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Your experience with wireless headphones

MagicToasterMagicToaster Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Help / Advice Forum
I'm looking for headphones for the office. Large headphones that tell everyone in the shared space "i need to concentrate, please don't talk to me". Because I often need to move around my looooong desk, I'm considering wireless headphones.

I saw these at amazon and thought they are not bad. However, I'm not knowledgable about headphones, much less, wireless ones.

Are there particular things I should be looking for? I have a budget of around $100. It could be more, if I find something worthwhile.

How do you hook up wireless headphones to the computer? Do you have to install drivers or is it via bluetooth?
MagicToaster on


  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I've just usually bought whatever the latest Logitech wireless headphones are. They're usually around $100 and last for 1-3 years, but will randomly die at some point. I've owned several brands of wireless headphones, and I can't say that one is more reliable than the others. They seem to have slightly less longevity than wired headphones, though. Note: I am ROUGH on headphones.

    Mine have usually been a headphone/mic combo, for raiding. Sometimes if we did an unspecified AFK, I'd wander around my apartment with the wireless headphones on, listening for when people started coming back, that sort of thing.

    All of the wireless headphones I've used have used a USB dongle to connect to the computer. You plug a little USB signal booster directly into your computer, and the headphones synch with that. It's painless, and usually does not require much in the way of drivers, though sometimes it does. I've never had problems getting the drivers installed, though.
    Cultural Geek Girl on
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  • BurtletoyBurtletoy Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Sennheiser makes very good headphones, so I will assume those are pretty good.

    But they are open headphones, which would probably be pretty bad for an office environment.

    Looking at the sennheiser website, the RS 170 looks to be the only closed wireless ones, and they come in at $200

    In the bluetooth section, they also have the MM 100 which hits your $100 price point.

    Edit: The RS 160 is also closed and is $150

    Edit2: Outside of Sennheiser, the only Denon Wireless phones are $250, same with the Klipsch, but Audio Technica seems to have some cheaper ones, and that is still a good company so you should be able to trust them. the ATH-ANC series is what you will want to look at.
    Burtletoy on
  • ElinElin Registered User regular
    I use these bad boys:


    I like them, they pair quickly and have a nice long battery life. I don't know if they fit your "very big" requirement though. They do stay on when moving though, I use them when walking the dogs or running on the treadmill and the husband uses them when he cleans the house.
  • romanqwertyromanqwerty Registered User regular
    I have the Sennheiser RS 160s that I use in the office and they're pretty damn good. Good sound quality, decent range (~10-15m) but some thick walls will block them. Real easy to plug in (its analog into the transmitter so no drivers). Real comfortable too.
  • MagicToasterMagicToaster Registered User regular
    The RS 160s looks like a rockin' deal!
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