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[Buffy/Angel Roleplaying Game] Save the Last Slayer



  • LockedOnTargetLockedOnTarget Registered User regular
    Jenna slinks down in her seat. Talking about her old school didn't sound fun. It didn't sound fun at all. She squeaks out a response.

  • FencingsaxFencingsax Registered User regular
    I suppose it's my duty to find out more about the hit and run. Is my contacts score the parentheses, or adding both numbers together?

    Because 9% think it's too high, and shouldn't be cut! 9% of respondents could not fully
    get their arms around the question. There should be another box you can check for, "I
    have utterly no idea what you're talking about. Please, God, don't ask for my input."
  • Ken OKen O Registered User regular
    Halfway through math class Rand stumbles into the class room carrying a half empty bottle of Mountain Dew Live Wire. He brushes the long hair out of his face as he looks around. When Mr. Lendon looks over to him Rand quickly says, "My ride was late." He doesn't wait for any response, instead he walks to the first available desk and slides into it.
    Comics, Games, Booze
  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Registered User regular
    Howard gets to the French classroom a few minutes early, evidently not a terribly common practice here judging by the half-empty classroom. The teacher, a slight young blond woman, is unpacking textbooks, and suddenly groans.

    "Ugh, these are math books. Any big strong guys want to take a few textbooks over to Mr. Lendon?" Several hands raise, including Howard's. "And yes, you do have to come back. I'll check." Howard's is now the only hand up.

    He looks around, and comes to the front of the room, where she loads him up with four textbooks.

    "Think you can handle that?" she asks, eying him with a little concern.

    Howard shrugs. "Seems fine."

    "All right then." She opens the next box, and sees three more.

    "Man, who packed these things?" she mutters to herself.

    "Are there more, Ms. . . . " Howard trails off, not knowing her name.

    "Ms. Green. And yes, three more. Anyone want to go with this young man?" she asks the class, somewhat more full now, but no hands go up.

    "I can take three more, Ms. Green. It's okay," Howard assures her.

    "You sure you're not trying to impress anyone on your first day?" she counters, smirking.

    He shrugs again. "If I staggered into Mr. Lendon's room and practically collapsed, I don't think that would be very impressive. Three more of these won't be a problem."

    "Well, okay," she agrees reluctantly, and hefts the other three into his arms.

    "Oof! Boy, I don't know how you can do that. Comes of being a teenage boy who eats his Wheaties, I suppose," she laughs. "Left out of here, another left, then Room 191, on your right."

    Howard carries the books to Mr. Lendon's room, and walks in carrying seven thick textbooks, not appearing to have any difficulty with them.

    "Where should I put these?" he asks, approaching Mr. Lendon in the middle of his conversation with Jenna.
  • LockedOnTargetLockedOnTarget Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Jenna's face lights up as she sees Howard walk back in. Look at all those books. Not just cute, but strong. Hunky!

    She smiles and waves at him.
    LockedOnTarget on
  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Registered User regular
    Howard blushes slightly at Jenna's smile. He's very much not used to feeling like this; nobody's ever made him blush before, and certainly not with just a smile. He moves his right hand to wave for a moment before remembering that carrying the books should be hard enough -- he shouldn't, as a human, be able to carry and balance all seven with one arm, and wave with the other. He tilts his left hand slightly as if to correct for a shift in the pile, then hurriedly moves his right hand back to steady it. Gotta be more careful. For all I know, someone in here is a demon hunter, and they tend not to listen to "No, really, I'm good!".
  • Ken OKen O Registered User regular
    Howard entering the room wakes Rand briefly. He sneers at the interruption and goes back to sleep.
    Comics, Games, Booze
  • FencingsaxFencingsax Registered User regular
    Gisborn glances up from his rumor-mongering, and sees that same blond guy coming in to impress the Glammed up girl. He rolls his eyes and returns to texting certain people he knows.

