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Hard Drive Errors

VeretasVeretas Registered User regular
Welp, after almost a year since I built this thing my secondary HDD is starting to fail. I'm getting SMART errors when I run WD's diagnostic tool. More specifically it is showing this: v9jZmcT.png

Thankfully it's still under warranty for about another month, but I'm wondering if I really need to do the whole RMA deal or is there something else I can do to fix this?

It's a WD Caviar Blue 1TB HD. Model number WD10EALX if that helps any.


  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Re-allocated sectors are basically sectors that have failed data-verification, meaning data was read from it differently twice, or data that was written was not read back the way it is expected to. So the hdd writes them elsewhere. So, bad sectors basically. Your hard drive will compensate for it best it can but I'd recommend backing up your data and replacing the drive soon.
    Bendery It Like Beckham on
    headphones2.jpg SC2:Bendery.235
  • VeretasVeretas Registered User regular
    Coolio, I'll just go through with getting it replaced then.
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