Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

Do Any Of You Write



  • godmodegodmode Registered User regular
    Jars wrote: »
    I wrote a bunch of stuff in college

    also some erotic fanfics

    If writing erotic fanfiction makes you an author, then I'm Ernest Hemingway

  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    Come flash fic with us already

    This week's new prompt is up already

    Might do this when I get home!

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • SnowbeatSnowbeat Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.Registered User regular
    godmode wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    I wrote a bunch of stuff in college

    also some erotic fanfics

    If writing erotic fanfiction makes you an author, then I'm Ernest Hemingway

    because your fanfic has strong, direct prose and a charismatic conviction of will??
  • MalReynoldsMalReynolds The Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicines Registered User regular
    I am do writing on sometime
    "A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."

    "Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor

    My new novel:

    Maledictions: The Offering.

    Now in Paperback!
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    Houk wrote: »
    Not the worst, but one funny thing I always remember - it wasn't my project, but we were working on a sort of generic medieval fantasy 3rd person action type game, and our translator (god love him) wanted to try and make it sound really era-appropriate and authentic.

    At one point, two enemy groups are performing a magic/religious ritual to try and summon some demons or something. and the original translation went something like this:

    "No! They're having an orgy! Well, we'll just have to have a bigger orgy of our own to stop their orgy!" ... "Haha! Our orgy was victorious!"

    As it turns out, way back when, "orgy" was used to refer to "esoteric religious rituals" which I didn't know. These days, of course, it generally refer to group sex, which the translator didn't know. It took way more work than it should have to convince him that we should probably pick a different word.

    Someday, I hope to use the phrase "Our orgy was victorious" in a sentence.
  • godmodegodmode Registered User regular
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    godmode wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    I wrote a bunch of stuff in college

    also some erotic fanfics

    If writing erotic fanfiction makes you an author, then I'm Ernest Hemingway

    because your fanfic has strong, direct prose and a charismatic conviction of will??

    Well, that...but mostly because I do my best writing when I'm drunk off my ass.
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    godmode wrote: »
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    godmode wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    I wrote a bunch of stuff in college

    also some erotic fanfics

    If writing erotic fanfiction makes you an author, then I'm Ernest Hemingway

    because your fanfic has strong, direct prose and a charismatic conviction of will??

    Well, that...but mostly because I do my best writing when I'm drunk off my ass.

    How do we live together and I don't know about this?!
  • ProlegomenaProlegomena Frictionless Spinning The VoidRegistered User regular
    I haven't written anything since I dropped out of my PhD nearly 3 years ago, this is probably a bad thing.
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    I had actually been considering trying to pick up a story I've had sitting on the backburner for a while.

    I go back and forth on whether or not there is any point in trying.
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    I write stuff
    “Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi cattie venire possunt.”
    vis a tergo | Blog | Twitter | Blip.fm | Dropbox
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    There is really no reason I shouldn't write more than I do.
  • LarlarLarlar Super Moderator, Moderator, ClubPA mod
    I just joined a Vancouver writer's meetup to devote some time each week to not not writing.

    I'd like to start creating a solid outline to this story idea I've had for a good ten years so that when I finally try to write it again one day I don't get about three chapters in before throwing my arms up and deleting everything.
  • KochikensKochikens Lovely-Cuddle-Blanket-Stephen-Fry-Awesomer Registered User regular
    I miss writing. I need a writing buddy again.
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Larlar wrote: »
    I just joined a Vancouver writer's meetup to devote some time each week to not not writing.

    I'd like to start creating a solid outline to this story idea I've had for a good ten years so that when I finally try to write it again one day I don't get about three chapters in before throwing my arms up and deleting everything.

    I have the basic story beats in my head but trying to get them into an outline generally results in a huge mess of a document that goes into way to much detail.

  • TasteticleTasteticle Registered User regular
    I have books filled with material for stand up routines. Most of it is complete garbage.
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    Outlines are allowed to have too much detail, there are no rules for that

    I once made a wiki for a novel
    “Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi cattie venire possunt.”
    vis a tergo | Blog | Twitter | Blip.fm | Dropbox
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    Tasteticle wrote: »
    I have books filled with material for stand up routines. Most of it is complete garbage.

    Badum tish!
  • MalReynoldsMalReynolds The Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicines Registered User regular
    godmode wrote: »
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    godmode wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    I wrote a bunch of stuff in college

    also some erotic fanfics

    If writing erotic fanfiction makes you an author, then I'm Ernest Hemingway

    because your fanfic has strong, direct prose and a charismatic conviction of will??

    Well, that...but mostly because I do my best writing when I'm drunk off my ass.

    See, I'm kind of the same way, but I'll go back and forth between reading what I wrote and being impressed, and being confused because what I've written is complete gibberish.
    "A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."

    "Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor

    My new novel:

    Maledictions: The Offering.

    Now in Paperback!
  • MalReynoldsMalReynolds The Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicines Registered User regular
    Tasteticle wrote: »
    My gf's dream is to have a published novel and she has been working on it for years. Taking classes, going to seminars, the whole nine. Our bedroom is filled with so many sticky notes and strong webs that it looks like a safehouse for an insane person.

    She let's me review things from time to time and her prose is goddamn incredible and I am really happy to be a supportive part of all of this.

    It's so weird to have all of that information contained in one brain, and when it's let out for organizational purposes it blankets an entire room.
    "A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."

    "Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor

    My new novel:

    Maledictions: The Offering.

