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Considering a tablet, need some help

VastlyapparentVastlyapparent Registered User new member
New to the PA forums, and I've got an odd ball inquiry!

I've been considering getting a tablet for quite awhile, and currently the Surface Pro looks to be my best bet. Specifically I'm interested in the Wacom tech in it's touch display + pen, the versatility offered by the combination of tablet + graphic arts tool is my main draw here. My point of contention currently lies in how I'd go about using it with my current version of Photoshop. I don't really want the table to become my primary graphic arts hub, I want it to complement my desktop which I've already invested into as my primary device (multiple large screens, decent graphics card, etc..)

What I was thinking I could do is to use something like splashtop to stream my desktop onto the Surface Pro, and use it more like a traditional Wacom tablet, and when not doing art use it as one would traditionally use a tablet. Is this possible? Would the Wacom tech even work properly with a streamed desktop/remote desktop setup? Is there anyone with a Surface Pro, some free time, and is willing to give it a try? Or is there a simpler/easier way to go about what I'm trying to accomplish?

Thanks in advance for any and all insight!


  • WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    Well, googling, it seems like photoshop finally got pressure sensitivity on the surface pro which was my major caveat while looking.

    The big question would be would pressure work through the streaming. I would ask the Splashtop people maybe. They would be the only ones who really know.

    I don't know what sort of computer like functionality you want from the tablet, but this would deliver the desires you stated in your post:

    You can draw directly on it, or use it like there other drawing tablets. Of course, its not actually a computer.
  • VastlyapparentVastlyapparent Registered User new member
    Thanks for the reply Wassermelone.

    I went ahead and emailed Splashtop's support about it, as you suggested, hopefully they can provide me with an answer that isn't "We don't know."

    As for the Cintiq 13HD, it's an awesome piece of hardware but at it's price point I'd need it to be more then just a drawing tablet, I'd want it to browse the web, read pdfs, and other activities common to portable PCs. The Surface Pro seems like it's just what I'm looking for, versatile and multifunctional, I just don't know if I can get it to work they way I want it to.
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah Registered User regular
    Hey @Vastlyapparent,

    I'm in the market as well. I've been researching the Surface Pro like all day at work, and apart from Gabe's glowing review of how great it is, it seems like people really like it. Except for the battery, which I'm told is garbage for tablets(less than 4 hours). That's expected though as it's more of a PC and less of a tablet. And it's also an overwhelming noise that irradiates from the community that the 128GB Pro is very much the better model, and worth the purchase price.

    However, it appears that the rumor-mill is a turning from a recent reddit AMA from a Microsoft designer, and a new generation of Surface might be on the rise utilizing the newest Intel processor chips, which increase battery-life and graphics. So, I'm gonna wait until something comes out from that before buying the Pro.
  • NotYouNotYou Registered User regular
  • WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    I actually bought, tried, and returned the Yiynova.

    I semi-recommend it, but for me it wasn't quite there. Its maybe 70% of a cintiq, and at least for me, that last 30% of the experience matters a lot as I use it every single day. I think its a great machine and great for the price, but I think of it as the entry level cintiq rather than a true competitor.
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