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Finding Friends in Chicago with Similar Interests [Athletic Groups]

WaffenWaffen Field MarshalIllinoisRegistered User regular
I'm gonna keep it as short as possible. Basically I left home years ago to go to college and I stayed down there permanently. While I was there I developed new interests and hobbies that are focused into the "healthy & fit life style". Returning home the few friends I have left in the home town don't share those interests and maintaining that healthy relationship with those clubs isn't possible due to distance. As a result I'm basically sitting around at home with not a whole lot to do (besides go to the gym every day & jog every other day) and want to change that. I started looking around on Google for various running clubs in the southern Chicago area, but Google only gets you so far. My overall question is if any PA Members know of any websites or groups within the region that meet up regularly that either do the whole running/work out think and also serve as social functions for people to meet others with similar interests?


  • kaliyamakaliyama Registered User regular
    Your best local resource would be your closest running store.
  • schussschuss Registered User regular
    Also look up hash running groups.
  • KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    Meetup.com should have plenty of running groups.

    And yeah, check your closest running store. I do weekly runs set through Lululemon (Don't shop there, friend told me about it) and I know other stores do them as well. Usually it's a 3 mile run followed by some drinks, which seems to be exactly what you're looking for.
  • WaffenWaffen Field Marshal IllinoisRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Kyougu wrote: »
    Meetup.com should have plenty of running groups.

    And yeah, check your closest running store. I do weekly runs set through Lululemon (Don't shop there, friend told me about it) and I know other stores do them as well. Usually it's a 3 mile run followed by some drinks, which seems to be exactly what you're looking for.

    I'm not judging. A friend wanted me to apply for a job there hoping I'd meet single women there on a similar, yet hysterical note...

    So far meetup is looking pretty awesome. (And it also keeps recommending I check out events for singles...)
    Waffen on
  • kaliyamakaliyama Registered User regular
    Lululemon is awesome. I'd recommend shopping there, because their clothes are incredibly comfortable and last forever.
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