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On Towers and Their Defensive Potential



  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    i beat orcs must die 2 on nightmare.

    I'm pretty proud of myself.
  • Mr. ButtonsMr. Buttons Registered User regular
    Lanrutcon wrote: »
    So what's the general word on Anomaly 2? I only noticed it today, and I'm not 100% clear on how the game works.

    Reverse Tower Defense. You set a route through the level, your squad destroys towers while you run around picking up repair tools, upgrades, and do things like sneak a decoy into an area. Single player should be fun (reviews had been saying it's really an updated version of Anomaly 1) but the big draw is supposed to be the multiplayer (Tower Defense as one team, reverse on the other team). As it stands right now, you can either play against a friend, or jump into the queue and let the game find a match for you.

    Big plus is that if you preorder (I think it comes out Thursday?), you get a gift copy.. so you could split it with a buddy and only be down $7 if it's not your thing
  • JasconiusJasconius bird internet Saint Petersburg RussiaRegistered User regular
    I used to love to play old TD mods for Warcraft 3

    but since then I've never played a real good one

    I played Dungeon Defenders but I agree the balance was terrible and pretty grindy soo.....

    I'd love something on the level of some of the great WC3 mods
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    man defender's quest looks pretty...pretty butts.

    Langly on
  • SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG hence nothing remains except for our regretsRegistered User regular
    Maybe I should try at ultimate defender in DD
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Giants and Dwarves is a new TD-esque game that I have been enjoying. It can be pretty hard, and one of my complaints is in how many waves there are per mission. The game starts to throw ridiculous amounts of the Giant characters, but you'll have so much time invested in the match that it will all end up being worthless and you have to start all over.

    There is only one hero you can choose without paying, but he's been fine for me and I'm a little over halfway through. The climbing mechanics that your guards and hero go through to get on top of the mobs are pretty great. It means that the levels can be vertical without making Guard towers useless, because they can climb on top of the giants from any level the Giant reaches.

    If you're looking for something different in TD, I would recommend this game. Get at least to one of the more vertical levels to see how the size of the mobs impacts tower placement.
    Langly on
  • HullisHullis I'm no more a spy than you are- A doctor.Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    man defender's quest looks pretty...pretty butts.
    the character art is not the best, but I really dig the look of the actual game
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Langly wrote: »
    Giants and Dwarves is a new TD-esque game that I have been enjoying. It can be pretty hard, and one of my complaints is in how many waves there are per mission. The game starts to through ridiculous amounts of the Giant characters, but you'll have so much time invested in the match that it will all end up being worthless and you have to start all over.

    There is only one hero you can choose without paying, but he's been fine for me and I'm a little over halfway through. The climbing mechanics that your guards and hero go through to get on top of the mobs are pretty great. It means that the levels can be vertical without making Guard towers useless, because they can climb on top of the giants from any level the Giant reaches.

    If you're looking for something different in TD, I would recommend this game. Get at least to one of the more vertical levels to see how the size of the mobs impacts tower placement.

    I haven't made it as far, but I like the game also. Though you're right about the large number of waves.
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    Some of the mechanics of it feel underutilized. For example, there is a wind spell that blows enemies in the direction of your mouse. The introduction of the mechanic makes fall damage off cliffs seem like the focus, but few levels facilitate that. Every cliff you would send foes over leaves them next to the exit or has the height you can send units up with the spell anyway. You end up ignoring fall damage and just push units back so your towers get more shots on them.

    The upgrade system feels like a boring version of Kingdom Rush, spend points on this tower type so it shoots 10% faster/harder/farther/cheaper. Doesn't take many points to make your hero swole, but it can only be in one place at a time and giants resist melee attacks.

    It's a really neat game with how it handles vertical height, but a lot of the mechanics feel rough.
  • SyphyreSyphyre A Dangerous Pastime Registered User regular
    Don't let the graphics fool you. Defender's Quest does not have the best art, no, but it's got some humorous writing, and the gameplay is a superb injection of RPG into the standard TD tactics.
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    The wind spell definitely seems like it could be implemented better in terms of managing where mobs are on the map, rather than as an emergency block
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Yeah, I agree that Defender's Quest looks pretty crap. However it's a fun game.
  • Lord DaveLord Dave Registered User regular
    I have spent way too much time on Kingdom Rush.
    Denny's is for winners.
  • nukanuka What are circles? Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I was immediately put off by Giant's and Dwarves use of basically the same towers as Kingdom Rush, but the platformer style of map they're using is intriguing. I'll have to give it another chance.

    EDIT: I had a lot of fun playing Demons vs Fairyland.
    nuka on
  • SnorkSnork Registered User regular
    Sanctum 2?

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