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Designing a newspaper section

billwillbillwill Registered User regular
Hey guys,

I've been working for my university's newspaper as a copy editor for a semester now. I decided to apply for A+E editor for next semester, and I discovered today that I got it. I'm responsible for the stories that will run and the design of the section.

The current state of the section is pretty embarrassing; it looks like its thrown together (probably because it is). I know I can make it look better just by putting more work in. However, I would like to read and at least have a passing understanding of design laws and rules. I remember reading once that the bottom left part of a newspaper is where the small stories will be put, because that's the area most people don't notice. I want to know little things like that. I also want to know stuff about design beyond "does it look good," you know? I want to know ~why it looks good so I can spend more time polishing instead of repeated trial and error.

I don't want you to do the research for me, rather, if you already know of a resource online or a book I could purchase about this stuff, I'd be much obliged if you could point me in its direction.

Thanks in advance.
I hate you and you hate me.


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