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Asking out a restaurant hostess?

loverboiloverboi Registered User new member
Restaurant or buffet but anyways ive been there twice but with family though, both times I've gone she has caught me looking at her quite a few times. She is maybe 18-19 and I'm 20. Anyways I left and couldn't say bye cuz she was busy.

But!, I was thinking of going back when they're not busy and asking her out.

This is what I'll start out with.
Maybe say something along the lines of "hey there, I came here last week and I left wanting to tell you that I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and just wondering if you had a boyfriend. If not would you be interested in going out with me?

Would this be weird?


  • loverboiloverboi Registered User new member
    Yea I get what you guys are saying but I was thinking of going back when they're not that busy you know.

    Maybe change the way I say but other than that I've never seen her anywhere else and this is my only chance I guess.
  • Jebus314Jebus314 Registered User regular
    It's just not really a good idea. It's guaranteed to put her in an awkward position, where she shouldn't be doing personal things on work time, and she is supposed to be nice to you no matter what. Why do you want to ask her out anyway? It's 1 girl you've never really met and who you've only ever seen twice. There are plenty of women out there, I would focus on getting out and meeting more people, and let the relationship building come more naturally.
    "The world is a mess, and I just need to rule it" - Dr Horrible
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    You're kind of boned here. She's generally obligated to not upset you. Obviously this doesn't mean she has to say yes. But at the same time she has to worry about you overreacting or taking it the wrong way and her boss then being upset at her, especially if her boss happens to be an asshole.
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Here are a few thoughts in semi-random order:

    1. I always advocate the direct approach over being oblique. Having the confidence to tell someone you're interested is always more effective than pussy-footing around. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" isn't exactly the direct approach, however. It's flattery, and it's pretty empty flattery, at that. It's also not terribly *good* flattery. There's no element here that says "I want to get to know you better." Just "u r hott i put mi dik in u?"

    2. Everyone who has said that there is an implicit power dynamic at the workplace is spot on.

    3. This is not to say that you should never ever ask out someone at work, you just have to be respectful about that.

    4. Probably the most respectful way to deal with that dynamic is to eschew asking her out at her place of business and instead giving her your contact information so that she can get in touch with you if she feels like it. Make sure she doesn't feel pressured, but give her the direct ask when she calls.
  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    yeah, the way to do this is to be direct, discreet and low pressure about it. Just hand her a card and say something to the effect of 'hey, it was fun chatting with you the other day, give me a call sometime if you'd like to grab lunch.' Don't call her the most beautiful girl you've ever seen (because yeesh) and certainly don't ask if she has a boyfriend
    hope? change? busproject.org
    my unofficial autobio will be accompanied with tips on how to smile
    cause I've found that when they don't see you frown, they never know that you're a threat
    and they don't sweat you when you came around
  • NoisymunkNoisymunk Everyone Into Forever Rhode IslandRegistered User regular
    You're only 20, fresh-faced and newly thrust into adulthood. Don't go rushin' at the first girl that gets your loins all a flutter. You already ruined it by making moony-moon-moon eyes at her while you were eating there with your family. Major faux-pas there, loverboy.

    Your take-away here should be "don't male-gaze at women".
  • NotYouNotYou Registered User regular
    So, a lot of people have said the whole, don't hit on people at work thing. It's partially true because it's awkward to reject a patron and they can't really get away from you easily cause they're at work. Plus they're busy.

    But in the end, asking people out is often awkward when the person getting asked isn't interested. That's life. So give it a shot. Make it as laid back and low pressure as possible though. Say hi, make a joke, whatever. You should be thinking, 'oh she's interesting,' rather than 'that is the most beautiful creature in existence, i bow before you oh goddess.' Have a take it or leave attitude.

    At 20, you need to ask out a lot of girls in terrible ways before your instincts start kicking in and you're capable of being less of a weirdo. So practice :)
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    NotYou wrote: »
    So, a lot of people have said the whole, don't hit on people at work thing. It's partially true because it's awkward to reject a patron and they can't really get away from you easily cause they're at work. Plus they're busy.

    But in the end, asking people out is often awkward when the person getting asked isn't interested. That's life. So give it a shot. Make it as laid back and low pressure as possible though. Say hi, make a joke, whatever. You should be thinking, 'oh she's interesting,' rather than 'that is the most beautiful creature in existence, i bow before you oh goddess.' Have a take it or leave attitude.

    At 20, you need to ask out a lot of girls in terrible ways before your instincts start kicking in and you're capable of being less of a weirdo. So practice :)

    Well, the reason you don't ask people out at work (especially when they're in the service industry) is because you're messing with their livelihood.

    People can get in trouble for things like this, which means having hours cut or even getting fired.

    That's a bit more serious than it being awkward for the askee.

    The card thing, while not the most romantic of methods, is probably the most low-key way of dealing with it in a situation like that.

