Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
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Do Any Of You Write



  • Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt w o r s h i p c a t g o dRegistered User regular
    beaten only by stand-ups in the "who has the lowest self-esteem" contest
  • AthenorAthenor Dapper Storyteller Registered User regular
    beaten only by stand-ups in the "who has the lowest self-esteem" contest

    Believe it or not, this thread is already making me feel a bit better, just knowing I'm not alone (and I'm not at the bottom of a bottle.. yet).
    NNID and many other services: Athenor or Myridiam // 3DS: 3883-5283-0471
  • OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor Registered User regular
    Athenor wrote: »
    -Tal wrote: »
    Are there any writers that have self-esteem

    I studied the Hemingway school of writing.

    No seriously. My senior seminar at university was run by a published, accredited, and kickass Hemingway scholar. Our final papers to graduate involved dissecting various drafts of his writing to see how he came to the final product, and analyzing what every change meant to the narrative tone, flow, and theme. My personal paper involved me indexing no fewer than 4 different drafts.

    God, what I wouldn't give to have a Kerouac-like adventure at least once in my life.

    Go read his On The Road: The Original Scroll. Man is it really something.

    Also yea, I write, what of it?
    The sound of his stallion's stream seemed so potent, so replete with authority, that it increased her terror of the devastation to come.
  • AthenorAthenor Dapper Storyteller Registered User regular
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Athenor wrote: »
    -Tal wrote: »
    Are there any writers that have self-esteem

    I studied the Hemingway school of writing.

    No seriously. My senior seminar at university was run by a published, accredited, and kickass Hemingway scholar. Our final papers to graduate involved dissecting various drafts of his writing to see how he came to the final product, and analyzing what every change meant to the narrative tone, flow, and theme. My personal paper involved me indexing no fewer than 4 different drafts.

    God, what I wouldn't give to have a Kerouac-like adventure at least once in my life.

    Go read his On The Road: The Original Scroll. Man is it really something.

    Also yea, I write, what of it?

    I want to... so badly!

    One of my aspirations in life is to get drugged out of my mind (which requires getting over the fear of getting even slightly tipsy on alcohol) and go on a wild 48 hour bender of writing on a single sheet of paper.

    My Freshman lecturer (and head of the department) was a Kerouac scholar.
    NNID and many other services: Athenor or Myridiam // 3DS: 3883-5283-0471
  • OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor Registered User regular
    I recently read the original scroll, and it was fantastic. One day soon I plan on reading through the edited version to find all the differences. It'd be a good exercise I think
    The sound of his stallion's stream seemed so potent, so replete with authority, that it increased her terror of the devastation to come.
  • Romanian My EscutcheonRomanian My Escutcheon Two of Forks Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I just got my BA in Creative Writing, so I guess?

    I mean, it is right there in the name.
    Romanian My Escutcheon on
    2cf4m6f.gif xn9f68.png
    I'm looking for PAX Badges! Please PM me if you have a Four Day, or any Single Day Badges to spare!
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I just got my BA in Creative Writing, so I guess?

    I mean, it is right there in the name.

    "Advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
    "Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but it dies in the process."
    Imagine all of my posts being spoken by Alec Baldwin
    GamerTag: MunkusBeaver ||||| Steam: munkus
  • VoproSTEINVoproSTEIN howdy howdy howdyRegistered User regular
    After my journalism class was over my teacher really tried to persuade me to pursue a career in journalism. I've sent writing samples to different film blogs and popular websites when they were looking for writers, but never seriously thought about writing for a living.

    Right now I'm trying to decide whether I want to write a feature film over the Summer.
  • SnowbeatSnowbeat Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.Registered User regular
  • Burning OrganBurning Organ Registered User regular
    I try to write a book like, once every year. I get a couple of pages in, hate everything I've written so I keep re-writing a couple of times before saying "Fuck this!" and deleting everything.

    A couple of weeks back I started again. Due to work stress I haven't even finished a page yet, but here's what I got so far
    A man runs down a street in the rain. It feels like he has been running forever, but he knows where he is going, he knows where he is coming from and he knows it should take no more than 20 minutes to get to his destination.
    Yet it feels like time has slowed down, like he is running through a thick viscous ooze instead of the rain filled air. In a way, he does not want to arrive at his destination, but he has to, even though he fears the worst has happened.


    Terrentius had joined the Scandian army during the last war, though he never saw any action as the war ended while he was in basic training. After he had fulfilled his service contract he became a officer of the law in a small town in north-western Scandia.

    Still running.

    During his childhood Terrentius had read about the gods, the many religions that once ruled the world and still ruled some small parts of it. While he knew that they weren't real he couldn't help but feel there was something romantic about them, and he became something of an amateur archaeologist. He managed to collect some interesting tid-bits while away on military service.

