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Quick international SIM card question

grungeboxgrungebox Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Help / Advice Forum
So, quick and probably stupid question. The significant gf and I are heading to Europe (Turkey and Hungary) in a few weeks, and our original plan was to just buy SIM cards at the airport or something. I got an unlock code from AT&T for my galaxy S3, I assume that means I can get whatever SIM card and put it in there including data? Will I have to get a new one when I switch countries, even if I stick to some mega-corp like Vodafone? Sorry if those are dumb questions, I don't leave the country very often, and the consensus on the internet is divided between "get a SIM card" and "just pay AT&T for roaming, it's easier".

Also, unrelated to phones, but I'm told by some coworkers it's better to just get currency at ATMs over there at the airport, is that really the best option? The last time I left the country I bought almost all my cash in advance from the bank, but that seems like a rip-off.
Quail is just hipster chicken
grungebox on


  • Khade97Khade97 Registered User regular
    As part of my job I look after mobiles for most of our European offices (which isn't a fun task). There really is no Europe wide "super-network", and as far as the providers (Vodafone / O2 / whoever) are concened Voda Turkey and Voda Hungary are as separate as Voda USA is.

    Therefore if you get a SIM in Turkey then when you get to Hungary you will be counted as roaming and still pay an increased cost. Having said that, a European SIM roaming within Europe will be cheaper than a US SIM roaming within Europe.
  • grungeboxgrungebox Registered User regular
    Thanks for the info. AT&T international roaming is pretty expensive, but I can't get a good number for how much SIM cards in either place are. I'll be in a number of places, Turkey/Hungary/a day in Latvia/a day in Vienna, so it seems like buying a SIM card in each place would be a poor choice.

    Is there a good website or something with typical rates I can consult? Just to make sure I don't get fleeced..
    Quail is just hipster chicken
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2013
    You should be able to get a prepaid SIM in the 10-euro range without too much bother, though possibly not at the airport. If you're just in italy (eg) for a day then not really worth it, if you'll be somewhere for a week then it probably is.

    That said, most hotels have free wifi, and there are often lots of hotspots around. I travel a lot around europe, and usually if I'm going to be in another country for only a brief period, I won't bother with turning on data roaming (though make sure to check your international call and message rates because they could still be exorbitant). Snaffling free wifi in the evenings or at a coffee shop will be enough; you can download directions, make bookings and grab info that you might need the next day. For getting around, there a few apps which are basically open-source maps you can download which will locate you via your GPS signal (Europe is the one I use on the iPhone) - they won't always help out much with route planning but often operate well as a hand-held (and extremely detailed/extensive) version of a paper map.

    edit: if you're worried about knowing what a good rate is, then I can't give you numbers but here are some tips:
    - the longer you sign up for the better the deal. So you might get a useage period of a week for 20Euro, but a month for 30 - obviously if you're going to be somewhere for two weeks, may as well take the 30.
    - there will almost always be data caps, whether these are soft or hard depend very much on the provider
    - as I said, there may or may not be prepaid sims available at the airport - sometimes they even have vending machines where you can grab one. If not, and you're in a city, just find the storefront of a large provider (Turkcell, o2, vodaphone, orange). You at least won't get ripped off any more than you would at home. If in doubt, or you're worried about automatic renewals, pay cash up front instead of using a credit card.
    tynic on
  • grungeboxgrungebox Registered User regular
    That is really good info, thanks so much for your help! Maybe I'll just get phone service as you suggest, I was thinking data like I'd mentioned above, and maybe for posting photos, but WiFi can do that of course.
    Quail is just hipster chicken
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