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Share Your Gaming Gift Stories!

Professor SnugglesworthProfessor Snugglesworth Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Games and Technology
I felt like making a thread to coincide with my birthday this year, and decided to come up with the following topic. Not the most original discussion, but it's one I haven't seen in a long while, so I figured why not.

Post your favorite memories involving receiving a game or game-related item as a gift. It could be for your birthday, Christmas, graduation, anniversary, whatever. You can also share gaming-related events, like a Super Smash Bros party during Christmas or chilling at the Arcades on a friend's birthday.

Most of the most anticipated games were gifted to me on Christmas, but I've had a few great memories during my birthday as well. The one I recall most fondly, however, was spending a Saturday with my godfather (technically a week earlier, but it was considered an early present).

I already made it clear what I wanted him to get me, but before that he really wanted to spend the whole afternoon with me. We first went to a batting cage and swung at the ball machine for about an hour, then we had lunch at an ale house. After that, we finally hit the Toys R' Us, where I frantically scoured the rows of SNES games before finding a ticket stub for Final Fantasy III on the SNES (as it was called at the time).

I had a high degree of expectation for the game based on the preview images from Nintendo Power and EGM, but more than anything I was thrilled at the notion of trying a new genre of game. The only experience I had with an RPG prior to FFVI/III was briefly playing the first Final Fantasy on a friend's copy. Clearly too young at the time to grasp the mechanics, I quit after about 10 minutes, yet something about the visual aesthetic and gameplay stuck with me since then (including the battle theme, which for some reason I could never get out of my head). Years later I was willing to give it another shot, though in this case I was sold by the magazines' insistence that the game was like experiencing a movie in videogame form.

I feel it's important to emphasize that I already had some high expectations for the game, because even then I was not prepared for the following intro sequence:


I think the last time my mouth literally hung open in disbelief was when I played Super Mario Bros 3.

Yeah, it was a good birthday.
Professor Snugglesworth on


  • Lindsey LohanLindsey Lohan Registered User regular
    Don't know if this thread will last since it seemed to sink initially, but can I share a Christmas Story? I don't really have many gaming birthday tales that I remember...

    What I can recall is Christmas of one of the years the Genesis and SNES were going head to head. The Sonic bundle had just come out. I knew I wanted one of the two new consoles, and couldn't resist finding out which one my mother had bought. So...I snuck into her closet and looked in the black trash bag tucked in the back and spotted the Genesis Sonic 1 pack in all its glory, along with Might and Magic and ESwat - my two top wanted games for the system.

    Repeatedly leading up to the holiday I would sneak into her room (my dad was in the service at the time, and she worked multiple jobs) whenever she wasn't home and just stare into the bag, or read the back of the system/game boxes. I couldn't wait for Christmas to roll around.

    I did my best "Wow! A Genesis!" routine and then found that my Genesis didn't work and I had to wait for a replacement to be shipped. I'm pretty sure that was Karma for all the peeking I did.
  • Professor SnugglesworthProfessor Snugglesworth Registered User regular
    Maybe I'll get more replies if I call it a "Gift Thread". I figured most of us had gotten videogames for our birthdays when we were younger, so I thought making it birthday-specific would suffice.

    Honestly, I'm just in the mood for nostalgic stories, so let's now call this a "Gaming Gift Memories" thread. Any occasion is acceptable now, birthdays, Christmas, graduation, etc.
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