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5 Short Story Horror Poems for Children (3800 words)

Fable1327Fable1327 Registered User new member
Normally my writing is fantasy novels (The Ever War), but I have spent some time working on a concept that had appealed to me for quite some time. The 5 poems are all based around a central protagonist and their heavily inspired by the old Grimm tales. The feel I was aiming for would be a Calvin and Hobbes crossed with Dr. Seuss as imagined by Tim Burton. I'd like to know if people think this has any commercial viability or if it's just too odd a concept.

Addie and the Attic Mirror

One morn’ little Addie Fredericks
Who was a year more than six
Awoken by father’s snores
Decided to start her chores

Thinking of the day’s impending cold
She grabbed something close, homespun and old
Her red shawl that’s no longer frilly
But warmed her when the weather was chilly

She grabbed a brown box stuffed with wares
Quietly crept her way up the stairs
To the attic to stuff it away
To be discovered some other day

Light was scarce and the attic chilly
Every step made floorboards groan shrilly
There under rafters and exposed beams
Was draped a white sheet with tattered seams

Addie pulled the old curtain aside
I’m a magician,” with glee she cried
With a flourish she spun it around
The Great Addie of worldwide renown!”

She imagined a round of applause
From behind her she heard some guffaws
Startled she looked in that direction
But she only saw her reflection

A mirror stood, pockmarked and tarnished
The wooden frame dull and unvarnished
Addie saw herself in the mirror
Not herself; no, something quite queerer

Un-Addie smiled, but not Addie’s smile
Like a grin, but distorted and vile
Hi, Addie,” her doppelganger said
Its voice an echo, which caused her dread

Un-Addie said, “Please, help; I need you.
Touch the glass and I promise it's through
It moved alone and mimicked her pose
Ready to run she stood on her toes

Wait, Addie don't leave me alone here!”
Addie paused and then took a step near.
Yes, please come set me free from this cell.
Just touch the glass
,” t'was almost a yell.

You know my name?” She said hesitant
Down on its knees as if penitent
Only while you stand here in my view.
I want freedom, for that I need you

Freedom is good, but what can I do?”
This is a secret between us two.
Put your hand to the glass, count to three,
Then we'll both be there and both be free

Slowly, so slowly Addie reached out
She pushed aside her worries and doubt
Hand to the glass, to three she did count
A flash occurred, sparks flared in a fount

The air felt thick and charged with static
BOOM! Both Addies stood in the attic
Take this,” Un-Addie said, “It's not much.
A gift, for freeing me from its clutch

T'was a plush bear with clockwork and tin
Key in its back spun, gears turned within
The little toy marched, arms at its side
Stumbling forward with every stride

Seeing the toy she clapped with delight
Until the key stopped, locking up tight
Without warning Un-Addie stomped down
Addie jumped back her face a deep frown

The bear shattered from the sudden blow
Confused Addie did not let tears flow
To look upon it brought you great joy.
A lesson may be gleaned from that toy

It must seem that I am cold-hearted.”
Like magic the pieces departed
We cannot occupy the same space.
Thus, you must disappear without trace

That looking glass was long my prison.
Trapped inside my anger has risen
Why did you deserve such a foul fate?”
No crime earns punishment of this rate!”

Now that I'm free revenge is my aim.”
It laughed, “I will set this world to flame!
In the glass,” it spoke as it pointed
Addie's thoughts felt slow and disjointed

Because of Addie it was released
Would the world have to suffer this beast?
Could Addie alone fix this mistake?
Would her error cause the world to break?

She had to try and make it all right
Took a deep breath and squeezed her jaw tight
Choose peace.” Addie gave it a fierce glance
She said, “Consider this a last chance.”

