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Post College Graduate (Another Job Search Thread)

Don_JulioDon_Julio Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Help / Advice Forum
Lots of Reading! Broken into Two Categories, well maybe three...
I graduated college last week with a Bachelors in History, minor in Political Science, and a Commission in the United States Army as a future Signal Corp Officer. (Yes, I know. Another liberal arts major.) Originally I had orders to leave in August to go on Active Duty, but I had my orders delayed (to no fault of mine) and I am now set to leave in March 2014. This is a problem. While I am now guaranteed a job eventually, I want to stay active. While I am financially okay now due to good investments I want to make money and stay busy now to avoid dipping into the savings a little too much. In the mean time I had to move back home with Mom and Dad, to my dismay, and began looking around. ONLY... that is the problem. What do I look for exactly?

Originally I was going to become a teacher, but I failed to pass the Math section of a basic skill's test forcing me to drop the education major. The only concrete idea I have thought of is becoming a substitute teacher, but I'm waiting for my transcripts to be sent so I can apply at the regional education office. So in the mean time I'm currently looking at other options. I thought about going back into life guarding, but friends/family are telling me to look for something more meaningful. I am also emailing various college's ROTC Programs trying to do the Gold Bar Recruiter Program, where I get put on Active Duty Orders 120 days earlier and start making 2LT Pay, however, this avenue is looking rather dry because many of the Illinois schools only have National Guard Slots available and/or will not know till the next fiscal year (October) in regards to whether they'll have the money to support such a position.

The "Poor Man's Resume"
Before you say, "So you're a college grad with extracurriculars that include binge drinking and excessive partying". WRONG! I actually kept busy in college and did a lot of programs to help pad a resume to help me get that first job in case of a scenario such as this. Here is a small, poor man's resume list of things I've done before and during college. (I want to keep it vague to remain anonymous)

Student Government

For our campus's version of the "House of Reps" I was the Secretary for one student body in 2008-2009. 1.5 Years Later I became the Vice President and later President of a Sister Organization for 2010-2011 (I became President after my President/good friend was caught being corrupt and I had to impeach him)

I was an elected committee member for two councils on campus; one related towards the Dining Facilities as a student representative and a Renovation Council when the school was undergoing heavy construction

I unsuccessfully ran for for election (and ran the election campaign) for Student Government President on my campus (Though I'm not sure if this warrants mentioning)

Job Experience

I worked at the local Campus Recreation Center for five months as a Life Guard. Unfortunately I had to quit because of time management issues. I'm still AED/CPR/Red Cross Life Guard Certified

Military - I actually served as a Reservist from 2007 to 2013. I originally joined as a Transportation Management Coordinator in 2007, did three years in the Reserves as such, and then became a Cadet using the Simultaneous Membership Program. The SMP Program is basically a paid internship where you learn how to be an officer. During this time I also went to the Air Assault Course and finished my three year internship honorably until I graduated and Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant last week.

Recreational Stuff

Maybe its worth mentioning that I completed Three Chicago Marathons and a Triathlon...

I was also President of a Bake Club from 2011-2012

Final Section
Overall, I'm just not really sure what to do. I have a few ideas, but they've been shot down or are on hold. I looked around a bit and aren't sure what to look for exactly. While liking politics and history is great, it won't get me anything solid. I'm overall while I know a liberal arts degree is "what you make of it", I'm not 100% "worthless" knowing that I have past job experience, extracirricular activities under my belt, and an internship that has to weigh something, and being an Army Officer on top of it. I'm just not really sure what to do in the mean time. Sitting at home isn't an option.
Don_Julio on


  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Your best bet is probably finding a recruiting/placement agency, temp, and stay out of trouble.
    It's a step above retail.
    You probably are going to be stuck with Mom and Dad until March, which is fine. Save money.
  • kaliyamakaliyama Registered User regular
    If you apply to a real job I wouldn't tell them you are quitting in a year.
  • ThunderSaidThunderSaid Registered User regular
    It looks like you'd make a pretty good employee (motivation is good), but if I were conducting an interview with you, as soon as I found out that you'll be gone in a year I'd be saying "Thanks for coming in. We'll let you know..."

    So, I guess what you need are jobs that are either short term or businesses that are used to high turnover. Temp agencies might be a good option. The substitute teaching idea might also be a winner. You might be able to find some work in the construction business if you know someone and can handle yourself around a construction site. Movers are also usually looking for people who can lift heavy things. Then there's always fast food and retail.

    Unfortunately, none of those provide what I'd call "career advancment." They basically provide some money and not a lot else. That may not be a problem, though. If you hang in there until the mlitary picks you up, then you'll get whatever skill training they provide for several years, and come out relatively well positioned for a federal government job (You can't swing a cat in a federal government building without hitting a veteran). That's assuming you don't decide to just stay in the army until retirment.
  • Don_JulioDon_Julio Registered User regular
    What are recruiting agency/temp agencies anyway? I've heard of them before, but I'm not exactly sure what they are or how I go about finding one.
    It looks like you'd make a pretty good employee (motivation is good), but if I were conducting an interview with you, as soon as I found out that you'll be gone in a year I'd be saying "Thanks for coming in. We'll let you know..."

    So, I guess what you need are jobs that are either short term or businesses that are used to high turnover. Temp agencies might be a good option. The substitute teaching idea might also be a winner. You might be able to find some work in the construction business if you know someone and can handle yourself around a construction site. Movers are also usually looking for people who can lift heavy things. Then there's always fast food and retail.

    Unfortunately, none of those provide what I'd call "career advancment." They basically provide some money and not a lot else. That may not be a problem, though. If you hang in there until the mlitary picks you up, then you'll get whatever skill training they provide for several years, and come out relatively well positioned for a federal government job (You can't swing a cat in a federal government building without hitting a veteran). That's assuming you don't decide to just stay in the army until retirment.

    Before I actually applied for any job this is the first thing that came to mind. I basically have to either lie to them if its permanent work or avoid telling them that bit of information.

    I'd prefer to avoid fast food or retail. I worked retail before (At Kohls) and after three weeks I couldn't handle it anymore. (Though maybe its because I was selling lady products

  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Temp agencies aka "recruiters" find admins and low level office monkeys for their client firms to copy/coallate/file/do basic excel/answer phones/make coffee and pretty much anything else that can't be critically fucked up by a dude with no benefits or loyalty making $15 an hour.

    It beats retail, will allow you to work on some basic transferable office skills and is a potential networking opportunity.
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