Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

Blaster X HD by 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games). Over 400 Levels, 100% Independent!

TubeTube Administrator, ClubPA, SolidSaints Tube admin
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8 (On Sale at 99cents)

Hi Everyone,

I am new to Penny-Arcade as a member, but have visited this site quite often. I wanted to let you know that we just released our first game, Blaster X HD to the AppStore. This is our first title at 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games) and we are 100% Independent - no publisher, no funding, just the two of us all on our own.

This is a very exciting time for us, as we have spent quite a long time in development, so it feels good to be at this point. Blaster X HD is currently available at 99cents as our way of saying “Thank You” to our early supporters. Please take a look at our game and let us know what you think. If you play our game, please rate it and tell your friends, it really goes a long way by helping us out, as we are finding visibility to be tough. Any Support would be greatly appreciated. (Promo-codes below)

A few specifics about Blaster X HD:
1.) Over 400 Levels of Mental Addiction.
2.) 9 Diverse Worlds, with over 200+ Unique Layouts.
3.) Fluid Control System for more Innovative Gameplay/Mechanics.
4.) High Resolution HD Graphics
5.) Created for all generations of iPad and iPad Mini.
6.) 100% Independent - no publisher, no funding, just all on our own.

Gameplay Elements: (Taken from our AppStore description)
Launch your Blaster by pulling your finger back and let it fly! Manipulate and guide your Blaster, as you blast your way through the Orbs to clear each level! Absorb the Orbs’ energy, as that is the power source for your Blaster - so grab them all!
(Non-violent gameplay, suitable for all ages.)

Blaster X HD (AppStore Link): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8

Blaster X HD Images:

Blaster X HD Trailer (Teaser Trailer at the time):

Blaster X HD: The Worlds (Gameplay Footage - Montage)

Please join us at https://www.facebook.com/2GMGames and https://twitter.com/2GMGames


Thank You for Your Support!
Blaster X HD: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8
If you'd like an anime thread, please PM me to discuss it. Include pics/video of your favorites.


  • ANTVGM64ANTVGM64 Bahhhstahn MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    just as I run out of acid, I find this game. Figures. Looks incredible though!

    Edit - I tried redeeming the last code on my iPhone 3gS and it said "Try redeeming on desktop" so I don't know if that ate up the code or not?
    ANTVGM64 on
    GT: NotMeekin
    Tweeter: @MeekinOnMovies
    FB: Facebook.com/MeekinOnMovies
  • 2GMGRudy2GMGRudy Co-Founder 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games) Registered User regular
    Hi ANTVGM64,
    Thank you for the nice comments about our game. Currently, Blaster X HD is for all generations of iPad and iPad Mini, so I am thinking that may be why you recieved that message when you tried it on the iPhone. We definitely appreciate you checking it out though :)


    Blaster X HD https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8
    Blaster X HD: href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8"
    Co-Founder of 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games)
  • 2GMGRudy2GMGRudy Co-Founder 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games) Registered User regular
    Hi ANTVGM64,
    Thank you for the nice comments about our game. Currently, Blaster X HD is for all generations of iPad and iPad Mini, so I am thinking that may be why you recieved that message when you tried it on the iPhone. We definitely appreciate you checking it out though :)


    Blaster X HD https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8
    Blaster X HD: href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8"
    Co-Founder of 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games)
  • ANTVGM64ANTVGM64 Bahhhstahn MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    I had a chance to play this last night. This is great! Also I wanna give you dudes kudos for letting this thing work pretty well on a 1st gen iPad, as a guy who's a bit behind the times, I'm getting a little envious and jealous of all the dudes with newer ones, so it's neat to see a quality, colorful game that still runs on the platform.
    GT: NotMeekin
    Tweeter: @MeekinOnMovies
    FB: Facebook.com/MeekinOnMovies
  • 2GMGRudy2GMGRudy Co-Founder 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games) Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hi ANTVGM64,

    Awesome! Thanks a lot too, and we are glad that you like the game. We have quite a few friends who are still on the iPad 1 as well, so we wanted to make sure that everyone can play it and not be left out - that was important too us. So, we refined as much as we could to make sure it was as smooth as possible on all generations while also looking and playing great. If you used a promo-code and enjoy the game, if you could please be so kind to tell your friends about Blaster X HD, that would be much appreciated. We are findly visibility to be quite tough. We did just recently get a "nod" from Kotaku and they liked it too. So that was really up-lifting.

