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[Prime World] Defenders: Tower Defense and Collectible Cards



  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    I'm suiting up for the first boss now. What sort of state should my towers be in to face him?

    Also am I right in that:

    combining cards lets me upgrade towers in game more

    fusing/chucking a ton of cards at a card just gives it a minor base stat boost?

    Yeah, combining/evolving as the game calls it.

    And 'minor' stat boost isn't entirely accurate; with upgrades it adds up quick. A level 25 unique tower will do like 2-3x the base damage of a level 1 unique tower. I makes a massive difference if you put in the effort.

    As far as bosses go, you need heavy hitters. Sieges, Mortars, Tower of the Sun, upgraded Dragon's, etc. Plus you will still need normal towers to deal with the trash. It's a different flow than a normal map, you'll just have to do it a few times, and it might be frustrating.

    Just remember, particularly in this game specifically; don't force yourself to get 3 stars off the bat if it's making you mad. Later once you've got more, better, and upgraded towers, much of that stuff is substantially easier. Grinding early is tempting, but unnecessary and inefficient. Concern yourself more with beating a map, giving you access to higher level raids, which have better rewards; then come back and worry about score/stars/achievements.

    That's not really how I personally play, but I have issues :lol: and how I play would probably burn many out pretty quickly.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Incindium wrote: »
    The difference is so small and the increased amount of grinding needed to get the boost doesn't make it worth it in my opinion.


    When I said the stat difference was minor, I wasn't joking.

    http://steamcommunity.com/app/235360/discussions/0/82 is where the top guy on the leaderboards does some testing.

    The result is 2827 vs 2907 on a Lightning Tower at rank 3, level 25. (meaning 20 damage base overall increase for all that work)

    I.E. not worth it

    The only tower I'd even consider it on, is the Tower of the Sun because of how the scaling works. But even then it's already a boss abuser without that minor increase.
    The Dude With Herpes on
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • Mr. Mojo RisinMr. Mojo Risin Registered User regular
    I have the worst luck with getting towers in this game. I am stuck on the third boss and my best towers (rank 2 max lvl mortar and rank 2 lvl 22 lightning) arent close to cutting it. I ground out the stars for three unique cards and got an ice tower and two meteors (I already have meteor...) Getting a bit tired of grinding hoping for a better tower as I dont think I can clear this boss without it.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    Which is the third boss? The flower lady?

    You need to get yourself a tower of the sun regardless.

    But yeah, the randomness can suck. And what always happens is you'll spend ages looking for that one card, and then the next 5 raids you'll get it again and you won't need it.

    Though, uniques act as (iirc) a x7 ish multiplier for other cards when you fuse them. So if you get extra unique towers hold onto them anyway and treat them like artifacts; although magic can only be fused with magic and towers with towers.

    Also don't neglect fusing your magic.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    I did the intro mission and I love how intricate and cartoony the tower animations are compared to sonething like Defense Grid.

    The backstory kinda sucks. Hey red martial artists and blue engineers! Youre both powerful and sexy so stop waging war!
    The sound of eight hooves reaches his ears, comes from the heavenly light, two wolves howls fills his heart with fear, and he sees two ravens fly. Down from the sky a warlord rides, like fire his one eye glows, and just before the preacher dies he knows his god is false.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    The difference is so small and the increased amount of grinding needed to get the boost doesn't make it worth it in my opinion.

    Oh, sure.

    But it's still going to make my brain itch every time I do a sub-optimal evolution.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    Cantido wrote: »
    I did the intro mission and I love how intricate and cartoony the tower animations are compared to sonething like Defense Grid.

    The backstory kinda sucks. Hey red martial artists and blue engineers! Youre both powerful and sexy so stop waging war!

    The funny thing is that they spend so much time setting up the faction setting in the intro and then promptly ignore it for most of the game.

    I know they're also setting up the story to support a MOBA, but it just felt kinda odd.

    Also the voice acting is so. bad.

    Sobad. :lol:
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    The fact the intro was un skippable was a massive WTF for me. I get it, you're proud of your story. However, I think you might be mis-understanding why I'm playing a tower defense game.
  • IoloIolo Registered User regular
    Indeed, the voice acting is not among this game's charms.

  • Knight_Knight_ Registered User regular
    I saw this game on steam last weekend and almost bought it since I have an unhealthy affinity for tower defense games, but decided against it on the grounds that it kinda looked shady. And then I clicked in here and all of a sudden I got an email saying I purchased this game. Curse youuu!

    Add me on steam, might not get to play much until the weekend, but the link is in my sig.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    If only they'd given me a better tower!
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I love how this, Anomaly 2, Sanctum 2 (and it's mini-game) are all releasing at about the same time.

    Because I had nothing else I need to do.

    I'm closing in on being mostly done with this game though; nearly everything is maxed out, and aside from a run through to max my scores...yeah. Don't think I'll be hitting that 10k towers achievement; when the game actively discourages you from building more towers via scores. I might just go nuts in raid maps and fill the whole maps every time :lol:
    The Dude With Herpes on
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • IoloIolo Registered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    If only they'd given me a better tower!

