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On Towers and Their Defensive Potential

Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie"I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
edited May 2013 in Social Entropy++

Since the begin of time, humanity has pondered the relationship of towers and defense. A stationary object intermittently lobbing projectiles at incoming waves of aggressors has proven an effective military strategy throughout history. Leonidas I of Sparta is famous for positioning towers for maximum attack radius exposure, causing the Persian military to take heavy losses before achieving victory. The American Revolutionary War was a rebel victory due to a clever strategy of selling towers as they become less effective, and in turn using the funds to build more towers more suited for the current wave. British Generals, with their conservative view on selling towers, were taken off-guard by the tactic.

Early man's towers were crude and not suited for stopping the speedy kobold waves.

When interactive electronic entertainment was invented by Professor Vídeo Gamen in 1968, it was only a matter of time before the excitement of tower-based strategy could be at last be safely simulated for the family. Sadly, these dreams were shattered with the pong craze of the 70s, followed by an outbreak of Pac-Man Fever in the 80s that left millions dead and lead to the North American market collapse of 1983. While Nintendo picked up the slack in the late 80s with its home console, developers played it safe with plumber-based platformers and duck torture simulators. While there is evidence of tower games on older consoles, these have largely been lost to the winds of time (wind erosion being a common enemy of older, stone-based towers). For the most part, however, the landscape of 80s and 90s was not dotted with various defensive structures. It seemed like the dream of digital tower defense would stay in the slumbering heads of players forever, protecting our dream fantasies from nightmares, but leaving our digital realities unguarded.
It is a little-known fact that General "Stonewall" Jackson, of the infamous Confederate States of America, was a tower.

The advent of the millennium sprung the real start to the tower revolution. Several strategy games tried their hand at the tower gig, what with towers being a crucial part of any real tactics game. This opened a small window of opportunity, and all we had to do was wait for an enterprising developer to dive in. Blizzard Entertainment, fresh off mild successes such as the adequately tower-filled Starcraft and questionably tower-deficient Diablo 2, released Warcraft 3 in 2002 in a quiet launch. While intending to usher in an era of tower-based gaming, a risk-averse parent company was having none of it, so Blizzard hatched a plan. Warcraft 3, in appearance, would be a fairly generic real-time strategy game, but underneath was a powerful tool for unleashing towers upon the world. Players soon discovered this tool, and the dam had that been around for so long had at last burst. The tower rush was on.
Finished in 1889, the Effel Tower was built to help the French government defeat flying enemies.

The great genre of tower-based defensive simulation was initially slow to catch on, but a few things fell into place to help it along. One was a number of digital distributors lowering the barrier of entry for cheap games, thus eliminating the big publishers and their decades of tower discrimination. Steam in particular has allowed hundreds of tower-filled games to fill the market. It was developed by Gabe Newell after he fled Nazi Germany, helping us win World War II by training our troops in proper tower-based combat. Indeed, without Steam, we'd be speaking German and considerably more vulnerable to alien invasion on account of weak tower-management skills. After Steam, similar companies followed foot such as XBLA, PSN, and other acronym-titled programs.
A failure to upgrade was one reason Nazi Germany failed to stop the Normandy invasion.

And that leads us to the present. We are in a golden age of tower gaming, where developers experiment with defense simulators in numerous ways. Military of countries such as the USA have used these games to help win the War on Enemies That Move in Predetermined Paths. In some darkened corners of the war, there are even faint whisper of the black science known as tower offense, but the technology could be years away. For now, use this thread to enjoy a genre that has taken 40 years to arrive in the glorious artform we have today. Discuss old favorites, and hype the upcoming releases. Chat about the various career paths in defensive tower technology (personally, I'm majoring in towerology, and can always offer some help for those interested in the field). And, as always, enjoy yourselves.

These are Tower Defense games I recommend.

Orcs Must Die 1 and 2
Type: Fixed placement with character avatar. Mild grinding for unlocks.
The Gist: Use traps and weaponry to fight orcs who are trying to get to rifts that lead to your world.
Rorus Comment: Really satisfying combat that focuses on thinking up nasty combos like using springboards to flip orcs into acid spray. The sequel has co-op, but many have complained that the maps in the sequel are on the large side, so you may have to do lots of running if you go single. I'd start with the first game if you're going it alone, as it is cheaper and has DLC to last you for a while. Then grab the sequel if you are hunger for more (you will be).

Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
Type: Fixed placement with leveling "towers." Experience/Money gains can be adjusted to ease grinding.
The Gist: You place as a woman who has POWERS that places your party into a "half-way world" which is another way of saying "tower defense." Your towers are characters you hire and can level, and these characters kill mobs before they can get to your player character (who is mostly defenseless). Player character has spells, but is immobile.
Rorus Comment: The game is built for everyone. It has four difficulty levels, so you can crank it down for just the basic story, or crank it up for a challenge and some extra money/loot for your troubles. You can tweak cash/exp gains to your liking, so it isn't a huge grind. There's a LOT of content here for 15 dollars, including a New Game+ that adds new twists to enemies and opens side quests that weren't in the original playthrough. I find the story charming in a goofy kind of way, but I know it might turn off some people. Art is a mixed bag.

Defense Grid: The Awakening
Type: Fixed placement.
The Gist: You have to protect the land from bad dudes. There's an AI that has a mysterious backstory or something. It's very basic tower defense here.[/b]
Rorus Comment: This game is very traditional tower defense, but does it really damn well with polished gameplay and a pretty engaging story as you go through it. There is also a metric ton of DLC that you buy if you enjoyed yourself, and there's even a free Portal map that will kick your ass.

Plants vs. Zombies
Type: Laned placement
The Gist: Zombies are attacking your house, and all you have is a bag of seeds and a green thumb. Utilize different plant types to hold off the undead in multiple enviroments.
Rorus Comment: I'm surprised more games didn't rip this one off. Basically you have five lanes and zombies want to get to the end. They will eat your towers (plants) to get to the end, so well-placed defenses can be easily lost to a well-timed horde. Since you get ONE mistake to make per lane, the pressure is generally on at all times. The game twists things up by changing the map to, say, night (your plants are all asleep, so you have to rely more on cheaper-yet-weaker mushrooms) or your backyard (the pools forces you to plant lilypads or use aquatic plants). I know zombies are played out, but this is pretty charming.

Lock's Quest
Type: Free placement with character avatar.
The Gist: You're some kind of technowizard trying to protect people from evil robots. Build up defenses, plop down towers, and uh...defense.
Rorus Comment: This is from 5th Cell before they decided to do nothing but Scribblenauts and Drawn to Life sequels. It's just for the DS, but I found it pretty engaging even if the story was pretty eye-rollingly bad. I think the neat part is that you set up a fort and then arm it with towers, so it's not a "create-a-maze" like other tower defense games tend to be when your placement is freer.

Dungeon Defenders
Type: Free-ish placement with character avatar. World of Warcraft has less grinding.
The Gist: The heroes are away when the castle is under attack. As an apprentice of these heroes, you have to do your best to protect the place.
Rorus Comment: I'm actually not a huge fan of this game. Combat is floaty and doesn't feel very good, leveling characters can be uneven so your party is like three level 10s and a level 20 in spite of playing together since the start, and balance is fucked up. If you relax, however, and stick to the easier difficulties with three friends, it's a decent time. There's also a metric ton of DLC, including new characters to keep things fresh. The classes also offer a ton of variety in gameplay. Try to tackle the hard stuff or (god help you), 100% the game, and this game will be your worst enemy.

Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Type: Reverse Tower Defense with player character
The Gist: Aliens have invaded, and your squad of men with poor British accents have to stop them. But they've taken over local buildings and turned them into nasty towers, so suit up.
Rorus Comment: You are the bad guys this time, leading a squad of men into the heart of enemy territory. You pick the routes, buy and upgrade units, and use special skills to help protect your troops as they demolish towers and make their way to the end. Definitely a unique experience, though admittedly NOT really tower defense.


May 15th
  • Sanctum 2: Free placement with first-person player avatars. Basically an FPS spliced with tower defense. Sequel focuses more on multiplayer, with four character classes, a bit easier difficulty, and some light leveling features.
  • Anomaly 2: Death to towers! The sequel boasts the ability to customize your units with guns and gear, alternate "mech modes" for units, alternate endings, and a competitive multiplayer that has one player as the aliens building towers to stop the humans.