    I'd also suggest waiting for her after her shift, but that comes across as creepy.
  • loverboiloverboi Registered User new member
    Well how about just handing her a card with name and phone number and say I would really like to get to know you call me sometime to hang out.

    Well some of you guys are right I should try elsewhere but problem with that is I don't have many friends and I'm not very social first time I built up the course to ask a women out was a few weeks ago and I was nervous but still a bit confident. But she turned out to be married so yea haha.
  • EsseeEssee The pinkest of hair. Victoria, BCRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I know that other people have mentioned this already, but if you do talk to her at all FOR GOD'S SAKE DO NOT JUST SAY YOU APPROACHED HER BECAUSE OF HER APPEARANCE. Especially when somebody is working in a job that relies on tips, telling the girl you're interested in but do not know yet that you're after them because they're hot really does not do a single thing to help you. It doesn't matter how true it is that you think she's beautiful and that's why you want to get to know her. Don't do it.

    Unfortunately I don't have any further advice for you because my friend is going through a similar thing right now and I'm not sure how to help him either.
    Essee on
  • GihgehlsGihgehls Registered User regular
    I made a thread about this once! In the end, I approached her on my way out after lunch. I think I said something like "I don't usually do this, but you're cute and I'd like to take you out to coffee sometime." She said "I don't usually do this either" and gave me her number. I left one message and never heard back! (and more importantly, I didn't try again.) So, I guess be cool, be respectful, and be ready to drop the whole thing real fast.
  • MadpoetMadpoet Registered User regular
    +1 for "Do it, but your line sucks."
    Be brief, be respectful, expect failure.
  • loverboiloverboi Registered User new member
    I figured I got nothing to lose so I think ima go with this

    Hand her a piece of paper with my name and phone number.
    Say "i know this is out of the blue and i never do this but I would really like to get to know you better and if you're not busy give me a call we can hang out or grab a bite to eat. If not, it's no big deal"

    I know I gotta work on the line but what the hey the worst that'll happen is she'll say no.
  • mightyspacepopemightyspacepope Registered User regular
    My advice:

    "You seem awesome. If you'd like to grab lunch/coffee sometime, here's my number."
  • ArmorocArmoroc Registered User regular
    Sounds like your going to do it.

    I suppose you can just say something along the lines of "if your interested, call me" then hand her your contact info.

    Then after that... walk away. Don't expect anything... just walk away.
  • ANTVGM64ANTVGM64 Bahhhstahn MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    I echo the go back, eat there, write a note, leave your name, and put your phone number on it. This worked for me exactly once.

    with a 45 year old woman.
    Who worked in Real Estate.
    I was never the same again.

    if it's the kind of woman that digs this sort of thing, you'll have a lot to live up to. If it creeps her out, she won't call, and you can't go back to that restaurant again. Upto you!
    GT: NotMeekin
    Tweeter: @MeekinOnMovies
    FB: Facebook.com/MeekinOnMovies
  • JaysonFourJaysonFour Ex-Bronco Kitteh Registered User regular
    Don't try to flatter her about her looks- just tell her you think she's awesome and would like a chance to get to know her better. She gets the same BS from every wannabe Casanova who thinks she's cute, and the last thing you want to do is end up in the same file as they do.

    Look presentable, don't act like a goose- before, during, or after the meal- and if she shoots you down, don't take it personally. Chalk it up to experience and go on with your life.
  • noir_bloodnoir_blood Registered User regular
    loverboi wrote: »
    I figured I got nothing to lose so I think ima go with this
    ANTVGM64 wrote: »
    if it's the kind of woman that digs this sort of thing, you'll have a lot to live up to. If it creeps her out, she won't call, and you can't go back to that restaurant again. Upto you!
    These two points go really well together. You have nothing to lose because you can do whatever the fuck you want and the worst that happens is that a hot girl shoots you down (and let's be honest, she's going to be nice about it - her job depends on not being a jerk to customers, no matter how bad they make her feel). You'll be fine no matter what! Meanwhile, like most women and especially like most beautiful women, she has to put up with a near constant stream of 'affection' that she does not want and that probably makes her feel not so great. Pretty women who go to parties with their boyfriend on their arm get constantly propositioned - imagine how much more often they get this shit when they're in a setting (like a restaurant) where it's not obvious that they're seeing someone and where people have easy access to them (because they're stuck there, standing around, waiting to serve you). Every time a man takes advantage of this sort of thing to ask someone out and the advice is something like "what's the worst that can happen," I always feel like pointing out that the reason the "worst" that can happen is "not very bad" is because you're in a position of privilege where this shit doesn't make your life horrible when it happens day in and day out because there is nothing you can do about it because society constantly tells men that it's their job to hit on you, over and over, in the hopes that one day it will work on one woman, somewhere, and if they have to go through 50 women to get there, who gives a shit? It's not like women get annoyed when they get hit on in circumstances where it's likely they'd rather not be hit on, right?

    So what's the alternative? Never asking someone out?

