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[TRENCHES] Thursday, April 9, 2015 - Work Out The Kinks

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited April 2015 in The Penny Arcade Hub
Work Out The Kinks

Work Out The Kinks

Mr Grumpy Dev


I love our QA guys. Hell, the good ones are worth their weight in gold and should be paid twice what they are.

The ability to reduce the factors in a bug so that I can quickly nail the issue is a completely indispensable part of game development, especially at the end where I am walking a tightrope between tears and table flipping rage at all times, with only the balancing pole of caffeine to keep me upright.

But. But. And I say this with love QA folks.

You aren’t designers. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Hell, these days most designers aren’t designers either, so no need to feel bad. Often the only guys who get to make decisions about the games we work on are the far removed owners and their marketing buddies, who can suggest whatever the standout feature of the game they briefly played that weekend before going out on the town (hey, we should have takedowns/melee combat/sassy/robots/fungusFacedZombies!).

Adding your feature request and linking it tenuously to a TCR in an attempt to get your pet idea implemented is a crime so horrific that it should be punished with trousers full of ravenous weasels.

Please understand that when you enter a bug requesting a feature near the end of a project you are pulling off a white dueling glove and striking some developer around the face with it. In these situations, “by design” really does mean “fuck off”.

And pretty please, for all that is holy and by our great and mighty Lord Gaben, fill your repro rates out.

The bug “My Xbox explodes every time I start this mission”

is not the same as

“Once upon a cold and shadowy morn the legends tell of an Xbox which, when the doomed mission was begun, did explode. All the other Xboxen were fine from that day on, and there was much rejoicing”.

Dog on
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