    We should use magic more often.

  • Mr. Mojo RisinMr. Mojo Risin Registered User regular
    Finally beat the flower lady. Had an accursed tower drop and with it and a slight tweak to my tower placements I was able to take her down. Also finally got a Tower of the sun to drop so now I just need to level that up and go back to slap her around real good!
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Iolo wrote: »
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    If only they'd given me a better tower!

    We should use magic more often.

    Right on target.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Is the game blurry for anyone else?
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Not had that problem... What resolution you running at? I run 1920x1080. Could also possibly be graphics drivers versions that the game doesn't like? Can you post screenshots?

    Also I now have 16 PA friends that play Prime World Defenders, they are multiplying. It's what the cools kids are all playing now and I was on the leading edge of the trend for once instead of playing something years after everyone else has already played it.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    Towers themselves have kinda 'blurry' textures; at least compared to how crisp everything else is. Well, not so much blurry as just a lot lower quality than the other textures.

    That's the only blurriness I had.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Jesus. This game.

    At first I was like "Eh, a generic tower defense. Worth the money though.."

    Then out of nowhere I'm like "okay one more round... one more round... one more round..." This is bad news for me.
  • ShadowhopeShadowhope Registered User regular
    I love how this, Anomaly 2, Sanctum 2 (and it's mini-game) are all releasing at about the same time.

    Because I had nothing else I need to do.

    I'm closing in on being mostly done with this game though; nearly everything is maxed out, and aside from a run through to max my scores...yeah. Don't think I'll be hitting that 10k towers achievement; when the game actively discourages you from building more towers via scores. I might just go nuts in raid maps and fill the whole maps every time :lol:

    Wtb generic thread for TD junkies. :(
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular

    That's a screencap of the title screen. Notice how the words are very blurry?
  • IoloIolo Registered User regular
    Goddammit. Finally squeaked through all 89 levels of map 17 with 4 life remaining. And the game just hung there with a boss icon. Fast forwarding, tabbing, none of it did anything.

    Crumbs. Took a lot of grinding to get towers good enough to even get through with 4 life left.

    Anyone else have trouble at that point?

  • ShadowhopeShadowhope Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Iolo wrote: »
    Goddammit. Finally squeaked through all 89 levels of map 17 with 4 life remaining. And the game just hung there with a boss icon. Fast forwarding, tabbing, none of it did anything.

    Crumbs. Took a lot of grinding to get towers good enough to even get through with 4 life left.

    Anyone else have trouble at that point?
    Yep. Spreading out my towers helped a huge amount.

    Edit: 17? Hmm. Don't remember that one, I thought that you were talking about the second last map. I'll look in the morning.
    Shadowhope on
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Shadowhope wrote: »
    Wtb generic thread for TD junkies. :(
    I'm working on one for SE++, but I don't think we really need a Tower Defense megathread here.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    Shadowhope wrote: »
    Wtb generic thread for TD junkies. :(
    I'm working on one for SE++, but I don't think we really need a Tower Defense megathread here.

    Every time a TD thread pops up it will be fairly active for a few pages then just die.

    TD games are pretty consumable; the only one that I can think of that has supported a thread is Dungeon Defenders and that's because it's more of a loot pinata like Diablo than a straight TD and has far more features than a game like this.

    With more and more having multiplayer features like Anomaly 2, Sanctum 2, potentially this; it would be nice to have a place to find other folks to play with any of them instead of digging through multiple threads hoping to catch groups.

    I actually had an idea for a TD 'megathread' that would be a place to chat, get help, and find people to play with, but could like...every month or so 'focus' on one particular game, and could cycle through games monthly as new ones come out, or old ones to introduce people to. If someone wanted to pick the game, they could put together an 'OP' to PM to whoever is running the thread and they could cycle through periodically. Trying that with individual game threads...yeah, they just kinda disappear when one game is consumed; and discussion for the smaller games usually ends up in the Steam thread and clogs that place up and/or gets lost there.

    Anyway, just throwing that out there.

    EDIT: I'm not suggesting I'd run such a thread. I'm terrible at keeping OP's up to date. Every time I sit down to do it, the wife comes home or the kids start acting up and I lose track of what I was doing and forget. :lol:
    The Dude With Herpes on
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • LanrutconLanrutcon Registered User regular
    Bought this on a whim, it is insanely grindy. Like, Korean F2P MMO grindy.
    Currently playing: DI:Riptide, Eador:MotBW, FE:A, MH3U
  • Undead MonkeyUndead Monkey Registered User regular
    Lanrutcon wrote: »
    Bought this on a whim, it is insanely grindy. Like, Korean F2P MMO grindy.

    I was going to pick this up as a fun diversion (between Dota 2, SC2, and other more intense games), but that statement worries me...

  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    I don't think you'll find anyone who plays it who doesn't acknowledge there is grind; but 'korean F2P mmo' is a gross exaggeration.

