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[PATV] Thursday, May 9, 2013 - Gabe Art Season 2, Ep. 2: Divisive (Realtime)

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited May 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Thursday, May 9, 2013 - Gabe Art Season 2, Ep. 2: Divisive (Realtime)

The comic created can be found here.

Read the full story here

Dog on


  • escorialescorial Registered User regular
    I absolutely love these vids. Watching Gabe draw the strips is not only soothing, but for a comic artist like me a great inspiration and a continuous learning experience. I hope you guys do this more often... like one per day :)

    Love in general PA TV, keep'em coming!!!

  • wn.mikewn.mike archi PTRegistered User regular
    I could not be happier with Penny Arcade and PATV content in both quantity and quality, theres strips with comments, reality show, art videos, soon podcasts, a convention I haven't got the pleasure to attend (but stream was amazing)...Checkpoint, Blaminations, extra credits, so much stuff!

    Regarding this video, I now feel like trying this Manga Studio, even that my skills are poor and software won't make miracles hehe.
  • escorialescorial Registered User regular
    By the way, just as a suggestion, it would be cool to switch between this camera and a direct view if the desktop, as you are doing on StripSearch. I mean, I love seeing Gabe tattooed arm :) but the I think could be cool to see the development of the drawing more direct.
  • wn.mikewn.mike archi PTRegistered User regular
    I have a feeling that when he was inking the first hand he was thinking "god damn you Kurtz!"
  • escorialescorial Registered User regular
    Wn.mike, I am thinking as well about Manga Studio 5. I used to dislike the fact that the brush was alias, and although it may be good for coloring and avoiding white space between color and ink, I just could not look at it. Now, with the new version, you have the option to anti alias the brush. So I guess I will be dumping Photoshop :)
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