Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

Assassins Ball at PAX Prime 2013!

MarsCheliosMarsChelios Registered User regular
You walk into a massive space filled with people; bright lights and loud sounds grab your attention. Your eyes narrow as you scan the crowd searching for your prey. Suddenly a chilling sensation sweeps up your spine, you are being watched. You duck around a corner sneaking a quick glance over your shoulder and see... nothing. But you can’t shake the feeling that someone is hunting you.

Welcome to Assassins Ball, a social game played during PAX Prime 2013 in Seattle, WA, August 30 - September 2.

Like the East 2013 game, I'll be running a Kickstarter campaign for initial funding. following forum rules the link to the campaign will not be posted in this thread but can be found on the games website (http://www.phenixone.com) once up. Please do not post the link here and ask any question pertaining to the campaign through PM or through Kickstarter itself.
zerzhul wrote: »
For anyone wondering, this has been given specific clearance versus the kickstarter ban on the forums from the Administrator. However, any questions related to the kickstarter itself would be best left to PM or on the kickstarter page. Please do not use this thread to discuss the kickstarter (other than if you want to post that you're participating in Assassins). You will also notice that @MarsChelios has been careful to not link to it directly, this is by design.

What is Assassins Ball?
In Assassins Ball you take on the role of an assassin allied to one of five powerful factions. Your mission is to find other specific assassins in the crowd and eliminate them. Each mission lists 1 specific target, 3 generic targets, and an optional faction to target. The more precisely you accomplish your mission the more prestige you gain. As you eliminate players you take their mission and start over looking for the new targets listed on it.

Your Kit and How to Play
Players can be identified by the large 3” button they wear. The button should be worn on your left arm facing out or on the upper left side of your chest. Each button is printed with a brightly colored shape on it that acts as an identifier for a player, a sticker below the symbol shows the emblem of your faction (You'll pick this when you order or through a survey). An example of the player button is shown below.


The button has both a standard pin-back and a clothing magnet to ensure that it stays on (Note: The example above does not show the clothing magnet). The magnet is completely removable in the event that you are not able to wear strong magnets.

Stay on Target!
Your kit includes a mission that list a large symbol for a primary target, three smaller symbols for secondary targets, and one of five factions. An example of the mission card is shown below.


In addition to your mission, your kit also includes an assassination card and an intel card. Assassination cards are part of how kills are registered, you will receive one from every player you eliminate and will hand yours to the player who kills you.
Gathering Intel


Gathering Intel
Intel cards are a way to gain prestige even if you're eliminated! Each intel card gives a small amount of prestige to a player when registered. Use it, trade with another player, repeat.


Note that the look of these materials may change between now and printing.

Assassinating Players
When you find a player whose symbol matches your mission walk up, say “Hi”, and kill them. Just kidding, assassinating a player is primarily a verbal exchange. Players are encouraged to be creative but not to use prop weapons, do things that could be considered threatening, and above all don’t ruin someones fun.

Please note that assassinations are not physical! Please do not use weapons or props.

Each kill can be registered online; primary targets are worth 250 points and secondary targets are worth 100. Matching the faction is optional but acts as a multiplier to the kill doubling a primary kill to 500 points and a secondary kill to 200 points.

Factions are powerful organizations or groups who employ assassins to further their goals, each with a specific theme. The factions and their emblems are listed below, but to find out more go to the factions page on the games website.


What's next?
Don't see something covered here or uncertain about something? Got a suggestion or constructive criticism? Think this is awesome? Let me know below! I'm very excited about this years game and I hope you are too! If you're posting a question for me, please include @MarsChelios first so I can be alerted and respond promptly.

Help get the word out!
Assassins Ball grows primarily through word of mouth. With the all or nothing nature of Kickstarter I need your help more than ever to make sure Assassins Ball is at PAX Prime! Help me get the word out or let me know any suggestions you have on reaching people!

Here's some ways I'm connecting with people:
  • Assassins Ball on Twitter. Don't forget the #PAXassin hashtag.
  • Assassins Ball on Google+
  • Assassins Ball on Facebook.


  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    Wow this is awesome to see how much it has evolved since we played at East last year. Love the changes and the use of the button instead of the armband!
    Prime 2013 Status: .color=green][b]✓[/b][/color 4-Day Passes .color=green][b]✓[/b][/color Hotel .color=green][b]✓[/b][/color Plane Tickets .[ .] Waiting Patiently
    Attendee: Prime '12, '13 .. East '12
  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade 3rd Degree Leather Belt, Reversible Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Mars! Welcome back! I'm looking forward to a fun game this year!
    PAX Prime 2013 - 4x1 day passes - check, hotel - check, flight - check,
    freezing myself under a snowy avalanche and digging me out in time for PAX - chhhhhhhhhheck

    PAX Prime: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012
    Omeganaut: 2012
    TWDT 2013: ???
  • ramen215ramen215 Registered User regular
    Woot! Can't wait to get hunting at Prime :)
    Track Record: ~Prime '12
    Prime '13 Stats: 4 Day Badge [✓] Hotel [✓] Plane Tickets [ ] Waiting Patiently [✓]
    Extras: Buttons (ordered) [ ] Buttons (received) [ ] Challenge Coin [ ] Lapel Pin [ ]
  • KipolKipol Registered User new member
    edited May 2013
    So I'm looking around the web site and kickstarter. The KS site says that it's for PAX East 2013. Am I at the wrong kickstarter?
    Edit: Nevermind...turns out I don't read well after waking up...
    Kipol on
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