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Freebased too many OSes. Partitions are fucked.

Giggles_FunsworthGiggles_Funsworth ParanoiacBay Area SprawlRegistered User regular
Late 2010 13" Macbook Pro.

Was running OS X Lion and Windows 7.

Then I replaced 7 with Ubuntu Server for reasons. This went aight. Everything was working okay.

Then I reinstalled 7 over Ubuntu because it didn't work out for what I wanted. After it came back up from the install Lion was gone.

OS X Disk Utility cannot Verify or Repair the partition OS X is supposed to be on. I tried tricking it into recreating the Boot Table by dragging the Partition slider to activate the Apply button, then dragging it back to where it was before applying changes. It almost worked but it said no dice because the file system's fucked.

Went to redo the install using the Archive and Install option but Lion can't even see the partition.

Imma smack this bitch around with Gpart after I sleep on the matter but if that fails anybody have experience doing file recovery off OS X, or further suggestions?


  • RBachRBach Registered User regular
    I take it you don't have backups. Tsk tsk. :) You might look at Disk Warrior, but it's kinda pricey.
  • Giggles_FunsworthGiggles_Funsworth Paranoiac Bay Area SprawlRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I got complacent. I had screwed around with this, and other systems so many times and nothing went wrong, and I don't think there's anything important on the OS X partition.

    I don't think. :?

    I can't believe I managed to come through the installation of Ubuntu Server unscathed with all it's manual options and the reinstall of Windows 7 is what fucked it up.

    Finally looking at it again now. Gparted sees the HFS+ OS X partition, the HFS+ recovery partition, a fat32 partition for EFI, the Linux swap partion, and some unallocated space.

    And a giant EXT4 partition. How the fuck is Windows able to boot. Where's my NTFS?!!

    Thanks for the suggestion of Disk Warrior but if I can't remember anything important being on the partition then there's probably nothing $100 important. Probably.
    Giggles_Funsworth on
  • Giggles_FunsworthGiggles_Funsworth Paranoiac Bay Area SprawlRegistered User regular
    Trying to search for file structures on the OS X partition in GParted locks up PartedMagic. 8->

    I ended up with PartedMagic via UBCD because Knoppix kernel panicked with an error that looked like it was related to the HDD every time I tried to boot the LiveCD.
  • Giggles_FunsworthGiggles_Funsworth Paranoiac Bay Area SprawlRegistered User regular
    Nuked it from orbit, only way to be sure.
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