May 21st
  • Prime World: Defenders: Fixed placement that features CARD COLLECTING. You spend IN GAME CURRENCY (no microtransactions) on booster packs to get towers, spells, and whatever. You can fuse cards, level them up, and all that good stuff. Though not out yet, you get into the open beta when you preorder.

  • Defense Grid 2: Had a weird Kickstarter where they needed a million but only set a goal of $250,000 (which they barely made). Kinda seedy, but it attracted an investor and is set to release. Will have multiplayer, new towers, better graphics, and all that good stuff.

That's it, but remember...
Rorus Raz on


  • AzraithAzraith Registered User regular
    I want to be good at these games, I have enough of them on Steam...but I get to a certain point where apparently my brain just shuts off and I just lose any semblance of strategy and just want those little jerks to die already and then I lose all my hearts/diamonds/whatever magic crap I gotta keep safe. They're fun as hell before that though.
  • chrishallett83chrishallett83 Hi! Registered User regular
    Also, no mention of the Gemcraft games?

    That shit is like crack.
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    My favorite levels in Defense Grid are the ones where you have to create the path by blocking things off. Reminds me of math puzzles back in school, trying to figure out the optimum route to make.

    Tried the latest DLC though and the first level kicked my ass. Should probably give that another shot.
  • ToxTox I kill threads Let Piggy Chimp decideRegistered User regular
    Geth Awesome'd the OP.

    Robots are keen to our tower-based military tactics. The robot uprising is already lost.
    Secret Satans! Post | D&D Wishlist | General Wishlist
    Dilige, et quod vis fac
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Yesssss, I love TD games. Good thread, Rorus.
  • HullisHullis I'm no more a spy than you are- A doctor.Registered User regular
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    I should grab Iron Brigade during a sale or something. I forgot that it was a tower defense game.
  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    Also, no mention of the Gemcraft games?

    That shit is like crack.

    Serious. Gemcraft: Labrynth is kinda crazy good.

    It's one of the very few flash games I was willing to throw a few dollars at to unlock all the tantalizing extra features.

  • FishmanFishman scientia potentia est Robot ProvocateurRegistered User regular
    Iron Brigade is probably the only game I've spent more than 10 hours in multiplayer in the last 3 years.
    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
  • TossrockTossrock too weird to live too rare to dieRegistered User regular
    man, it's so weird to me to see tower defense be an actual genre of game, with actual money involved

    same thing with "mobas"

    kind of crazy what stuff came out of the map editing scene
  • LegbaLegba Registered User regular
    Hullis wrote: »

    That was a well spent 45 minutes of my time. My jaw literally fell open when they unveiled The King.
  • Mr FuzzbuttMr Fuzzbutt Polar Warbear ˁ ͡° ᴥ ͡°ˀRegistered User regular
    the tower defense genre should be renamed to tower defense strategy

    because then it would be abbreviated to TDS

    which describes the genre perfectly
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    One game you forgot to mention that I've been really meaning to try out is Sol Survivor.
    icon-18x18_zps3f731cae.pngBasilius | Monster Hunter Tri: Red - TBUGW8 | TF2 Backpack | Hero Academy - Laitarne
  • KetarKetar Registered User regular
    Sol Survivor's a solid game. I enjoyed it more than Dungeon Defenders, Anomaly, Sanctum and Defender's Quest. Granted, I appear to be in the minority in not really enjoying DQ, but I didn't really like the genre fusion at all. Introducing grinding to tower defense was not an improvement in any way, no matter how much you could limit it with tweaks, and there were no compelling choices that I could see in the leveling process for the different character/tower types.

    Having some similar dissatisfaction with Prime World at the moment, but I need to give it more time and see how things play out.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    i played the shit out of tower defense games in warcraft 3

    good shit roruz
  • 101101 Registered User regular

    Revenge of the Titans is fantastic
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    Kingdom Rush is a lot of fun. Some of the unit dialogue can be groan inducing, especially for the heroes, but overall, it's a nice looking free game with a lot of replayability.

  • SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG hence nothing remains except for our regretsRegistered User regular
    dungeon defenders 4 lyfe

    grinding incrementally better gear on bizarre dlc maps for specific prefixes so you can have a shot of doing the first level on nightmare
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    It's pretty amazing how Blizzard indirectly creates entire genres like this; IIRC, Tower Defense first came around as a Starcraft custom map, the way DOTA got started as a WC3 map.

