Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

[Noah's Art Camp] AC Group of supreme organization.

IrukaIruka Moderator regular
edited May 2013 in Artist's Corner
Herein lies our platform of excellent organization and reasonable posting structure. Take solace in it. Revel in it.
Would you like to join us? More info about the class is here:

A WORD OF WARNING: Please do not post links to any of the videos in this thread. I don't think Noah has any protection on them other than them being private links. No mentions of sharing class materials with non-registered folk in here, I'll consider it piracy talk.

I will Update the OP with the weeks assignment. Please feel free to post and discuss.

Week 1
Studying from the masters.

50 3-value compositional master studies
50 color studies
3 full-color finished master studies


Noah's Suggested artists:
Albert Bierstadt - John Singer Sargent - Thomas Moran - Frederic Church - George Inness - bouguereau - Howard Pyle - NC Wyeth - Frank E Schoonover - Harvey Dunn - Mead Schaeffer

AC class roster:

If anyone else joins, feel free to jump in the thread.
Iruka on


  • IrukaIruka Moderator regular
    edited May 2013
    I'm cheating and posting this thread before I have any art in it, to get the discussion out of the chat thread, and to give people a place to post if they start finishing things before me.

    I am going to try and do 10-15 of the composition studies tonight.

    Also Google plus maybe?
    If people want to hangout
    Iruka on
  • IrukaIruka Moderator regular
    What are you slackers doing, huh?


    I'm going to start off slow. 50 of each may be a little much for me, I want to do a bunch of them and move fast, but not so fast that I stop learning. I'll go at it on full blast this weekend.
  • ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I did what I could this morning, but had work all afternoon. I'm going to be plodding away til midnightish :D

    I can't wait to see your color studies iruka
    ninjai on
    Mice scratching at the walls inside of your head.
    This is a warning that my sig was too tall.
    You could have sent me a PM or something.
  • ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    In order of appearance:

    Jean Leon Gerome: Arabs Crossing the Desert
    Jean Leon Gerome: Memnon and Sesotris
    Jean Leon Gerome: Selling Slaves in Rome
    Jean eon Gerome: Pygmalion and Galatea
    Frederick Leighton: Invocation
    Frederick Leighton: Nausicaa
    Frederick Leghton: The Nymph of the River
    James Jacques Tissot: Hush

    Am I doing this right?

    Mine is done with brush and india ink. Oh god, some of these compositions are complicated :O Most of these (except hush and selling slaves) are about 3x5" is that too small? It's really taking about half an hour for each one. Getting some proportions wrong, and I'm noticing some value differences (selling slaves, the podium) IDK if I'll be able to swing all 50 AND color studies AND 3 complete studies. :O

    Critz if you got em please :D

    edit: On memnon and sesotris I was wondering why all the placement was off when the centerpiece was right, I just made all the camels too big.

    edit 2: I suppose I need to simplify more? I sort of forgo about the 3 values (white being a value :O) It's hard to get a consistent value though with ink. I'll mix some, but over time water changes the value. I mixed 3 values to begin with but they all washed out over time. I'll try to do more focus on 3 values tomorrow. I'm going to do 25 ink, and 25 oil monochrome. Should be fun! Off to bed now.
    ninjai on
    Mice scratching at the walls inside of your head.
    This is a warning that my sig was too tall.
    You could have sent me a PM or something.
  • jwaddjwadd Registered User regular
    hmm interesting. this is formatted as part of a fine/art drawing course I had.
  • kevindeekevindee Registered User regular
    I'm in too. I hope I can keep up and put in work, there's so much to get through. @ninjai, if the value sketches take 10 mins a piece, it'll take 20 hours before even going for master studies. I really think those numbers are a goal more than a benchmark, because it's going to be very difficult to get all of that done while working full-time.



    heads up: portraits are a total bitch, getting a likeness alone takes up 10 mins, so I'd try to minimise portraits for colour comps

    Does anyone know how Noah selects work to critique? Does he crawl through each of the subgroups' picture folders, looking for something interesting, or do we have to do something special?
  • FlayFlay Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Really nice work everyone! Good luck keeping up with the workload.

    Although I don't have time for this right now, I definitely want to do these exercises down the line. This looks like it could be super helpful.
    Flay on
  • NightDragonNightDragon Registered User regular
    Great work so far! :D
  • wn.mikewn.mike archi PTRegistered User regular
    First I was sad I didn't see this first, now am completely stunned with the quality, I guess we here are in for 12 weeks of guaranteed content.

    Good luck and keep posting :)
  • skyturtleskyturtle Registered User regular
    Can I join you guys? I usually just lurk. This is the first set that I did, if this group's only for regulars I'll just keep lurking :)
  • IrukaIruka Moderator regular
    No need to lurk, sky, welcome aboard!

    I almost want to announce that we have a forum thread in the FB group, but I don't know if that would create an onslaught of stragglers or not. The forums are better equipped to handle a group, though, and I cant imagine more than 5 or 6 people would actually sign up for the forums just for this. Maybe fug is right and the FB group will slow down when people fall off the wagon.
  • ninjaininjai Registered User regular

    Mine so far today. This was all done before work. Now that I'm home going to do more :D

    John WIlliam Waterhouse: Windswept
    Jean Leon Gerome Thebes Colosseums?
    John William Waterhouse: The Flower Picker
    Roelof Jansz, Van Vries don't know the name
    jean leon gerome moorish bath
    James Tissot on the Thames
    Thomas Moran An Indian Pueblo Laguna New Mexico
    Bruce Crane Long Island Landscape
    Turner Slave Ship
    Mice scratching at the walls inside of your head.
    This is a warning that my sig was too tall.
    You could have sent me a PM or something.
  • ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    MORE. I'm too tired to type out the original artists! :D

    My favorite so far is the 2nd one on this and on the thames from the previous post. The compositions are getting more and more difficult. The one with what I'm assuming are sirens might have been a little too heavy for how late it is. Kind of lost it on that one. Am I doing it right now?
    ninjai on
    Mice scratching at the walls inside of your head.
    This is a warning that my sig was too tall.
    You could have sent me a PM or something.
  • LexxyLexxy Registered User, Strip Search regular
    These look amazing so far you guys! WUUUUUGH.

    I'm gonna be out of town all weekend so I'm going to have to try to cram all these in Monday/Tuesday ahahaha 8')
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