me know what's going on with Doom 4. Please tell me that John Carmack and co. are still working on, y'know, an actual game and not an engine they can showcase.
  • StragintStragint Registered User regular
    What was the last Wolfenstein that had weapon upgrades and all that? I remember getting the bayonet on the rifle and just one shotting everything in my path. It was such a fun game.
  • GrimthwackerGrimthwacker Rydia Swimsuit Edition Sunny Fort Myers, FLRegistered User regular
    That was the '09 one - it was actually a nice change of pace from the usual linear level-based ones. There's a Let's Play of the game that shows off how lengthy and deep it really was. The Veil powers were kinda gimmicky in my opinion, but it was a solid title all around.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu ___________PIGEON _________San Diego, CARegistered User regular
    Video preview but not of the game - just some dude talking about it. Single player only, giant robot dogs, an insane asylum, and so on. They say they've taken the story in a "brave new direction" because they never played Turning Point: Fall of Liberty or read any Harry Turtledove. One interesting thing is that they say there will be a good amount of "adventure" gaming in the sense that you'll have time to wander around in non-combat situations exploring the environment.
    youtubevi.png steamhg.png personalt.png lastfmx.png twitterre.png 65810446.jpg tumblrdr.png c8KNL.png xcom.jpg
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    Turning Point was a cool idea. But you know... Codemasters

    Sounds like the new Wolfenstein could be somewhat open-worldish. That could be fun.
    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • GaslightGaslight It's not your fault Video games are amazingRegistered User regular
    I own the '09 Wolfenstein on Steam and it looks like I would have a lot of fun with it (for reference, I like the broadly similar and similarly overlooked Singularity quite a bit), but I have never been able to make it run properly.

  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    That last Wolfenstien was that one where it start off with normal Nazis and then you're fighting zombies and voodoo doctors and stuff, right?

    Cause, yeah, give me more of that!

    Also, that TF-ish multiplayer mode for that one Wolfenstien was badass.
    Casually Hardcore on
  • Drunken BastardDrunken Bastard Registered User regular
    Iron Sky - The Game?

  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    Iron Sky - The Game?

    That would be awesome. The final battle would be the best!

    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • Drunken BastardDrunken Bastard Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Lets totally shoot off a 10th of the moon with our doomsday cannon :D
    Drunken Bastard on
  • Linespider5Linespider5 We Good? Registered User regular
    I like Wolfenstein a lot.

    But I think we can all agree it's called Castle Wolfenstein for a damn good reason.

    Give me mountains and big German castles and rickety nazi laboratories of mad science. Maybe secret occult wars or 'lost missions' that were never official during the madness of WW2. I place Wolfenstein squarely in the middle of a line that runs from Indiana Jones to Hellboy and back and care not for this alternate future history drivel. Maybe somewhere else, but not here.
  • KlashKlash Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Gaslight wrote: »
    I own the '09 Wolfenstein on Steam and it looks like I would have a lot of fun with it (for reference, I like the broadly similar and similarly overlooked Singularity quite a bit), but I have never been able to make it run properly.

    You would like Wolfenstein '09. Both are from Raven, and are stocked with super powers and cool guns.
    That last Wolfenstien was that one where it start off with normal Nazis and then you're fighting zombies and voodoo doctors and stuff, right?

    Cause, yeah, give me more of that!

    Also, that TF-ish multiplayer mode for that one Wolfenstien was badass.

    Zombies? Sounds like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which was the second to last one, with the big Nazi plan being summoning an ancient German warlord and whatnot. Last one was about alternate dimensions and super powers.

    I've loved every Wolfenstein, but I don't know if I'll love this one. I love the idea of it, but I hate Starbreeze, I've played Riddick and Syndicate and found both had weak-feeling shooting and terrible story/interaction. So I have no hope for the notion of former-Starbreeze injecting themselves into this, leaving me with a cool setting, weak-shooting and terrible story/interaction (which seems to be more of their focus than the bang-bang BOOM parts, anyways). I have The Darkness sitting on my shelf, maybe it will convince me they're a capable studio.

    Klash on
    We don't even care... whether we care or not...
  • GaslightGaslight It's not your fault Video games are amazingRegistered User regular
    Klash wrote: »
    Gaslight wrote: »
    I own the '09 Wolfenstein on Steam and it looks like I would have a lot of fun with it (for reference, I like the broadly similar and similarly overlooked Singularity quite a bit), but I have never been able to make it run properly.

    You would like Wolfenstein '09. Both are from Raven, and are stocked with super powers and cool guns.

    I got it during a Steam sale, probably last summer? And if I remember right, I think it would fuck up during install because of something do with Punkbuster? Maybe not, maybe I'm on crack. I'll have to try installing it again and see.
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    Klash wrote: »
    I have The Darkness sitting on my shelf, maybe it will convince me they're a capable studio.

    Duuuuude! Play The Darkness. It's very good, and The Darkness II is fucking excellent.

    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • KlashKlash Registered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    I got it during a Steam sale, probably last summer? And if I remember right, I think it would fuck up during install because of something do with Punkbuster? Maybe not, maybe I'm on crack. I'll have to try installing it again and see.

    I have it on disc, which hasn't given me any trouble. If it's Punkbuster, I think you can install the game and say no to PB?
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Klash wrote: »
    I have The Darkness sitting on my shelf, maybe it will convince me they're a capable studio.
    Duuuuude! Play The Darkness. It's very good, and The Darkness II is fucking excellent.

    Darkness II is a FANTASTIC game, but it's by a different studios who (based on what I've seen of The Darkness) streamlined and fixed the wonky mechanics of the first game. Darkness is definitely high on my to-play list.

    I am, for some bizarre reason, really excited about the setting of this new Wolfenstein, though. Something about fighting mecha-Nazis while a Hendrix-based soundtrack roars just feels ridiculously fitting for Wolfenstein. The whole thing sounds like a really bad idea, but it's the perfect B-grade kind of bad idea that Wolfenstein thrives on. Just find a way to slip in some magic and we're set. Maybe give BJ the Six Million Dollar Man treatment to explain some cool gimmicks? Retro-future-cyborg BJ!
    We don't even care... whether we care or not...
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    Oh, you played Darkness II before the first one? That kinda ruins the first one for you a little bit =/

    Anyway, Wolfenstein: New Order looks like it could be fun. But it feels to me like they're making a game similar in tone to FC3: Blood Dragon, only they're playing it way too seriously.
    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
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