    What are people's favorite iOS TD? (low resources - i'm still on an iPhone 4) I usually find one and play the hell out of it till it wears out. My current/last favorite is probably Kingdom Rush.
  • SyphyreSyphyre A Dangerous Pastime Registered User regular
    Defender's Quest is so good.

    I've recently gotten Defense Grid in a sale. I still need to install and play it.

    Kingdom Rush is a fantastic game for my iPad mini. It plays perfectly. (I imagine it works with normal iPads too!)

    And in honor of one of my favorite flash games from way back when, I throw a shout out to Vector TD.
  • Raijin QuickfootRaijin Quickfoot I got the shotgun, you got the briefcase It's all in the game though, right?Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I'm not a big fan of Tower Defense, nor am I very good at them. However, this OP gets an awesome for me strictly for the bearded tower pic of Stonewall Jackson.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Prime Defense. Pretty good.
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    My first experience with tower defense was in the Starcraft custom map scene. I was enamored when I found out long loops with a small entrance near the mob spawn area would confuse the AI and leave them scrambling to find the small path I gave them.

    Then the tower defense scene appeared and the mazing aspect of this genre was forgotten forever.
  • YoSoyTheWalrusYoSoyTheWalrus Registered User regular
    Okay but what is the BEST tower defense game

    I'm actually asking I only want to buy one
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    Defense Grid has a bunch of maps that require you to build your own maze with towers.
    icon-18x18_zps3f731cae.pngBasilius | Monster Hunter Tri: Red - TBUGW8 | TF2 Backpack | Hero Academy - Laitarne
  • HullisHullis I'm no more a spy than you are- A doctor.Registered User regular
    Okay but what is the BEST tower defense game

    I'm actually asking I only want to buy one
  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino legally competent Registered User regular
    i'd played a bunch of Defense Grid and had fun, but i keep hitting a wall in difficulty. you start having to build towers in a pretty specific build order, otherwise you run out of money too fast.
    google+ | facebook | twitter | steam | Guild Wars 2: fightinfilipino.8914
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    Duke 2.0 wrote: »
    My first experience with tower defense was in the Starcraft custom map scene. I was enamored when I found out long loops with a small entrance near the mob spawn area would confuse the AI and leave them scrambling to find the small path I gave them.

    Then the tower defense scene appeared and the mazing aspect of this genre was forgotten forever.

    Desktop Tower Defense was the top dog for a while, you had to do mazing for that.

    I don't know if anything has captured the feel of a great Starcraft TD map for me yet. Building giant mazes out of goliaths or stimmed marines, upgrading weapons 255 times... mmm that's good nostalgia.
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
  • Mr. ButtonsMr. Buttons Registered User regular
    This is an even more specific place than the Steam thread, so I'll drop it here too. I've got a gift copy of Anomaly 2, on Steam, for the first person who wants it
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    @Mr. Buttons, you are a gentleman and a scholar!
    Steam: stabbitystyle | XBL: S For Stabbity | MWO: stabbitystyle
  • strebaliciousstrebalicious Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    On the mobile front, it's pretty hard to find better than Bloons TD5.
    strebalicious on
  • MachwingMachwing grown ass man Registered User regular
    lurker defense was so great in the original starcraft
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    Machwing wrote: »
    lurker defense was so great in the original starcraft

    Only defense games worth playing had secret spots to place your civilians on to get super units
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Of course the one game not in the Double Fine Humble Bundle is Iron Brigade.
  • LanrutconLanrutcon Registered User regular
    So what's the general word on Anomaly 2? I only noticed it today, and I'm not 100% clear on how the game works.
    Currently playing: DI:Riptide, Eador:MotBW, FE:A, MH3U
  • SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG hence nothing remains except for our regretsRegistered User regular
    i played defenders quest and it was pretty cool, not enough to grab me and make me do all the optional stuff though

    orcs must die i didn't like. towers felt weak and there was too much emphasis on doing stuff personally, which i didn't like
  • nukanuka What are circles? Registered User regular
    I've been playing the shit out of Orcs Must Die! 2 lately. I love endless mode and my favorite map is Tower, and I can get to level 50 pretty easy if I'm careful.
    I'm still driven on beating gmijango's score on the first endless mode map.
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