Leave here. You be you, and I'll be me.
It's the only way you can stay free
Seeing its face Addie's hope plunged
Leaping through the air Un-Addie lunged

They grappled- a fight for survival
Addie got the best of her rival
She flung Un-Addie through the portal
Shattered the glass and gave a chortle

Down the steps Addie hurried away
Her father undisturbed by the fray
Silent and steady she passed without word
Went back to bed happy not to be heard

Since that morn, years have passed by like light
On occasion, still, Addie wakes with a fright
Pallid and weary from fear mixed with terror
Lost in nightmares of an old attic mirror

Addie and the Clockwork Contraption
One afternoon Addie Fredericks
Who was a year more than six
Played a game with bag and chalk
Like hopscotch on the sidewalk
Her red shawl a cape flapping for show
She imagined huge buildings below
A superhero to save the day
Three cheers for Addie: Hip-Hip-Hooray

She pretended crowds called out her name
She told fierce fans she did not seek fame
She flew off like a dart through the sky
To help some other folks who can’t fly
Despite the adulation fans roared
Like with other games Addie grew bored
She decided to draw shapes and signs
And monsters made of squiggly lines
She lay on the ground, feet in the air
Tracing the thin shadow of her hair
The cement walk was warm from the sun
She drew and drew more, lost in her fun
She heard a van pull up on the street
The air around it shimmered from heat
A thin man got out in a clatter
She expected someone much fatter
Hello,” said the gentlemen caller
He had a small hat called a bowler
He wore a tight brown suit with a vest
And a chain was strung across his chest
Addie said, “I don't talk to strangers.”
He said, “They present many dangers.
But me, I work in trading and sales
She noticed yellow teeth and cracked nails
His nose was long and his eyes beady
Steepled his fingers, thick and meaty
Do your parents have time to spare?
An hour? A day? More if I dare

I don't understand. That makes no sense.”
Addie was confused, her body tense
"I'm here for time, no more and no less.
Have too much and your life turns a mess
"Time is a thing that can be swindled.
People don't know or care it's dwindled
Addie laughed out loud, “Time's not a thing!
His pride was hurt; her laugh was a sting
Time cannot be owned or be taken!”
"Watch and see how you are mistaken."
He yanked the chain, pulled out a locket
No, wait, t'was a watch in his pocket!

The watch was tarnished but still shone gold
The device looked like something quite old
He pressed a button on the small clock
It clattered to life, tick-tock tick-tock
The cover opened like a slow yawn
A light shone out as bright as the dawn
Ephemeral gears spun all around
A spectacle designed to confound
Clock-hands sprung out at awkward angles
Weaved and warped together in tangles
Suddenly the clock hands came to rest
She felt like something pulled at her chest
He grinned gleefully, clicked the watch shut
He paraded around in a strut
Without knowing why, she felt tired
Something sinister had transpired
Feeling loss of something she pondered
Time, like anything, can be squandered.
It can be bartered broken or lost.
For me time is free, it has no cost
What just happened?” Addie asked softly
The man laughed as he smiled awfully
I’ve taken what you said I could not.
Your time’s mine. You’ve already forgot
It’s not stealing, don’t’ get me wrong.
You would’ve never noticed it gone.
Time is a burden I give relief
You are a crook, a villain, Time Thief!”
"I collect names, Time Thief is but one.”
Angry she said, “Your time here is done.”
How much of your time could I gather?
Or your family’s, which would you rather
He crouched down low; she could feel his breath
Enough time could speed you to death.”
I’ll hear no more of your threats or lies."
She huffed and blew chalk dust in his eyes

He coughed and grabbed his eyes in a fit
She reached out to the watch grabbing it
The chain tore from his vest with a rip
She reeled her arm back tightening her grip

The Time Thief swung his arms to hit her
When he missed he cried out quite bitter
Leave now!” she threw the watch with some zip
She watched it arc through the air and flip
It hit the street and promptly shattered
Gears and glass and small bits all scattered
You broke my time!” He started to choke
Then he vanished in a puff of smoke
The death of the watch was quite violent
But once again the street fell silent
Addie hurried back into her yard
Behind her fence she closed the gate hard
Since that spring afternoon time seems to slip past
It occurs to Addie that it moves too fast
She looks back on that day denying belief
Of the day she took moments from the Time Thief

