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PC won't start after power outage.

iowaiowa Registered User regular
I woke up one morning and saw that my apt complex had lost power and now the pc won't boot. It was plugged into a power strip so I thought it should have been surge protected. The monitor is plugged into the same strip and is working fine.

reading online it looks like it's either something wrong with the mobo or the PSU. which one is more likely and how can I tell?

I opened up the case and I think I read that the PSU is the gray box near the lower left bottom fan is this true and how hard is it to remove. also how much are PSUs and what should I look for if i get a new one. can I do this myself? fun fact: the first time I tried to install RAM by myself I had to take it to a store to get it fixed booya

halp halp

[who] came here from cuba's door where boxin aint allowed no more
iowa on
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