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Pokémon at the Inventory



  • Halos Nach TariffHalos Nach Tariff Registered User regular
    Alright that trailer looks pretty great. Hyped to play around in Pokéfrance.

    Is Mawile gaining Fairy typing an actual rumour or just spit-balling? Because I'd be way up for Mawile becoming actually useful.

  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    It's a rumor, but the guy has been right with other rumors such as names.
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    i think you guys might be overestimating how much the fairy typing would help stuff like mawile

    there will probably be new really good fairy types and there'll be no reason to use old weak crap instead of it
  • IsoldaeIsoldae Now a different pokemon's hat. Registered User regular
    I just hope there is a type chart overhaul if this new type rumor is true.
  • DubhDubh Hoodmistress Registered User regular
    I ain't even worried about a new type

    bring it on
    if it sucks, we'll all loudly complain about it later
  • HellaJeffHellaJeff FAB FRESH RAIIINBOOWWWWWRegistered User regular
    I think fairy type and changing/adding 10-20% of the move list to dual type moves would be fun and welcome. I had no interest in black and white cause there was nothing but a few cool pokemon to look forward to and the region was pretty boring. Pokemon wasn't designed with world class competition in mind and so I don't mind if they add features that screw up that scene for a while. the meta will find a way to be entertaining. Isn't that the whole reason Smogon has tiers? Because the game is naturally pretty broken without community defined limits?
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Dual type moves will probably be starter specific ,matchup to their final types,and be virtually ignored because they arent that good.
  • SedraxisSedraxis Where am I?Registered User regular
    Dual-type moves sound cool in theory but it will probably be annoying to calculate type effectiveness for them.
  • RawrBearRawrBear Registered User regular
    Nidoking can have a dual type ground/poison move now! And everything can be immune to it.......
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    Dual type moves will probably be starter specific ,matchup to their final types,and be virtually ignored because they arent that good.

    This feels like the most likely thing to me, or if not this then some other sort of restriction like it

    Like, they'll be weak and have good typing (bug+dark) or middling and be type neutral (grass+fire) or somehow limited in which pokemon can get them
  • Emerlmaster999Emerlmaster999 6/2005 - 3/20/2013Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, I can see Dual Type moves being reserved just for the final forms of the Kalos Starters plus Xernias and Yvetal, assuming they're all two types. Basically make it be this minor thing like the Pledges from Black and White: a neat little addition that is completely ignored.

    Even if they are more widespread, I can't see them being that useful in a competitive environment. Imagine Heat Rotom gets a new Electric/Fire attack (sort of a short circuit kinda deal that zaps and burns? I dunno), and come up against a Water or Grass type. You're down to just neutral damage when you could have picked Thunderbolt and Overheat instead.
    Emerlmaster999 on
  • BugBoyBugBoy once a boy always a bugRegistered User regular
    I hope the next trailer has some of the game's actual music

    I'd like to hear it
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Ten to one the music used now is the opening theme
    King Riptor on
  • FizFiz Registered User regular
    I hope one of the next updates shows us the rival, as well as some of the "vicious" pokemon. We've gotten quite a few adorable and cool looking dudes so far.
  • IsoldaeIsoldae Now a different pokemon's hat. Registered User regular
    I love it when people get mad on Pokemon Showdown.

    It just makes me feel good inside.

  • Halos Nach TariffHalos Nach Tariff Registered User regular
    i think you guys might be overestimating how much the fairy typing would help stuff like mawile

    there will probably be new really good fairy types and there'll be no reason to use old weak crap instead of it

    Don't care, gonna use Mawile anyway.

    But really Mawile is already pretty terrible, so it's not like she can get much worse.

  • BugBoyBugBoy once a boy always a bugRegistered User regular
    So apparently all those rumors that have been posted on pokebeach were also posted on other sites months ago

    not sure what to make of that
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    another example of the mainstream pokemedia using its superior branding and distribution to steal credit for the hard work of independent pokejournalists
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    even the english names?

    I figure the fact that those were posted separately from the rest of the rumors, and only a day ahead of the actual reveal, just meant the guy somehow got the official press dump early and the other stuff was made up
  • BugBoyBugBoy once a boy always a bugRegistered User regular
    no, the English names were just pokebeach

    also, the earlier posts had a few tidbits of info that pokebeach didn't mention

    two new moves and an extra gym type or two
  • HullisHullis I'm no more a spy than you are- A doctor.Registered User regular
    Beasteh wrote: »
    this pokemon....it was made for me
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    everything is hilarious with muk or lickitung's face
    -Tal on
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    my favorite is raichu mixed with beedrill
    it results in toxic shock
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    BugBoy wrote: »
    So apparently all those rumors that have been posted on pokebeach were also posted on other sites months ago

    not sure what to make of that

    He did say hes had this stuff since February and was just sitting in it until he got confirmation
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    Not to disappoint King Riptor, but Pokebeach edited the types

    Apparently it was an error, and the real types are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Dark, Water/Fighting
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Grass dark isnt my favorite typing.
    But spikes are involved so Chesperior should look cool at least. The best darks look like power ranger badguys

    Fuck as long as it isnt / poison I'm happy.

    Water fighting makes the Frogfucius final evo more likely too.
  • YukiraYukira Fuck with Aria? No.Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    Not to disappoint King Riptor, but Pokebeach edited the types

    Apparently it was an error, and the real types are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Dark, Water/Fighting

    Oh man, is this true? Is it really? I'm gonna want to go through the story with all three.
  • IsoldaeIsoldae Now a different pokemon's hat. Registered User regular
    So I bought a 3ds and Fire Emblem.

    But now I am wondering why no one has feet in Fire Emblem.
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    poor artistic choices and or world of mutant freaks
  • BugBoyBugBoy once a boy always a bugRegistered User regular
    so the rumor train runs further off course

    according to pokebeach some unrelated people are trying to pass themselves off as the real deal

    I love rumors, but this whole thing is getting really silly

    in other rumor news, pokebeach's latest tidbit is that you get a kanto starter at some point
  • JimothyJimothy Registered User regular
    I find that hard to believe
  • BugBoyBugBoy once a boy always a bugRegistered User regular
    yeah it sounds exactly like a typical BS rumor

    but his source did get the english names so

    so who even knows
  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    Isoldae wrote: »
    So I bought a 3ds and Fire Emblem.

    But now I am wondering why no one has feet in Fire Emblem.

    I think their feet just clip through the ground a lot? But there're a lot of tiny feet in that game

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    The Betman wrote: »
    Isoldae wrote: »
    So I bought a 3ds and Fire Emblem.

    But now I am wondering why no one has feet in Fire Emblem.

    I think their feet just clip through the ground a lot? But there're a lot of tiny feet in that game

    if you watch when they jump, their legs end in stumps covered in boot-like textures
  • BugBoyBugBoy once a boy always a bugRegistered User regular
    the designers figured the 3ds couldn't handle feet and then realized too late that it could

    which is a little sad
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