Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

FLORIS - New Indie Art Puzller on iOS (iPhone / iPad HD Universal)

TubeTube Administrator, ClubPA, SolidSaints Tube admin

Hey all I'm sploozoo aka Grillaface aka Andrew Bowers and I've been a PA forum member here for 10+ years.

It's always been my dream to make a game, and finally a few years ago I found away to channel my passion for gaming into teaching myself code and developing for the iOS platform. And here we are now, and I'm proud to announce the launch of my first finished game:




I describe Floris as my personal love letter to Tetris and Dr. Mario. I'm a Tetris addict - recently cracked GrandMaster status on TetrisFriends.com -- a feat I believe should give me significant gamer cred.
But I say this to assure you I've expert knowledge of arguably the greatest game of our time (Tetris) and sought to make an experience with similar, but still unique, qualities.



Floris was conceived at a local Game Jam in my area (Richmond VA) by an awesome local group RVAGameJams. The jam's theme was Flow Theory - riffing off a local art exhibition "Flow Just Flow" filled with Flow inspired work. The exhibits centerpiece was actually ThatGameCompanie's fl0w (also now on display at MoMa) and we were blessed to have Kellee Santiago come and deliver a lecture on Flow Theory and Journey to kick off the gallery opening.


I built it myself in cocos2d and had help with the music and SFX. Both of which are gorgeous and have been recieving universal praise.
The game itself is challenging and addictive and is being generally positively received:

TouchArcade: Clever and Trippy Matching Game 'Floris' Free for a Limited Time

AppleNApps: App Of The Day: Floris – A Beautiful Flourish Of Puzzle & Music

DotTech: Floris is a gorgeous puzzle game

Floris was free a couple days ago but I'll be happy to share some promo codes with the first 12 people that ask. But please, if I provide you the code, I ask that you be willing to play for a while and report your opinion on the current scoring model. I'm tweaking that for the next update (which will include GameCenter) and it's important to me that the scoring model be an accurate measure of a skillfully played game.

The highest score I've seen is 23 million with a whopping 57 blossom (rings).

Everyone else, please just check out Floris on the AppStore, and thanks for your support!
If you'd like an anime thread, please PM me to discuss it. Include pics/video of your favorites.


  • SploozooSploozoo Grillaface Richmond VARegistered User regular
    Thanks @Tube :)

    To reiterate, GameCenter leaderboards are being implemented this weekend and should be available next weekend (optimal) for version 1.2

    I'm tweaking the scoring model slightly but still would love feedback on current model.

    If you're a Tetris baller I'm particularly interested in your impression, so PM me for a code.

    I hope everyone will check this out and feel free to ask me any questions.

    The lecture I linked to with Kellee Santiago is particularly good and explains my Floris inspiration well.

    Now back to work (off from day job to work on dream job).

    Mnemonic anamnesis.

    aka Grillaface
  • FamousAspectFamousAspect Indie Game Developer San FranciscoRegistered User regular
    Looks very interesting. Any chance you have a few codes to post so we can try it out and give some feedback?
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