    He was starting to get close now.

    He had been studying at the local library during his break, when he saw the fire coming from the sky. A giant ball of fire, heading straight in the direction of his home. His wife. His child.

    A faint memory of masses of people running in the opposite direction emerged.
    He kept running.

    His radio was chirping, the other law officers reporting in something-or-other. He ignored it. He kept running.

    He got to the small square where his apartment was. Instead of the building he was expecting there stood a giant with an enormous hammer, surrounded by rubble and bodies. The giant was busy with demolishing the remainder of the house, nearing Terrentius' apartment.

    My main problem is language. Swedish is my native tongue, but I can't write for shit in Swedish for whatever reason. Finnish is just way too weird for me to write anything in, so English it is. I guess I write in English since I read mostly in English as well?
    Anyway, there's a lot to write before that becomes either a book or yet another deleted attempt at a book.
    (Also need to change child to daughter at some point, saying child like that makes it seem... Well, weird)
  • HoukHouk Nipples The EchidnaRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    houk what was the worst pre-localized translation you had to work with

    Not the worst, but one funny thing I always remember - it wasn't my project, but we were working on a sort of generic medieval fantasy 3rd person action type game, and our translator (god love him) wanted to try and make it sound really era-appropriate and authentic.

    At one point, two enemy groups are performing a magic/religious ritual to try and summon some demons or something. and the original translation went something like this:

    "No! They're having an orgy! Well, we'll just have to have a bigger orgy of our own to stop their orgy!" ... "Haha! Our orgy was victorious!"

    As it turns out, way back when, "orgy" was used to refer to "esoteric religious rituals" which I didn't know. These days, of course, it generally refer to group sex, which the translator didn't know. It took way more work than it should have to convince him that we should probably pick a different word.
    Houk on
  • SnowbeatSnowbeat Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.Registered User regular
  • Muse Among MenMuse Among Men Suburban Bunny Princess? Its time for a new shtickRegistered User regular
    I used to write a lot and then I stopped for a really long time. I've actually started thinking about starting up a cartoon blog, jotting down story ideas and getting research together. Because I have such deep thoughts about toons. Topics like: public taste and trends in voice acting, and cartoons with unrecognized merchandising potential, etc. I just worry that a) no one would be interested in my pontificating over possible cartoon marketing strategies and B) whether I'd be good enough or legitimate enough when the cartoon blogosphere (a very, very small space) is dominated by a site like CartoonBrew, which is/was run by Amid Amidi and Jerry Beck, who are bona fide cartoon historians. Seriously those guys are grrrreat and I wouldn't have thought of this had I not been following them.
  • HoukHouk Nipples The EchidnaRegistered User regular
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    i think those esoteric religious rituals were sex orgies

    pagans, man

    finally, a belief system i can get behind
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    that's what they thought witches did. went out and had big ol orgies with the devil
  • ButlerButler Registered User regular
    Jars wrote: »
    that's what they thought witches did. went out and had big ol orgies with the devil

    well the fuck else was there to do on a Tuesday night in the dark ages
  • chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Registered User regular
    Butler wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    that's what they thought witches did. went out and had big ol orgies with the devil

    well the fuck else was there to do on a Tuesday night in the dark ages

    Well, you could join a convent or a monastery. Learn to read, get some political power, advance the field of human knowledge with science.

    Or you could have regular, devil free meaningless sex.

    OR you could tattle on your neighbors who had sex with the devil, kill them, and get ALL THEIR STUFF.

    Middle ages weren't all bad, man.
  • AneurhythmiaAneurhythmia Registered User regular
    Athenor wrote: »
    God, what I wouldn't give to have a Kerouac-like adventure at least once in my life.

  • DuxDux A host to DarknessRegistered User regular
    Yeah, I write. I mostly write short stories, but I've been trying to branch out a bit.

    Been working on a comic with @Personface.

    Lately I've been kinda uncertain about my writing, though, after having been rejected by two writing studies. 'Course, they're selective bullshit, but it still smarts.

    Still gonna keep writing, though.
  • PoorochondriacPoorochondriac Registered User regular
    I write all the dingdang time. Mostly screenwriting, most of which I can't post for various boring legal reasons, in spite of not getting paid much of anything for any of it. Such is life.

    My goal is to write for TV. It'd be the bee's proverbial knees. Writing for film would also be nice, but if I had to choose one or the other, I'd pick TV by a landslide.

    To keep myself sane during projects that turn into slogs, I write sketches like this:
    I have a folder with, like, dozens more sketch scripts, but haven't really had the time/money/crew to film anything in ages. That seems to be changing, though! Should theoretically be shooting some stuff with buddies in a couple of weeks.