Addie and the Deep Dark Well
One day little Addie Fredericks
Who was a year more than six
Tromped and stomped on hill and dale
Flush face nipped by windy gale
Past shrubs and brush chased after her ball
Colored bright red, the same as her shawl
She passed thorns and barbs that claw and scratch
The ball came to stop on a moss patch
She bent down and recovered her prize
Saw something with the edge of her eyes
A stone circle with a wooden roof
Bucket, and hole that wasn't child proof
Near the well on the tips of her toes
A musty scent assaulted her nose
She raised her hands to cover her face
And then knocked her ball into that space
Waiting for splish she heard only splat
Like it landed in a sludgy vat
She climbed the well and looked down below
Grabbed the bucket and got in real slow
She slid the rope down, hand under hand
Pulley squeaked as she slid the thin strand
She hit bottom and leapt into mud
"Is this your ball?" A voice chilled her blood
It was like a frog, only thinner
Held a trident, smiled like a sinner
Tall and lanky with sinister fangs
Scraggily hair and uneven bangs
"Yes, it is mine," she said insecure
"Come and collect it," said with a purr
Head shaking, "You're a stranger to me."
"True," he said, "though, I’m no harm to thee."
His amber eyes were sad and forlorn
Clad in old garments, tattered and worn
He pulled out a crown tarnished and dull
"I once was a prince," gaze a lost lull

He looked into the pitch of a cave
Tears in his eyes he started to rave
"The ceiling fell in, destroyed my throne.
A city gone in an earthen moan
"Ground swallowed every one of my kind.
A whole species confined to my mind
She gave him a compassionate face
He looked at her, "Get out of this place."
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to help."
Glint in his eyes; she stifled a yelp
He screamed, "You've disturbed the wrong fellow!"
Walls reverberated his bellow.
"I see their faces locked in my brain!"
He grabbed his head, the source of his pain
"Friends and lovers and family too
I hear their cries all because of you
Pointed weapon and slipped 'round behind
"Walk forward and have suff'ring defined."
Addie got her ball and entered the dark
Pungent air like decaying tree bark
She slipped, stumbled and sloshed in some goo
Huffing and puffing made her way through
He mumbled, almost under his breath
"We’re here, the place of my people's death."
She heard some clinks, though she could not see
Then a lamp lit and buzzed like a bee
The Frog Prince held the lantern aloft
Jewels in the walls sparkled, orange and soft
Dim light showed the cause of his trouble
A vast city crushed in to rubble
He wept and sighed in varying tones
All of his people reduced to bones
Addie swooned under much woe laid bare
There was pain in her heart like a tear
"Turn off the light; stop it, won't you please?
I can’t take this," she said with unease
"Child, this may seem coarse, cruel, and rotten,
But I'll not have people forgotten
While you run, dance and play in the light...
I'll linger in perpetual night
"No," said he with sinister malice.
"You've seen too much, drunk from the chalice.
You should stay; you're like me… One of us
He grabbed her hair; she kicked up a fuss
She struggled and fought back until loose
The ground made noise like fruit squeezed for juice
"Here you are, down where no one can find.
Easily held and easy to bind
She reared back her arm, aimed for his face
The ball flew true, thrown with fear and grace
The Frog Prince stumbled, taken aback
Bravely she made another attack
Rushed forward, pushed, and watched him tumble
She left quick and caused him to grumble
She ran, wiped her hands, sticky with ooze
Like his flesh was covered with six glues
With speed and purpose she found her way
Saw the rope and brightness of day
The trident passed overhead like a spear
It severed the rope, "Now you're trapped here!"
She urged herself on and grabbed the wall
Surprised, she stuck, unable to fall
Addie clambered up, thanks to the slime
The Frog Prince roared; she finished her climb
Since that day years have come and have gone
Time to time Addie awakes haggard and drawn
Shivering, under covers, ready to wince
Recalling the day she escaped the Frog Prince