    Blaster X HD https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8
    Kotaku "nod" http://kotaku.com/your-weekend-is-going-to-be-horrible-bring-some-gaming-500507250
    2GMGRudy on
    Blaster X HD: href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8"
    Co-Founder of 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games)
  • FamousAspectFamousAspect Indie Game Developer San FranciscoRegistered User regular
    I snagged code #2. I'm downloading now and will let you know what I think later today.
  • FamousAspectFamousAspect Indie Game Developer San FranciscoRegistered User regular
    I played for a few minutes and have some constructive criticism for you:
    * You should put a replay button on the main game HUD. I often want to restart immediately after making my first shot and it's annoying to have to pause then restart.
    * Your screenshots show some beautiful backgrounds and levels, but the first section of the game places me in an extremely boring "portal chamber" type setting. Lead strong and start off in a move impressive environment.
    * I think the level ending screen could benefit from more audio/visual feedback. Take a look at how much Angry Birds does to make you feel cool when you've completed the level.
    * Moving the blaster and rubber banding have two different input schemes. To move the blaster, I pull back and apply a force to the blaster. To rubber band I pull it forward. This leads to some input confusion when the blaster is nearing the end of its movement. I would suggest unifying the control scheme.

    I hope this input helps. Best of luck with your game and thanks for the code!
  • 2GMGRudy2GMGRudy Co-Founder 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games) Registered User regular
    Hi FamousAspect,

    Thanks for the input, we are always looking for feedback to make improvements. Let me try to answer a couple of things for you real quick.

    1.) We tried the keep the main gameplay HUD as clean as possible, giving the player the most playable space. Since we allow the player to start pretty much anywhere on the playable game screen, that leaves for possible UI buttons to be pressed by accident during gameplay. We hear you though, so we will keep that in mind and see what we can do.
    2.) Thank you for liking our visuals, there we a lot of them to do :) . The first World is Basics, which is the tutorial World and is pretty easy gameplay and visual wise to no deter the player. In this World though, you don't have to play that many levels as District Unlocks pretty fast, so people don't get bored too much with World Basics.
    3.) Great feedback on the ending screen, we will add that to our list as well and try to take care of that as soon as we can.
    4.) Correct, the Initial Blast takes place by pulling your finger back and releasing - a Direct Fling...this mechanic only takes place at the very start and if you put your finger directly on the Blaster during gameplay. The rubber-band effect can also be used to guide the Blaster and to whip it, curve it, and do tail-grabs. We tried to come up with something that gives the player the utmost control, and we are refining it as much as possible. In the Gameplay Montage video, when it gets to World Horizon, you will notice a Tail-grab being preformed to save the Blaster from existing the playing area.

    Thank you for the awesome feedback, it is much appreciated! I hope you enjoy our game as it really starts to pick-up when more Worlds become unlocked. i.e. World Sky has gravitational forces that can divert and manipulate your Blaster. Thanks again for taking the time to play the game and give us feedback, it definitely helps us out. :)

    Thank You,
    Blaster X HD: href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8"
    Co-Founder of 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games)
  • 2GMGRudy2GMGRudy Co-Founder 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games) Registered User regular
    Hi Everyone,

    We just posted some Gameplay footage of Worlds Horizon and District. We have some more videos coming and some good news to post very soon. Thanks to everyone who have helped us out; visibility is starting to pickup :) Please check out the video and let us know what you think.

    Blaster X HD Gameplay - Horizon and District

    Blaster X HD https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8

    Thank You,
    Blaster X HD: href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-x-hd/id615851024?mt=8"
    Co-Founder of 2GMG (2 Guys Making Games)
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