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Buying digital (movies / music) in Canada

FredZ89FredZ89 Registered User regular
Hello !

I recently decided to "stop" downloading illegally movies, tv series and music. I won't get into much details as to why I was downloading illegally and why I want to stop doing it, I just feel like being legal about all of this.

Here's my problem, I saw that in the U.S. they seem to have great digital stores (Amazon Prime i.e.). Here in Canada, I was looking at the iTunes Store to see how a HD movie could cost if I wanted to buy it instead of renting it... 24,99$ ! Isn't it a bit expensive, especially because it seems I could get the same movies for either the same price or even less if I bought a physical copy.

Any canadians have some sources for me? I live in Quebec and my wife and I speak french so preferably some stores where you can buy in either english or french would be great.

The only thing I found was CinemaNow which looks kinda good for TV Series (2.49$ per episode isn't too bad I guess).

Thanks !
Currently Playing: Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS), Zelda: Link's Awakening (3DS)
3DS Friend Code: 1435-3951-4785 / PSN: Fred_Z89 / Steam: Velkair


  • Gilbert0Gilbert0 Registered User regular
    Netflix Canada has a smaller selection than the US but works well. CinemaNow is also ok. It's parent company is Best Buy so it's also a larger player in the field. Like you found out, there's no Amazon Prime or Hulu.

    For TV, you'd be surprised how much is actually available through websites. It's typically delayed 24-48 hours or more but if you miss an episode here or there, you can catch-up with streaming, FOR FREE. Check out GlobalTV, CTV and CBC depending on what kind of shows you like. That will give you the "big 4" networks shows. Stuff like AMC or HBO shows aren't available.
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