Addie and the Basement Stairs
One late evening Addie Fredericks
Who was a year more than six
Grabbed a pile of her laundry
A mound of colors sundry
Into a basket she shoved them all
Then covered it over with her shawl
She heaved it up on to her shoulder
Sure it weighed as much as a boulder
Addie huffed and puffed all through her house
Barked like a dog and squeaked like a mouse
The laundry was her least favorite chore
But not because the job was a bore
She stood at the door of the cellar
The washer was a basement dweller
She hated the basement, dark and dank
The brick walls were chilly, the air rank
Gathering courage she descended
Down a spiral staircase she wended
The entire room was lit by one lamp
A woman's soft voice cut through the damp
For a small thing you walk like thunder.”
Addie's clothes spilled out in a blunder
Fear seized her mind; she panicked and froze
She stood still, surrounded by her clothes
Oh, are you hurt? Do you need help, dear?
I don't see too well. Could you come near
Addie turned to see the voice's source
It came from beneath the stairs, of course
"How did you get in? This is my home!"
"I live here too. You're never alone.
I linger here, unseen, like a ghost.
Do not be so rude, child. Please... come close
Addie stared at the edge of light's glow
She saw an arm purple and sallow
The hand was graceful with long black nails
Some spots covered in chitinous scales

Just a few steps,” the strange woman bade
No. Why don't you step out from the shade?”
"Oh, you sweet child, if only I could.
Light stings my eyes. Come close now. Be good
Addie smiled and slowly retreated
Don't go!” the shadowy voice bleated
Stop playing games! Show yourself to me!”
Be warned: You might not like what you see."
Shadows made her look insidious
But in the light she was hideous
Her body was an eldritch horror
Half-woman with legs of a spider
A bone tiara and veil of lace
Four round eyes on each side of her face
"Remember, you asked for what you've seen.
Now kneel before the Spider Queen
Addie shook her head. “You don't belong.
Me kneel
?” Addie said. “You are so wrong.
This is my home and you should leave
Your home?” The queen spat. “You're so naive."
"I've lived in complete isolation!
Alone since the dawn of creation!
Wherever I will shall be my home.
I chose to stay. No longer to roam
She laughed, “That's right, child, this place is mine!
My sanctuary, my lair, my shrine!
I'll breed an army within these walls!
I will rule when the world of man falls
The light in the room seemed to dampen.
Sorry, but I can't let that happen.”
Addie was surprised that she'd spoken
Her warrior spirit had woken
How could you possibly prevent me?”
The Spider Queen laughed maniacally
The laugh was harsh, crackly and nasty
"Father always said I was 'crafty?'”
"Crafty or not there's naught to be done.
Fate is my web. I've already won
Nothing is done. Nothing is over.”
Addie nearly lost her composure
Grabbed her red shawl and whirled it tight
Then whipped the Queen with all of her might
The Queen reared up surprised by the strike
Spider legs flailed, each tipped with a spike
The Queen's rage a blazing inferno
She wrinkled her brow in a furrow
Tore off her veil and threw it aside
Showing poison fangs that terrified
The Queen roared at Addie and spit silk
Addie ducked and continued to bilk
You fool! I'll lay eggs! Batch after batch!
You just wait until my children hatch
Determined not to let her lay eggs
Addie attacked the Queen at her legs
The Queen scuttled up to the ceiling
Addie had a terrible feeling
Scrambled away ‘til web caught ankle
Addie made the Spider Queen rankle
Then toppled hard when the Queen dragged her
She found the lamp reaching for savior

Addie lunged with the lamp in a thrust
Electrocuting the queen to dust
The basement was eerily quiet
Addie left the scene of the riot
Since that late evening time has moved quite slow
Addie got older and continued to grow
Memories leave their mark with streaks of gray hairs
At the thought of what lives beneath basement stairs

Addie and the Golden Offer

One night little Addie Fredericks
Who was a year more than six
Heard a whoosh upon the wind
Waking, her imagination spinned

Out the creaking door she crept and snuck
With some silence and a little luck
To the woods, red shawl about her wrapped
Against the night’s gentle breeze it flapped

Through the forest and between the trees
Addie weaved her way and scuffed her knees
Upon a vacant glade she did come
The sight she saw caused her heart to thrum

It rode the air like a kite down low
The beat of that little drum did grow
The specter closed at a rapid pace
Addie never let fear touch her face

Steeling herself and setting her jaw
She looked in its hood, opened her maw
Words struggled out “What and who are you?”
He said, “I am Death,” his voice ice-cool

Why are you here?” Her tone defiant
To take me?” She said noncompliant
I’m not here for that,” spoken so calm
His words soothed, a veritable balm

He deftly flew next to her shoulder
She shivered, the air had grown colder
What would you have of me?” Squeaked her voice
I called you here, to offer a choice.”

