Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

What are you doing with the 4th day?

zerzhulzerzhul Sparkamus PrimeMarduk is my co-pilotRegistered User, Super Moderator, Moderator, SolidSaints Zerzhul mod


  • Dr.RocktipusDr.Rocktipus Registered User regular
    I don't know whether to start a new discussion thread with this or just ask here. For those PAX-vets, what do you plan on doing with that extra day? Prime 2012 was my first one and by the end of Sunday I had seen my fill. I know with the extra day I'll be able to do a little more risky exploring of the expo hall and definitely go to more events outside the hall, but I'd like to know what preliminary plans y'all have made.
  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    I don't know whether to start a new discussion thread with this or just ask here. For those PAX-vets, what do you plan on doing with that extra day? Prime 2012 was my first one and by the end of Sunday I had seen my fill. I know with the extra day I'll be able to do a little more risky exploring of the expo hall and definitely go to more events outside the hall, but I'd like to know what preliminary plans y'all have made.

    Tabletop and more tabletop. =)
    Prime 2013 Status: .color=green][b]✓[/b][/color 4-Day Passes .color=green][b]✓[/b][/color Hotel .color=green][b]✓[/b][/color Plane Tickets .[ .] Waiting Patiently
    Attendee: Prime '12, '13 .. East '12
  • zerzhulzerzhul Sparkamus Prime Marduk is my co-pilotRegistered User, Super Moderator, Moderator, SolidSaints Zerzhul mod
    I think this can live on its own. This will likely be an active discussion in and of itself.

    For me, I might actually do some Expo hall. I generally stay entirely away from Expo since it's my least favorite thing at PAX, and with time constraints I rarely want to spend time in there. The extra day may entice me to do some booth hopping.
  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    I don't know whether to start a new discussion thread with this or just ask here. For those PAX-vets, what do you plan on doing with that extra day? Prime 2012 was my first one and by the end of Sunday I had seen my fill. I know with the extra day I'll be able to do a little more risky exploring of the expo hall and definitely go to more events outside the hall, but I'd like to know what preliminary plans y'all have made.

    Probably see more panels throughout the event. Since there will be more time and I won't miss out on tabletop and floor time.

  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade 3rd Degree Leather Belt, Reversible Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    More of everything.

    More boardgaming, more console gaming, more booths, more panels, more meeting people, more drinking and eating...

    More post-PAX depression.
    PAX Prime 2013 - 4x1 day passes - check, hotel - check, flight - check,
    freezing myself under a snowy avalanche and digging me out in time for PAX - chhhhhhhhhheck

    PAX Prime: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012
    Omeganaut: 2012
    TWDT 2013: ???
  • Little Miss RachelLittle Miss Rachel Geek Chick Before Geek Was Chic Idahoan ExileRegistered User regular
    Probably more time on the expo floor. I know last year I barely spent any time there because I was panel hopping the whole weekend.

    Might see if I can get in some time at TT freeplay, too. =)
    Twitter: LittleMsRachel | Steam: LittleMissRachel
    PAX Prime 2013 TODO: Passes [X] | Hotel [X] | Flight [X] | Time Off [X] | Wait Patiently [ ]
    Buttoneering TODO: Design [X] | Bonus? [ ] | Order [ ] | Receive! [ ]
    Forum Stuff TODO: PPD: [ ] | Girls' Meetup: [ ] | Coin [ ] | Dice [ ] | Badge [X] | Pint [ ] | Lapel Pin [ ]
  • BadNews65BadNews65 Registered User regular
    I will be doing a lot more table top this year. I don't think I will be planning something for the extra day. But use it to be able to do more each day. Also I figure any long lines for something you want will be much shorter on Monday.
  • embraceternityembraceternity The Witch of the Wilds Registered User regular
    I normally shy away from the expo hall, due to how crowded it is, and my love for panels. I think I'll use the Monday as my non-cosplay day, to just relax and enjoy that area. Perhaps more table top. Perhaps more shenanigans.
    I think I need a bath. Do you think I need a bath?
  • robertrencerobertrence Registered User regular
    Distributing the remainder of our cookies. /shamelessplug
    Message me with the cookies you want to see at PAX Prime!

  • BadNews65BadNews65 Registered User regular
    I normally shy away from the expo hall, due to how crowded it is, and my love for panels. I think I'll use the Monday as my non-cosplay day, to just relax and enjoy that area. Perhaps more table top. Perhaps more shenanigans.

    I 2nd the notion of more shenans... >_>

  • zerzhulzerzhul Sparkamus Prime Marduk is my co-pilotRegistered User, Super Moderator, Moderator, SolidSaints Zerzhul mod
    As if you'll still have cookies.
  • XarthanXarthan Registered User regular
    I usually roam the Expo Hall 30mins prior to closing on the last day to snag any free effortless swag Companies don't want to haul back.
  • robertrencerobertrence Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    As if you'll still have cookies.

    Oh... you'd be surprised...
    Message me with the cookies you want to see at PAX Prime!

  • Dr.RocktipusDr.Rocktipus Registered User regular
    Xarthan wrote: »
    I usually roam the Expo Hall 30mins prior to closing on the last day to snag any free effortless swag Companies don't want to haul back.
    Last year I was just trying to leave the hall to meet some friends and Capcom gave me like 5 posters and a shirt on the way out.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Sparkamus Prime Marduk is my co-pilotRegistered User, Super Moderator, Moderator, SolidSaints Zerzhul mod
    zerzhul wrote: »
    As if you'll still have cookies.

    Oh... you'd be surprised...
    No, *you* would be :)
  • TraitoriousTraitorious Registered User regular
    I might use the 4th day to live in the Indie Megabooth. I never get around to spending enough time in there since its inception at East '12.
  • BadNews65BadNews65 Registered User regular
    I don't guess I saw this mega booth and prime last year... I spent some time in the indie section and played some great games... But mega booth? I did not see? Perhaps I am making mega to be larger than it is?

  • VangardeVangarde SeattleRegistered User regular
    I always spent my last day trying out the indie games and finishing up the long lines that potentially wouldn't be so long anymore. But yes, definitely try to pick up all the free swag that exhibitors don't want to bring back.
    It's also the day I spend time actually trying to draw something cool on the Fangamer dry erase board.
  • whypick1whypick1 [E] ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    BadNews65 wrote: »
    I don't guess I saw this mega booth and prime last year... I spent some time in the indie section and played some great games... But mega booth? I did not see? Perhaps I am making mega to be larger than it is?

    The Indie MegaBooth is a collection of booths, not one ginormous booth. You were probably there.

    As for me, more Enforcing.
    Is it PAX East yet?
  • taliosfalcontaliosfalcon Registered User regular
    tbh after three days last year i was done, i'll probably just toss my pass to someone in the street and wander around seattle
    WII U NNID- talios
  • speeder venkmanspeeder venkman Registered User regular
    I'll echo most everyone else by saying I'll probably be spending my time in the expo hall unless something else is announced for Monday.
  • JamieODJamieOD Registered User regular
    I'll check out anything I missed which judging from last year will be the indie booths and tabletop area. Maybe if the LoL tournament is still going on I'll spend a few hours spectating the matches. Although I am curious to see what new panels will pop up now there is an extra day.
  • JeppyJeppy SeattleRegistered User regular
    Pretty much hitting the expo hall.
  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    peetsnack wrote: »
    The same thing we do every night, Pinky

    Try to take over the pool area?

    Given how bad my feet were killing me Day 3 of East, I'm guessing taking short walks and sitting a lot.
    GhostDan on
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