    Because 9% think it's too high, and shouldn't be cut! 9% of respondents could not fully
    get their arms around the question. There should be another box you can check for, "I
    have utterly no idea what you're talking about. Please, God, don't ask for my input."
  • scherbchenscherbchen Registered User regular
    may I say that I enjoy reading this a lot? fuck, I just did. go Scoobies!
  • LockedOnTargetLockedOnTarget Registered User regular
    I'm determined to be the worst Slayer.
  • CapfalconCapfalcon Do you desire the POWER? Giant Mecha SuitRegistered User regular
    If you're not posting IC, please put it in spoilers, please?
  • FencingsaxFencingsax Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    By the way, I'm not really looking for anything in particular at the moment, just the article on the dead student, I guess. Of course, I'm reading the comments. I am a professional, after all. Don't try this at home.
    Fencingsax on

    Because 9% think it's too high, and shouldn't be cut! 9% of respondents could not fully
    get their arms around the question. There should be another box you can check for, "I
    have utterly no idea what you're talking about. Please, God, don't ask for my input."
  • CapfalconCapfalcon Do you desire the POWER? Giant Mecha SuitRegistered User regular
    Mr. Lendon doesn't look up, and gestures for the text books to be put on one of the side tables. "Make sure you pick up a book before you leave," he announces absentmindedly. Gaze unwavering from Jenna, he lowers his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, "Did anything... strange... happen during any of those incidents? You didn't actually burn anything down, right? I promise you can tell me, even if you think it sounds weird."

    The athlete from before is in here, however. He helps unpack some of the boxes, and says to Howard, "Ok, I'm not accepting 'No' for an answer. Those arms were made for shooting ball, and we're going to need some new starters. What's your name, anyway? Mine's Dwayne."
    Contacts is more of a passive thing that you don't roll. You ask some of your friends to look into it, and they'll keep an eye out for you. They should have an answer by the time school is done.
  • LockedOnTargetLockedOnTarget Registered User regular
    Jenna's eyes nervously dart around the room.

    "I didn't do anything, I swear! There were just lots of crazy people around! I-I think they might have been carnies!"
  • CapfalconCapfalcon Do you desire the POWER? Giant Mecha SuitRegistered User regular
    His face falls a little, but he continues, "Carnies. Oh... well then. Forget I said anything. You probably won't see them around here, I suppose." Confused, he moves back to the front of the room and looks over one of the textbooks with a slightly disdainful look.
  • LockedOnTargetLockedOnTarget Registered User regular
    Jenna sighs, relieved the strange man wasn't asking her anymore questions.

    She didn't want to think about that. In the past. Behind her. Time to focus on new things. Important things. Like the nice biceps on Captain America-looking dudes.
  • chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Registered User regular

    I'm picturing Jenna as a Scary-Go-Round character now. To clarify, I don't mean Fallon Young, or Dark Esther, or Amy (Amy would be the terror of the underworld, to be blunt.)

    More... Shelly.

    Seriously, the carnies line felt straight out of a John Allison comic.
  • Ken OKen O Registered User regular
    I'm probably over thinking this...but should we make up our class schedules?
    Comics, Games, Booze
  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Registered User regular
    "I'm Howard," sticking his hand out to answer the handshake, "and sure, I'll talk to my parents about it. Can't promise anything," Howard grins sheepishly. He heads back to the French class, where Ms. Green is in the middle of conjugating the verb etre.
  • FencingsaxFencingsax Registered User regular
    Gisborn looks up from his phone. From the way she acted... and the mention of fires... hmm. Could she be a witch, and not in control of her powers? If so, the clan would need to know. We could help train her. He would have to make sure it was no more than that, though. He'd been hearing rumors of his clan being rather... forceful with recruitment, and he would not stand for it. He decides to look into it, but there wasn't anything to tell the clan. Yet.

    Because 9% think it's too high, and shouldn't be cut! 9% of respondents could not fully
    get their arms around the question. There should be another box you can check for, "I
    have utterly no idea what you're talking about. Please, God, don't ask for my input."
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