“I came to offer you a grand prize.
You, the girl with such innocent eyes
A bright orb appeared without a spark
Its green light illumined the dark

Round and round the orb twisted and spun
She stood, bravely, refusing to run
Pictures danced on that shimmering ball
T’was Addie in Death’s tattered gray shawl

She fell backwards, stunned by the vision
On her backside, in painful condition
I could not kill,” voice strained with panic
Not me,” her pitch practically manic

I don’t need you to kill or to die.
Trust, you’ll know when the true end is nigh
When life ends and I claim your essence.
Death was a malevolent presence

I’m not afraid,” she shouted boldly
You’re evil,” she said rather coldly
He said, “Life is filled with destruction
But evil is mankind’s construction

He took her hand, raised her to her feet
When I work I am far more discreet.”
The burning green globe started to writhe
Stretched and skewed it turned into his scythe

Floating above he looked resplendent
Weapon shined like a silver pendant
See my glory, hear my confession.
Know the truth about my profession

I need a neutral disposition,
To ignore the world’s cruel condition.
I’ve labored long trying to keep pace.
I have chosen you to take my place

Why would I want this?” young Addie roared
What could possibly be my reward?”
You’ll never die, feel hunger, or ill.
Never suffer the worst of man’s will

Consider these things before you choose.
In time there’s nothing for you to lose.
You’ll forget about love or remorse.
No feeling will turn you from your course

If nothing else, Death is no liar.
I’ve grown weary; of mankind I tire.
Addie, dear, I’ve made an offer of gold.
To live forever, never grow old

Darkness gathered like robes of deep black
I give you this. I want nothing back.”
Somehow his words felt warped with deceit
Take my scythe and the deal is complete.”

Addie said, “No,” and trusted her doubt
Darkness expanded, light had gone out
Death cried out an incredulous shriek
You deny me? But you are so weak!”

Life is precious and someday it ends.
Until then I have family and friends
Swirling around Death flew in a rage
You’ve brought this on yourself; I’ll rampage!”

I’ll take all in your life you hold dear!
Leave you alone with nothing but fear!
Change your mind or your family I’ll reap
She held back tears, but wanted to weep

She had an intrepid expression
I won’t,” no hesitance, no question
Death hung his head low, but never spoke
He dispersed in the wind as if smoke

Wind rustled the leaves ever so slight
Hello?” She called out into the night
The woods were quiet; she was alone
Addie sighed deep and set off for home

She shuffled back home through the front door
Tossing her red shawl onto the floor
Comfort filled her, she entered her room
Slipped into bed and dispelled the gloom

Since that night, years have passed in a tear
From time to time Addie still wakes with a scare
Sitting up, a little shaken, feeling thinned
Recalling the night she heard Death in the wind


  • tapeslingertapeslinger utter Yog-Sothothery mmm, soulsRegistered User regular
    I like the concept. Kids like to be creeped out by things, I think, and most of this is the kind of creepy I think could be tooled to fit.

    The thing which doesn't work for me is the forced rhyme couplets which are very singsong and drab.

    A thought you might consider is-- this is not really a poem, it's a story told with a device. To me, that device is kind of holding the story back and making it seem simpler and takes away from the horrific aspects of the piece.
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  • Big DookieBig Dookie Smells great! Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    First off, I think you have a nice concept here. Two of my favorite works as a kid were "The New Kid on the Block" and the "Goosebumps" series. I know I wasn't alone in this. Kids love horror, and if done well in a way that's simple but also grabs their attention, poetry/verse can be very effective as well. Combining them together is a great idea. I can't say whether or not it's been done before, but either way it doesn't really matter. As long as your work stands on its own, there could certainly be a market for it.

