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Mouse Guard Story-Blog

KexizzocKexizzoc Registered User new member
edited May 2013 in The Writer's Block
I had some trouble deciding whether to post this here or under Gaming, since it's technically both...

While on a 3-month stay in Paris, I had the idea to run a Mouse Guard game with my girlfriend. If you don't know Mouse Guard, it's a comic book series with a tabletop RPG based off of it. Think D&D with mice. The game's story would then be translated into a continually-updating blog. Instead of setting the game in the wilderness (as per the comics) I'm setting it in Paris, so I use photos taken locally to help set the scale/tone/scenery of the story.

All this elaborate ruse was just a way to basically force myself to write on a deadline while not putting pressure on myself ("maintain a blog" sounds more manageable than "start a novel"). I'm a big believer in tackling writing in measured steps that push you without burning you out, not to mention working on projects that you're passionate about without being fatally invested in how they turn out. I think this-- a story where I have no way to predict the next step-- was the right move to go with.

So here it is, please enjoy and of course, criticism and feedback are more than welcome.

<link removed>
ElJeffe on


  • ElJeffeElJeffe Super Moderator, Moderator, ClubPA mod
    Sorry, but the rules here disallow both fan-fiction, and posting links to your work off-site. If you have something not based on someone else's property, we'd love to have you post the text of your story in here so we can critique it, though.
    Riley: "You're a marsupial!"
    Maddie: "I am not!"
    Riley: "You're a marsupial!"
    Maddie: "I am a placental mammal!"
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