    I (very infrequently) write short stories like this;
    It only took half a bottle of Popov for Callahan to start making dares.

    Six shots later, there was a stolen traffic cone on my coffee table and I was bleeding from a self-inflicted stapler wound. Nick was supposed to drink a bottle of Worcestershire sauce, but got out of it when he told us he had cancer. It was kind of a mood killer.

    Call it bravery or call it denial, but he didn’t let the prognosis bug him. He’d go to bars and tell girls with too much eyeliner, “I was built to self-destruct. The only variable is the timer.” It was cheesy as hell.

    He never went home alone.

    In August, we went to a concert in the desert. Careful to avoid the phrase, “Last hurrah.” We forgot sunscreen, but Nick said we wouldn’t notice the burning if we were high. He went off to find some weed. Disappeared for an hour. Came back with a dimebag, a phone number, and a white handprint on his neck surrounded by raw pink sunburn.

    We swapped joints and stories, laughing too hard to feel our skin roasting. We were invincible.
    That's the only one I could find online, but I've got more kicking around on flashdrives and whatnot.
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    Vivienne liked that video Pooro.
  • PoorochondriacPoorochondriac Registered User regular
    Blake T wrote: »
    Vivienne liked that video Pooro.


    A couple of years ago, somebody posted it in the YouTube thread as a thing they liked and didn't even know I made it, which was oddly thrilling.
  • BYToadyBYToady Registered User regular
    I love that video.
    Battletag BYToady#1454
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    I will post it on facebook.

    We wil see how many people how actually count like ut.
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    I'm definitely more of an art guy than writer guy

    But after writing my XCOM adventures I found I like writing fun, crazy adventures so I've taken to that whole-hog with my DnD campaign here in Critical Failures.

    Haven't gotten any major complaints so far from my wonderful players, so I'm taking that in stride.
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    i kind of was thinking maybe i should start doing some journaling
    so i don't vent everything onto forums or social media but still can get stuff written down somewhere

    does anyone do anything like that
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • ShenShen Registered User regular
    I've always enjoyed writing and still have all my awful old fanfiction up on the net. I'm currently looking into MA programs for creative writing, but being terribly lazy about it as I am with all things.

    I also write the odd short article for a gaming site that is not nearly as interesting as MD.
  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    I write all the dingdang time. Mostly screenwriting, most of which I can't post for various boring legal reasons, in spite of not getting paid much of anything for any of it. Such is life.

    My goal is to write for TV. It'd be the bee's proverbial knees. Writing for film would also be nice, but if I had to choose one or the other, I'd pick TV by a landslide.

    To keep myself sane during projects that turn into slogs, I write sketches like this:
    I have a folder with, like, dozens more sketch scripts, but haven't really had the time/money/crew to film anything in ages. That seems to be changing, though! Should theoretically be shooting some stuff with buddies in a couple of weeks.

    I (very infrequently) write short stories like this;
    It only took half a bottle of Popov for Callahan to start making dares.

    Six shots later, there was a stolen traffic cone on my coffee table and I was bleeding from a self-inflicted stapler wound. Nick was supposed to drink a bottle of Worcestershire sauce, but got out of it when he told us he had cancer. It was kind of a mood killer.

    Call it bravery or call it denial, but he didn’t let the prognosis bug him. He’d go to bars and tell girls with too much eyeliner, “I was built to self-destruct. The only variable is the timer.” It was cheesy as hell.

    He never went home alone.

    In August, we went to a concert in the desert. Careful to avoid the phrase, “Last hurrah.” We forgot sunscreen, but Nick said we wouldn’t notice the burning if we were high. He went off to find some weed. Disappeared for an hour. Came back with a dimebag, a phone number, and a white handprint on his neck surrounded by raw pink sunburn.

    We swapped joints and stories, laughing too hard to feel our skin roasting. We were invincible.
    That's the only one I could find online, but I've got more kicking around on flashdrives and whatnot.

    If you ever get to write, say, an animated show, I'd love you if you wrote a part for me in it.

    As I love doing voices.

    Also I've done a bit of writing in the past, but I kind of got lost in my obsession with musics some years ago.

    Nowadays I'm not really dabbling in either, and life has been kind of boring.

    I am kind of sad, now.
  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    Also, last year a few of us at the forum were just sort of babbling in facebook group chat and decided to do a little writers workshop.

    I was the only one who actually had anything to submit when the agreed-upon deadline was up.

    Which is kind of funny, considering what I wrote, pretty much at the last minute.
    A young man by the name of Evan sat at his computer desk. The evening sun cast a pale orange light across the room, illuminating his fingers as they rose up, tense, ready to strike the keys with the prattle of busywork. Instead, they stopped and for a moment the keys were left wanting. He exhaled, and sat back in his chair. For a moment his fingers drummed the keys; the rattling reminded him of a horse's gallop.