    As for the first poem itself, I think it was pretty good from a story perspective. I was engaged with Addie's dealings with this malicious being inside the mirror. If you're trying to creep kids out that's a great way to do it, as I think everyone has stared into a mirror at some point wondering, "Is it really only a reflection, or....?" It was also a good length for a kid to read, long enough to tell a good story but not too long to lose their interest. I think the way you handled attribution worked fairly well, too, using italics for Addie and bold for un-Addie. If this were in print, I'd maybe take that a step further and use different colors or fonts, but that's just something to throw out as an idea. The others were similarly well done.

    A couple of things didn't work as well for me. I'm personally not a huge fan of the "A-A-B-B" rhyme scheme. Something about it just feels too, I don't know, rushed I guess is the best word I can think of. You never get a chance to get into the rhythm of the piece as you move from one couplet to the next. For kids, I'd think an "A-B-A-B" or "A-B-C-B" scheme would work much better. Of course, this would mean you'd have to rewrite the entire thing, so I'm not saying you have to do that here, just something to keep in mind for future poems you add to the collection maybe.

    Another issue regarding structure is that your meter is not quite consistent from line to line. It seems that you are primarily writing in Iambic Quadrameter, but there are several times when it doesn't quite match up correctly. This is fine for something aimed at an older audience, but for kids, this needs to be a little more rigid with only the occasional outlier.

    Anyway, it's a good start, I think you might have something good. Best of luck, and feel free to post more as you build out the collection.
    Big Dookie on
    WiiU NNID: BigDookie
  • Fable1327Fable1327 Registered User new member
    Big Dookie wrote: »
    Another issue regarding structure is that your meter is not quite consistent from line to line. It seems that you are primarily writing in Iambic Quadrameter, but there are several times when it doesn't quite match up correctly. This is fine for something aimed at an older audience, but for kids, this needs to be a little more rigid with only the occasional outlier.

    By design the opening quatrain is 9-7-7-7, the middle quatrains are all 9-9-9-9 and the closing quatrain is 9-11-11-11.

  • Big DookieBig Dookie Smells great! Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Note - I should have prefaced my feedback by making it clear I am far from a poet, nor do I claim to be knowledgeable of poetry at all. So I'm likely talking out of ignorance and you may feel free to ignore me if what I'm saying makes no sense. I'm mostly just speaking from my own personal preference and what I think would work for kids.

    So the issue I have there isn't so much the exact syllable count per line, but how it flows. I get the structure you were going for, I'm just saying it doesn't work for me personally. Maybe adhering to this structure so tightly is taking away from the natural rhythm of the quatrains? Not sure exactly what I'm trying to say, just that it doesn't always read very well. Maybe when I say "meter" I'm referring more to how the iambs link together in each line. I should have paid more attention in my literature classes in college I guess.

    Anyway, point being, there are places where it could be a little more readable. Here, let me give an example that rubbed me the wrong way:
    She had to try and make it all right
    Took a deep breath and squeezed her jaw tight
    “Choose peace.” Addie gave it a fierce glance
    She said, “Consider this a last chance.”

    I would not attempt something like this because I suck at writing poetry, but if by some fluke I was editing this piece, here's what I would suggest:
    She had to try and make it right
    With deepest breath and jaw squeezed tight
    "Choose peace," said Addie through piercing glance
    "Consider this your final chance."

    Yes, you lose the 9-9-9-9 structure, but I think it gains more in rhythm and flow. Again though, personal preference and all that. This is a very subjective thing, so I would not be surprised if someone else disagreed with me entirely.

    Just out of curiosity, what is the purpose of the 9-7-7-7, 9-9-9-9, and 9-11-11-11 structure?
    WiiU NNID: BigDookie
  • Fable1327Fable1327 Registered User new member
    After some years working with Iambic Pentameter I found the structure didn't appeal to me for a story format, though it works considerably well for pure dialogue. As such I developed this format as a soft open and full close. Ideally every couple quatrains would be paired up with appropriate art and it could be read to a child, and presumably acted out.
  • Big DookieBig Dookie Smells great! Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Fair enough, I was just wondering. Anyway, like I said, there's some good stuff here. With the right illustrations this could make for a great children's book.
    WiiU NNID: BigDookie
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