    Now in Paperback!
  • RawrBearRawrBear Registered User regular
    I usually try, and then subsequently fail miserably at nanowrimo every year. I'm also working on a tabletop rpg thing, which I guess counts as writing sort of.
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    I am the local ML for Nano so anytime you guys want to Nano it up, just hit me with a trout or something

    We always have a thread for it in TWB
    “Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi cattie venire possunt.”
    vis a tergo | Blog | Twitter | Blip.fm | Dropbox
  • DouglasDangerDouglasDanger Registered User regular
    i need to write actual prose instead of background and back story stuff. Even though I failed spectactularly when I tried to learn how to draw, I am a very visual person. I have to figure out what a character looks like before I write about that character's life.

    I started writing another thing about the same things I always write about, and by odin's eye i will nail it this time. this time is different!
    I play games on ps3. My PSN is DouglasDanger.
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Quoth wrote: »
    Outlines are allowed to have too much detail, there are no rules for that

    I once made a wiki for a novel

    See Im heading that route but its hard to draw a line between.vital for a beliveable world and they dont need to know that
  • MalReynoldsMalReynolds The Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicines Registered User regular
    Every time I see this thread title, I read it as, "Do you even write, bro?"
    "A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."

    "Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor

    My new novel:

    Maledictions: The Offering.

    Now in Paperback!
  • jgeisjgeis Registered User regular
    I'm just finishing up my bachelor's in English. The vast majority of what I've written is academic essays and research papers. I have written a little creative stuff, but I always styme myself because I think that I am a terrible creative writer even when my peers tell me otherwise. I did have one very short story, written for an assignment in a creative writing class, that got a lot of positive feedback. Maybe I'll post that here when I have access to it/am not phone posting.
    3DS Friend Code: 2320-6460-9072
  • AneurhythmiaAneurhythmia Registered User regular
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    godmode wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    I wrote a bunch of stuff in college

    also some erotic fanfics

    If writing erotic fanfiction makes you an author, then I'm Ernest Hemingway

    because your fanfic has strong, direct prose and a charismatic conviction of will??

    And often dwells on literal emasculation.
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    Quoth wrote: »
    Outlines are allowed to have too much detail, there are no rules for that

    I once made a wiki for a novel

    See Im heading that route but its hard to draw a line between.vital for a beliveable world and they dont need to know that

    Pffbt, whatever, do what you want

    I mean, at some point you do need to sit your butt down and write the story itself

    But you can plan forever and then look at Rowling with her Potter dictionaries and side stories and whatever else, there are people out there who care about the tiniest crap
    “Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi cattie venire possunt.”
    vis a tergo | Blog | Twitter | Blip.fm | Dropbox
  • OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor Registered User regular
    I also kind of see myself writing more academically/non-fiction stuff in the future, since my goal is to attend a graduate program and such. Also possibly writing articles and what not. Doing a piece for MD was a good experience like, a year ago, and I'd like to do more of those but I've got enough plans for the summer on my plate.
    The sound of his stallion's stream seemed so potent, so replete with authority, that it increased her terror of the devastation to come.
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    I was contemplating dabbling in more realistic fiction instead of fantasy.
  • LTMLTM Registered User regular
    I like to think I sort of write.
  • DubhDubh Hoodmistress Registered User regular
    Kochikens wrote: »
    I miss writing. I need a writing buddy again.


    Would you like one of my drafts
  • LadaiLadai Registered User regular
    I'm a newspaper reporter, so I guess I technically fall under the category of writer.
    I've written one piece of fiction (a short story) recently that I plan to shop around to some magazines.
    Need to pick up the latest Writer's Market to take a look at my options.
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    Or you can use Google, or Duotrope, or that new thing that is Duotrope but free

    Or you can ask in TWB depending on style/genre and we may know of places to try
    “Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi cattie venire possunt.”
    vis a tergo | Blog | Twitter | Blip.fm | Dropbox
  • LadaiLadai Registered User regular
    Huh. I haven't kept up with any of this stuff since my magazine writing class in college. I like the format Writer's Market uses, which gives an idea of how many submissions from first-time authors a particular magazine accepts, how much they pay, tips on query letters, etc.

    But I guess if something else did the same thing for free I'd be interested.
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    Duotrope used to be free but alas, earwax

    I think this is the new free ghetto version: http://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/

    You can search by genre, style, length, pay, etc.
    “Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi cattie venire possunt.”
    vis a tergo | Blog | Twitter | Blip.fm | Dropbox
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    I won a contest by the way guys, since you don't go to TWB

    I win two books by this nice author dude

    I also win a sad blogpost by a non-winner who was really mad that my story went over the word limit but still won :(
    “Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi cattie venire possunt.”
    vis a tergo | Blog | Twitter | Blip.fm | Dropbox
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver Registered User, ClubPA regular
    godmode wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    I wrote a bunch of stuff in college

    also some erotic fanfics

    If writing erotic fanfiction makes you an author, then I'm Ernest Hemingway

    You wrote fifty shades of grey?
    "Advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
    "Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but it dies in the process."
    Imagine all of my posts being spoken by Alec Baldwin
    GamerTag: MunkusBeaver ||||| Steam: munkus
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    godmode wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    I wrote a bunch of stuff in college

    also some erotic fanfics

    If writing erotic fanfiction makes you an author, then I'm Ernest Hemingway

    You wrote fifty shades of grey?

    Someone else wrote that. I think his was called the Old Man and the Seamen
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