    For what felt an hour, Aaron continued this pattern of tension, hesitation, and then apparent defeat. He'd been at it for what felt like a day, though he knew it was more like a few hours. He'd assured himself that he'd complete his writing assignment by tonight, but that seemed no longer a certainty. He knew of a solution, of course. Men of his talents could find their way out of virtually any predicament. The problem was the cost.

    With his deadline closing in, and his writer's block seemingly immovable, Aaron finally made a decision. He rose up from his chair, declaring "I shall summon a faerie of the great hereafter and force them to inspire me!" Aaron knew it was strange to announce these things out loud - especially when, as far as he knew, there was no one around to hear him - but he had long since stopped concerning himself with maintaining appearances of sanity in the privacy of his office.
  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    I'm also rather mad that facebook dropped group chat, which was the only reason that even happened in the first place.
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    Am I the only one who keeps adding the word bro to the title when I read this?
  • VanityPantsVanityPants Registered User regular
    Athenor wrote: »
    Magell wrote: »
    Well if you just write your stuff and then post it in TWB people who don't know you will give you advice and we're mostly nice. So if you don't feel confident just remember you're posting it anonymously to people who don't know you and want to help make you a better writer.

    I've found when people say they can't write it's because they are their own worst enemy.

    I've been using the same screenname, in almost all my online dealings, for 17 years now. I have a bit of a history so to speak. Or at least my mind thinks I do. Stupid thing plays tricks on me and makes me get all judgmental of my writing.

    True story: When I first came to this forum (I just got my 9 year badge), I used to post in extremely long, multi-paragraph ramblings on my naive views on the world. I also used to sign my posts above the signature. I got yelled at for that.

    ... Good lord I'm carrying around a lot of baggage.

    yeah, there's a reason I chose a different screen name from my usual for posting on here

    I'm kinda loving this inter-forum raid thread, but seriously, come play with us word nerds, nerds

    Another person from The Writer's Block here!

    I write things. Lots of things. Usually fantasy things, also YA Fantasy things. I'm actually on submission to publishers for the first time ever as of recently, so I'm now perpetually shaking with nerves to the point that I might vibrate entirely out of my own body. It's been fun.

    If any of you guys want to write and are having trouble getting started or write but need critiques, you should definitely venture over to TWB. Like @Magell said, it's a really great place to get feedback/critique, but it's also a great place to go if you just need help getting started. We've got moral support for those that need that and we also have people who will yell at you to get your butt in the chair and write something if that's what you need.
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Blake T wrote: »
    Am I the only one who keeps adding the word bro to the title when I read this?

    I keep adding an "even" before "write"
  • DouglasDangerDouglasDanger Registered User regular
    I used to think of myself as a writer. Writing was one of my biggest hobbies in high school. I started writing fiction when I was 13 or 14 years old, I think. I wrote prolifically, mostly weird sci-fi stories about weird guys wandering around exploring and fighting monsters. I started writing Yakuza/Triad war John Woo stuff when I got to high school. When I got to college, I finished this novella about an albino Triad/Yakuza mercenary guy and started writing vampire cyberpunk. I also wrote tons and tons of stuff for college. I still write now, six years after college, but not with the same frequency or intensity.

    I sketch out, with words in a bizarre outline script format, ideas for comics. Some times. And I start a lot of things and never finish a chapter.
    I play games on ps3. My PSN is DouglasDanger.
  • AmaliaAmalia Registered User regular
    I am also a writer -- my first book came out in March, Forged by Fate (first book in the FATE OF THE GODS trilogy!) and like @VanityPants I am also on submission for a totally different project, and also perpetually shaking, and just praying to the writing gods.

    ALSO also I am a member of The Writers Block as well.

    And I blog. Under two different names now. So. That isn't confusing at all.
    Sometimes I blog. Other times I tweet. But I'm always writing. (and so is that other Amalia)

    Forged by Fate, March 5, 2013! (And it's on Goodreads!)
  • TheBigEasyTheBigEasy Registered User regular
    I write. Not as much as I'd like but I do. Biggest problem is getting a habit of writing every day going. I did for a couple of months last year - but it has been over 6 months since I had any consistent writing schedule.
  • tapeslingertapeslinger utter Yog-Sothothery mmm, soulsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Come flash fic with us already

    This week's new prompt is up already

    Other sentence that ends in already

    tapeslinger on
    Hey! You! Go bid on awesome things! http://solidsaints.com
    jayxwolf.com || twit || fb || writing || ravelry || dA || g++
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