Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

[PA Comic] Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - The Rules

GethGeth LegionPerseus VeilRegistered User, Super Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
edited May 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub


  • RevenantkiokuRevenantkioku JapanRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Nearly spit out my lunch at the post office.
    Revenantkioku on
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Dat last panel.
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    I prefer not to think about any child genitals.

    I said NOT TO, FBI. NOT!
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    Can't say a boardgame version of Bejeweled makes sense to me. Thank God there's a boardgame version of Words With Friends, though! There's finally a way to play a game where you form words out of tiles on a grid to score points! All without worrying if your iPhone is going to die, or if your power is going to go out and keep you off of Facebook!

    Free at last, Free at last!
    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    I've seen a board game tetris so this is kind of late.
  • InvertinInvertin Registered User regular
    they might have to houserule that one
  • Blackhawk1313Blackhawk1313 Registered User regular
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Can't say a boardgame version of Bejeweled makes sense to me. Thank God there's a boardgame version of Words With Friends, though! There's finally a way to play a game where you form words out of tiles on a grid to score points! All without worrying if your iPhone is going to die, or if your power is going to go out and keep you off of Facebook!

    Free at last, Free at last!

    They sure did it's called Scrabble and they made it back in 1948...
  • SmoogySmoogy Registered User regular
    I've never read a post so dripping with sarcasm that was misinterpreted so epically.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    KalTorak wrote: »
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Can't say a boardgame version of Bejeweled makes sense to me. Thank God there's a boardgame version of Words With Friends, though! There's finally a way to play a game where you form words out of tiles on a grid to score points! All without worrying if your iPhone is going to die, or if your power is going to go out and keep you off of Facebook!

    Free at last, Free at last!

    They sure did it's called Scrabble and they made it back in 1948...


  • SkwigelfSkwigelf Registered User regular
    That green, man....That green.
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    On Amazon, apparentlt users who've purchased "Bejeweled the boardgame" have also purchased some kind of prostate exam practice dummy.


    Perhaps it isn't just for girls?
    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    I've seen a board game tetris so this is kind of late.

    Fun fact: Tetris is based on a board game(kinda)
    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • olanmillsolanmills Registered User regular
    I have never played Bejeweled in any form.
    @olanmills64, tweets and pics from the Nintendo E3 Press Conference and E3 show
  • kingworkskingworks Registered User regular
    I'm sure any prereq's for the game would be posted on the packaging.
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Isn't Jerry supposed to link the comic in the newspost?
    Patch 4.3 wrote:
    In patch 4.3 we’re changing the daily battleground (BG) to reward 100 conquest for a win (up from 25). In addition, every non-rated BG that you win will also give you 50 conquest.
  • Ethan SmithEthan Smith Origin name: Beart4to Arlington, VARegistered User regular
    Oh hey, oh hey, oh hey

    It's almost like it's assumed that only women play 'casual games'.
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    On Amazon, apparentlt users who've purchased "Bejeweled the boardgame" have also purchased some kind of prostate exam practice dummy.


    Perhaps it isn't just for girls?

    Obviously they were trying to squirrel the jewels away in the pretend butt, and it just wasn't working out.

    The game knows if you're playing it right. It's the Jumanji of your vagina.
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    woooooooo podcast is coming baaaaack

    first time backing a kickstarter
  • 9bit9bit Registered User new member
    Holy shit. The girl at 52 seconds into the Kickstarter video is completely adorable. Holy shit guys.

  • Kayne Red RobeKayne Red Robe Registered User regular
    Music-chan wrote: »
    Music-chan wrote: »
    The news post for this one made me kind of sad. I think people should be allowed to like whatever colours they want without other people, even kids, telling them it's not okay.

    Yeah, that story hit home with me, my favorite color as a kid was purple until it became socially unacceptable for a little boy to like purple. Worrying about assigning particular colors or past times to one gender or the other always grinds my gears as a result.
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    9bit wrote: »
    Holy shit. The girl at 52 seconds into the Kickstarter video is completely adorable. Holy shit guys.


