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[TRENCHES] Tuesday, June 24, 2014 - The Airport

GethGeth LegionPerseus VeilRegistered User, Super Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
edited June 2014 in The Penny Arcade Hub
The Airport

The Airport

Bonus Season!


No one expects bonus season to be a season of equality and good will, of course, but this tale from my brother who was working as a senior programmer for a company now well known for producing a racing game with spectacular slow-motion crashes.

Called in for a meeting by his manager he was told that the bonus pot was particularly small this year, but the pain was being shared by everyone, and everyone on the team was getting the same small percentage bonus. Boo, he thought, but I suppose everyone else is in the same boat.

Until the idiot manager decided that he would email his bonus-sharing spreadsheet to the entire company, and not just to _his_ boss, revealing to everyone that he was taking the majority of his team’s bonus for himself, and giving his underlings a share of the rest. Presumably he thought he deserved it and they didn’t.

Result: Team minus at least one programmer, manager told to be more careful with emails. That’s right, he kept the money (but not his integrity).

Geth on
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