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[Tex-Pax] Howdy howdy howdy.

YukiraYukira Fuck with Aria?No.Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Social Entropy++

There's a bunch of us here in Texas. There's always talks and rumors about people meeting up and on a mostly local level this has happened. We have not, however, had a proper Texas meetup other than that one time Khoo came to Austin.

There's a lot to do in this state that a group of us could have a pretty great time doing.

We'll start off with the city I know, and I can add more cities as people if people give me information.


San Antonio has several options for a large or small group of people to hang out at and have fun. For the most part, @vermiculture, @Tam, @VorpoSTEIN and myself have either grabbed a bite to eat at one of the many local restaurants or just hung out somewhere.

There's also Sea World, Fiesta Texas, Schlitterbahn for amusement parks to go with the Alamo, and the Riverwalk for tourist traps. We also have a few Alamo Drafthouses which can be great fun.

Hell, we could all just meet up in New Braunfels just north of San Antonio and float down the river on tubes for a good lazy 3 or so hours.

Basically, there's a lot of us in Texas and there's a lot to do, so what would we all want to do for a weekend or so?
Yukira on


  • VoproSTEINVoproSTEIN howdy howdy howdyRegistered User regular
    Your welcome.
  • ReynoldsReynolds Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord Robot spaceship that itself contains a spaceship robotRegistered User regular
    Gabe and Tycho came to the Gameworks in Grapevine one time. I sat one seat away from Tycho while we enjoyed free pizza and beer for someone's birthday party that invited us up. Gabe spent the entire time arguing with someone off on the other side of the room. There was even a special message just for us on the main page for a few hours, I'm guessing Tycho posted it as a test from his hotel or something.
  • TamTam I hate art I love artRegistered User regular
    I'll get my ten gallon hat and lasso ready
  • YukiraYukira Fuck with Aria? No.Registered User regular
    Tam wrote: »
    I'll get my ten gallon hat and lasso ready

    This amuses me way more than it should.
  • TefTef Registered User regular
    Texas is rad (as a straight white tourist) and next time I'm over there I will deffo hang out with all y'all
  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    I'll be in Austin the weekend of RTX (I know it's not as cool as pax by a long shot but still an excuse to go to Austin) and I can hopefully do things other weekends coming up too.
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    you lookin at a specific time for this?
  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    Anyways I haven't been to SA and that could be fun.

    I like roller coasters and food and sometimes alcohol.
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    I live in Houston.

    We have traffic and oil and great food and mediocre sports teams.

    Let's all go to Austin or SA there's more fun stuff there.
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    look guys the only thing to do in Austin is drink and hit on women and eat cart food

    festivals suck
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    i swear to god, if you guys do this the one time i've been outside the States in 7 years, i'm gonna be huffy.
    i'll be back probably mid-July.
    also @oghulk
    this is the end, my only thread, the end
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    we should totally get shitfaced and play some laser tag, though
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    fuck, i want a donut
    pooka on
    this is the end, my only thread, the end
  • Vargas PrimeVargas Prime King of Nothing Just a ShowRegistered User regular
    Disappointed this wasn't in the OP

  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    if you get in line at Gourdoughs dying from alchohol poisoning you will have 3 AA chips by the time you get your donut. it'll have blueberries and bacon if you want, though, so, it's a wash
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    Mysst wrote: »
    if you get in line at Gourdoughs dying from alchohol poisoning you will have 3 AA chips by the time you get your donut. it'll have blueberries and bacon if you want, though, so, it's a wash

    Don't they have that new gordoughs that's both a bar AND donut-based food?
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
  • YukiraYukira Fuck with Aria? No.Registered User regular
    I'll update the OP when I get home accordingly.

    So what, Fiesta Texas some time after Pooka gets back?
  • TamTam I hate art I love artRegistered User regular
    yeah let's try for that
  • SyphyreSyphyre A Dangerous Pastime Registered User regular
    This is probably the perfect excuse to meet with some of you dudes I keep meaning to. So I'm up for something around the SA Area. I'll even drive to Austin on a Saturday or somethin'.

    I also have season passes to Fiesta Texas so that works too!
  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    Yukira wrote: »
    I'll update the OP when I get home accordingly.

    So what, Fiesta Texas some time after Pooka gets back?

    Sounds good
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
  • YukiraYukira Fuck with Aria? No.Registered User regular
    What's a good time? Friday/Saturday/Sunday?
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    oh, I'll be gone most of august
  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    A Saturday in mid/late July would be ok (though it'll be hot as hell being outside all day).
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    oh, sweet, i was just pretending to be scandalized. i should do this more often!
    omg high school called:
    July 26th -- 311, Cypress Hill and G. Love and the Special Sauce
    July 13th -- Live, Sponge, Everclear, Filter

    aw, man, now i'm reminded of all the stuff i'm going to miss, bloo
    this is the end, my only thread, the end
  • YukiraYukira Fuck with Aria? No.Registered User regular
    When are you getting back, Pooka?
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    well, my flight back is July 6th to Tulsa, and i'm giving myself a week to visit around Oklahoma.
    this is the end, my only thread, the end
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
  • YukiraYukira Fuck with Aria? No.Registered User regular
    Also, if it's stupidly hot as usual, we can always hit up Schlitterbahn instead of Fiesta Texas.
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    'cause Oklahoma is home.
    this is the end, my only thread, the end
  • Darth WaiterDarth Waiter Cowboy Fwankenstein Livin' That DreamRegistered User regular
    Yukira wrote: »
    Also, if it's stupidly hot as usual, we can always hit up Schlitterbahn instead of Fiesta Texas.

    Schlitterbahn is surprisingly good fun no matter how old you are; The Biergarten Heated Pool & Swim Up Bar is right up my alley.

    I mean, seriously ... a biergarten in a pool in Texas in summer, that is all kinds of good; the Kemah Boardwalk is the only other location that's remotely feasible and that's just ... ewww.
  • YukiraYukira Fuck with Aria? No.Registered User regular
    Yeah. Schlitterbahn is a pretty nice place to hit up.

    Lets get dates and times people can make it so we can sort out things.
  • LasbrookLasbrook Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    Mysst wrote: »
    not yet!

    Yeah they do, it's gordough's public house over on south Lamar. The food is really good as long as you don't value your health and you can get a literal tower of beer.
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    Lasbrook wrote: »
    Mysst wrote: »
    not yet!

    Yeah they do, it's gordough's public house over on south Lamar. The food is really good as long as you don't value your health and you can get a literal tower of beer.

    then they need to put that shit on their website cause we were looking for that motherfucker
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    these sons of bitches have two goddamn websites and only one links to the other. I'mma choke their web designer to death on a fucking donut
  • LasbrookLasbrook Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    Mysst wrote: »
    Lasbrook wrote: »
    Mysst wrote: »
    not yet!

    Yeah they do, it's gordough's public house over on south Lamar. The food is really good as long as you don't value your health and you can get a literal tower of beer.

    then they need to put that shit on their website cause we were looking for that motherfucker

    Yeah that part is entirely stupid. They got a seperate domain for each restaurant and neither has a link to the other.

  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    Blerg schlitterbahn. Y'all are gonna make me blind everyone with my extreme pasty whiteness.
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
  • OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor Registered User regular
    I doubt I'd be able to attend this.

    The sound of his stallion's stream seemed so potent, so replete with authority, that it increased her terror of the devastation to come.
  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
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