  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu ___________PIGEON _________San Diego, CARegistered User regular
    KitKatBar wrote: »
    So just to be clear, gender-coding a game with the color purple is bad because jewels are for everyone, but gender-coding a game with giant breasts is okay because art? Is this a call for "censoring" the color purple?
    Seriously, Tycho/Jerry needs to lay off with the criticism, although I don't think we should call it censhorship. As a wise man once wrote, people like Jerry aren't censors:
    They’re not censors, though - oh, no no. You’ll understand it eventually; what you need to do is censor yourself.
    And that's pretty much unacceptable. If I've learned anything about video games, it's that the proper response to stuff that needlessly stereotypes women and perpetuates stupid ideas about gender, leading to a society where girls get shoved in boxes that they don't fit into and mercilessly tormented if they fail to stay in their box, is to make more art. Penny Arcade mocking this kind of thing is entirely beyond the pale - it's just as bad as censorship. If they don't like Bejeweled because of its stupid ideas about gender then really they should shut up and make their own Bejeweled.
    youtubevi.png steamhg.png personalt.png lastfmx.png twitterre.png 65810446.jpg tumblrdr.png c8KNL.png xcom.jpg
  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    You don't tell me what kind of pizza to like!
    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • CambiataCambiata I'm an alchemist and the beat is my base metal Registered User regular
    Probably a mix of those. Maybe Jerry thinks that by "merely" suggesting that a game enjoyed by both sexes doesn't need to be pigeonholed by one or the other, he's not actually telling them not to do it or "emotionally blackmailing" the company or whatever. When he says something is bad, it's just criticism.

    I've long hoped that as his daughter grows older, his eyes will be more opened to the problems of women in the games industry and he'll start wanting change more fervently.

    There's also the possiblity that he sees the problem more clearly when it's his gender, his son that's being shut out of something (which goes back to my thinking his response will change when he really begins to see just how much is daughter is shut out of).
    -Tal wrote:
    If you don't develop Stockholm Syndrome, it's not a real RPG.
    Origin ID: jazzmess
    Amazon Wishlist
  • TubeTube Administrator, ClubPA, SolidSaints Tube admin
    Yeah let's use this inoccuous comic to drag up every news post that we haven't agreed with for the last couple of years.

    Wait, even better, let's not do that.
    If you'd like an anime thread, please PM me to discuss it. Include pics/video of your favorites.
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    He's not Tube-san anymore :(

    I just finished my 300 page essay about the anime i wanted to discuss with him. I spent too much damn time on that powerpoint presentation of the anime women i felt were suitable for marriage... Now i'll never get to make my anime thread!
    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    I used to work in a building that featured, for reasons known only to some insane yesteryear facilities staff, men's bathrooms with the signage painted pink and women's with the doors painted blue. I was there for three or four years and never entirely overcame the feeling that I was walking into the women's restroom
    hope? change? busproject.org
    my unofficial autobio will be accompanied with tips on how to smile
    cause I've found that when they don't see you frown, they never know that you're a threat
    and they don't sweat you when you came around
  • White MageWhite Mage Trained Magic Doctor Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Okay, I came to this thread expecting discussion over the playful knock at the marketing department of Hasbro, but instead it's more gender politics?

    Maybe everyone would be happy if the next advertisement Hasbro put out was a power ranger on a motorcycle jumping over an exploding car with the bejeweled board game in hand?
    White Mage on
  • AegeriAegeri Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I don't know, I really liked @TychoCelchuuu 's post and I would honestly like to know what Jerry would say in response. Too bad G&T don't read the forums.

    I would suggest emailing it to him. Its a very good question.
    Aegeri on
  • pylpyl Registered User regular

    Do you seriously think "Boobs in games are okay" and "People should be allowed to like what they do regardless of gender" are diametrically opposed opinions?

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