    I think that at this point, everyone has drilled into the OP's head that he should not just go up to her and ask her out, but I don't think there's anything wrong with doing what most are suggesting--go there, eat, leave her a small note with his contact info, and that's it.

    I do agree with your original point that maybe asking someone out solely based on looks is not the best idea, but at the same time, I think you're taking this to the extreme.
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Don't ask people out when they're in a situation where they cannot get away from you, where they cannot be mean to you, where they probably have to put up with this shit constantly, where they've given literally zero indication that they are at all interested in you (perhaps after catching OP staring multiple times she might've dropped some hints if her state of mind were anything other than 'dreading the time when OP works up enough courage to ask me out'), where you have no reason other than "she's super hot..." yeah I think I'm not saying "never ask someone out."

    Well yes, a hostess looking at you several times during a meal, especially if you're looking at them, and making eye-contact, is not "potential interest", it's someone doing their job.
  • JebusUDJebusUD Registered User regular
    Hawkstone wrote: »
    My advice:

    "You seem awesome. If you'd like to grab lunch/coffee sometime, here's my number."

    This...no flowery speeches, no verbose compliments..

    If your going to do this, have your number on a card, hand it to her and say " I would like to take you out sometime...here is my number." Then leave....that's it....don't stick around, give her, her space....and keep it simple. Anything else is unwelcome and quickly could be construed as creepy.

    Just keep it simple and calm. Don't say it like you posted. That's all fumbly. You seem interesting, here's my number.
  • ANTVGM64ANTVGM64 Bahhhstahn MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Women can smell fear.
    GT: NotMeekin
    Tweeter: @MeekinOnMovies
    FB: Facebook.com/MeekinOnMovies
  • k-mapsk-maps I wish I could find the Karnaugh map for love. 2^<3Registered User regular
    Hmmm.....I think in order to pull something like this off (unless you're really attractive), you're going to have to "break the fourth wall" in some way to make a genuine connection. What I mean by that is that you would have to get her "off-script" the standard waitress-diner interaction. This is easy if you're astute and/or witty, and can make some observation that will make her laugh or get her to say something beyond just doing her job.

    To give an example: there was a restaurant/pub on my campus I used to go alone to once a week or so, and there was a cute waitress who'd always work at those times when I was there. Once after she served me my food, I made the observation that no one seemed to be leaving tips. She then told me about this policy they have about not accepting tips in on-campus restaurants. I said I thought that was kind of fucked, because it's probably more miserable to wait on a higher concentration drunk frat guys than it would in any other bars/restaurants, and they probably need the tips more being students and all. She laughed, saying that it's especially true since she has to pay off pretty big loans in that "don't let my manager know I'm complaining" sort of way. This led to some more friendly conversation about our respective majors and whatnot, rather longer than the usual waitress/diner chit-chat, but no one seemed to mind because the place was fairly quiet/empty.

    After that, each time I would dine there, the waitress would "hang out" with me to chat before or after serving others, even when I wasn't ordering anything. At this point, I could've probably have easily asked her if she wanted to grab a coffee or whatever, but I wasn't feeling it at the time for whatever reason, so we just remained friends. The point is, I was able to make some sort of connection beyond the prescribed professional waitress interaction. I would say if you were there when the place was less busy, and can say something to lighten up her mood or make her laugh, then that's a good "in" for at least more friendly interaction that could lead to more.

    However, this is EXTREMELY hard to pull off, and will depend on her mood, how busy the place is, and how attractive she finds you. Sadly, I think the only difference between creepy and cute in these type of public advances is whether they think you're really handsome or not. Which is sort of an unfair double-standard... At any rate, you should come with really low expectations.

    BTW - as an epilogue, when my undergrad advisor took my classmate and me to dine there before graduation, we managed to surreptitiously give her a pretty generous tip!
  • hsuhsu Registered User regular
    I'll just say that you need to flirt with her, before you ask her out.

    No pick up line, no saying "you're cute" or any of that crap. Just when she takes your order or serves you, say something funny, witty, random, or off topic. Get her talking, get her laughing, that type of thing. Like how you'd flirt with any other girl.

    If she keeps flirting back, ask her out near the end of the meal.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Hawkstone wrote: »
    My advice:

    "You seem awesome. If you'd like to grab lunch/coffee sometime, here's my number."

    This...no flowery speeches, no verbose compliments..

    If your going to do this, have your number on a card, hand it to her and say " I would like to take you out sometime...here is my number." Then leave....that's it....don't stick around, give her, her space....and keep it simple. Anything else is unwelcome and quickly could be construed as creepy.

    Yup, everyone that's saying something similar, do this.

    The trick to not being a creep is to not be a creep. The trick to asking out a person on a compromising situation where they're nice because they need to make rent or utilities is to make it 0 pressure. If she rejects you, OP, you need to deal with it internally and not take it out
    A) on her
    B) on other people in the restaurant.
This discussion has been closed.