    Plus...I think if you browse around this thread and the Steam thread when folks were discussing it, most of us are having a ton of fun.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • Undead MonkeyUndead Monkey Registered User regular
    Yeah, I'm not worried about the fun part, because it looks very fun. I'm just worried about any sort of huge time investment - I already punish myself enough by grinding out multiple toons in Diablo 3. :?
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    It's actually a good counterpart to D3. Play some D3 multiplayer for a while and when your group dissolves (or no friends are online to begin with) go and grind a bit on Prime World Defenders is what I've been doing.
    Incindium on
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    So, that first boss is a massive chunk of health and how the hell do you kill it?

  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Siege or Mortar towers...
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So, that first boss is a massive chunk of health and how the hell do you kill it?


    Use Boulders to make his path as long as possible; heavy hitters like the mortar or siege are what you're more likely to have early on. If you can get a rank 3 Wooden Tower before then, fully upgraded does some good damage too.

    Don't worry about trying to three star boss maps your first time through.

    EDIT: depending on what spells you'e unlocked, some are useful like mines and such, just to add a bit to dps here and there.
    The Dude With Herpes on
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Yeah, so I'm just gonna have to spam out games till I get better seige towers.

    Feels like a bit of a jolt. I can easily beat even the hard mode random encounters and then the boss is like uber over the top. I hope they adjust that so you get a better spread of actual difficulty int he random zones.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hard mode raids are a joke; even the dev acknowledges it and will be upping their difficulty. Mainline maps are substantially harder, particularly the bosses as you've observed. EDIT: The advantage currently of 'easy' hard raid maps is that you can usually just put them on 2x speed and spam Tab to push things out and complete them in a minute or two once you've got a couple good towers. Don't worry about being minimalist in raid maps, you're not scored on them, so spend every prime you earn. Get that shit done fast and get your rewards.

    Also, and this is something i want to make very clear resist the urge to draw more cards. Silver is more important than that other card. Almost always. Uniques are the only cards I will draw again for and only the first price. You can draw up to 3 cards, the first is free, the second is usually ~ the cost of the silver you earned in the map, and the third is 2x the silver you earned in the map. Don't waste the silver. Just run another raid. Trust me. Silver is more important than the cards.

    They're also planning on improving silver rewards and want to do something with the random draw aspect to make it a bit less grindy to get the towers you want.

    Focus on evolving first, then leveling your towers. Being able to upgrade them to 2 and 3 in the map is more important initially than a few more levels.

    Don't be afraid to spend your stars in the store; you'll likely get more than you'll ever need by the time you finish the game; so buy some rare/unique packs. If you can manage to get a tower of the sun and get it evolved/upgraded it is the boss killer; in fact it has little other use.

    EDIT: And as far as talents go, focus on things that improve your currency rewards (i.e. more silver winnings), then things like increasing prime gains in-map (via the starting prime talent and the monster kill talent...I think there's one to increase prime from pushing out wave too), then get tower/magic slots, then other stuff.

    I want to repeat something I said the other day for new folks: Talents do not have prerequisites. It appears they do and some players might not even try, but you can get any talent you have unlocked the level for, even if you don't have the previous talents. Don't feel like you have to do them in order.
    The Dude With Herpes on
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Someone said they're significantly increasing the rate at which you earn silver before launch. That's the main reason you need to grind right now.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    So, that first boss is a massive chunk of health and how the hell do you kill it?


    Use Boulders to make his path as long as possible; heavy hitters like the mortar or siege are what you're more likely to have early on. If you can get a rank 3 Wooden Tower before then, fully upgraded does some good damage too.

    Don't worry about trying to three star boss maps your first time through.

    EDIT: depending on what spells you'e unlocked, some are useful like mines and such, just to add a bit to dps here and there.

    I used the knockdown tower, two poison towers, and the weakness spell. The main thing was realizing I was nut having him navigate the longest path possible initially and revising.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    Yeah the curse spell is nice on bosses.

    I can't say I ever really used any of the knockdown towers, but I imagine if they work on bosses, that'd be really good.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    Someone said they're significantly increasing the rate at which you earn silver before launch. That's the main reason you need to grind right now.

    Oh that's fantastic. I'm definitely silver starved.
    The sound of eight hooves reaches his ears, comes from the heavenly light, two wolves howls fills his heart with fear, and he sees two ravens fly. Down from the sky a warlord rides, like fire his one eye glows, and just before the preacher dies he knows his god is false.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yeah the curse spell is nice on bosses.

    I can't say I ever really used any of the knockdown towers, but I imagine if they work on bosses, that'd be really good.

    It's a longer range flame tower as far as I've been able to tell, and it does have a chance to knock the boss down.

    Someone said their flame tower hits air, but mine doesn't, so I don't see why I'd ever run it over the knockdown tower.

    If there's no air, I build a couple maxed knockdown towers, an ice tower, then hit tab until the game is over.
    Darkewolfe on
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