Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.


TonkkaTonkka Impossible!They were doomed!Registered User regular
I just got done talking to my half sister about certain things that are happening with my "parents".

Some of you may remember that my mother is suffering from some brain problems. Diagnosis have ranged from multiple sclerosis to Alzheimer's. They still don't know what is wrong with my mom's head, aside from she has constant headaches and can't remember certain things.

Gut to tonight where I find out that my stepfather keeps trying to work on the yard and such and apparently almost broke his foot. It turned out to just be a sprain, but since my mother's brain doesn't work correctly right now, he drives himself to the emergency room and calls my sister to let her know that my mother is at home alone and he is at the hospital.

All the while I am at work, with no knowledge that any of this is happening.

I talked to my sister about all this shit tonight, and there are more things going on, but god damn.

So what's happening with your family?
Gamertag: T0NKKA - Steam: evilumpire Twitter Art blog/Portfolio!HEY SATAN!


  • Dead LegendDead Legend Registered User regular
    i will let you know how my family is when i see them all together for mother's day, so it should be a day where several of us abuse substances to get along with everybody else.

    but i hope yours is alright, @Tonkka.
    diablo III - beardsnbeer#1508 Mechwarrior Online - Rusty Bock
  • TrippyJingTrippyJing hot hot hot hot stayin' alive stayin' aliveRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    My last remaining grandparent had a short stay in the hospital for internal bleeding a few days ago.
    TrippyJing on
  • TonkkaTonkka Impossible! They were doomed!Registered User regular
    Thanks DL, I hope it goes well.
    Gamertag: T0NKKA - Steam: evilumpire Twitter Art blog/Portfolio!HEY SATAN!
  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    One of my uncles just got married (well, remarried). My mom said that he was happier than she'd ever seen him.
    Skeith on
  • KroenenKroenen Registered User regular
    My mom is losing her house and wants to kill herself, so that's great.
  • ASimPersonASimPerson And they will tremble again at the sound of our silence.Registered User regular
    Oblig. @a5ehren shout-out
    SE++ Forum Battle Archive | PST = Pacific Standard Time | DRUNKSTUCK: A Homestuck recap
  • NiryaNirya Registered User regular
    My mom's been in and out of surgery for the past year dealing with a benign tumor at the base of her back. They finally got it all out last September (after messing up the first time), but apparently the tumor was also plugging up spinal fluid, which started to leak out slowly. So they had to go back and take care of that. I don't even know what's going on anymore, but currently she has a hole that was originally the size of a thumb in the small of her back that's healing up but we have to pack it every day to soak up any excess fluid and let it heal properly.

    She also just decided this week that she wants to go back to school and finish her Masters degree, because she literally doesn't know how to slow down.
    411mania's best/worst tv reviewer TV Rants & Raves: Wednesdays
  • AtheraalAtheraal Registered User regular
    My family's great! My grandmother thinks the global water level is going to rise uncontrollably and the sun is going to wipe out electronics (except for all the government-suppressed zero-point magic boxes, of course) sometime next week, but that's just part of her charm.
  • Dead LegendDead Legend Registered User regular
    Tonkka wrote: »
    Thanks DL, I hope it goes well.

    It will. Sometimes, it's just a matter of shutting up and accepting what they do without causing a scene. I can put up with that. At the end of the day you still love them.

    Here is two songs appropriate of the topic, I think.


    diablo III - beardsnbeer#1508 Mechwarrior Online - Rusty Bock
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    My Dad's working on an Alpine Chateau in the French Alps. He'll be gone for three months. He spent four months working on it last year until he was digging through six foot snow banks to get to it, but now the snow has melted so hopefully he'll finish it off.

    My Mum's missing him dearly, but she's kept busy with a humongous about of substitute teacher work. Seriously, I think she's gotten more work over the last five months than she got in the previous two years.

    My eldest brother and his girlfriend, both my tenants and roommates, had a large falling out and looked like they might finish it, which parts of my family were hoping for because she can be pretty dominating, but they're staying together on a trial basis. I'm skeptical of its long term viability, but this is for Reasons™ that might not be best to expound on here.

    My older-but-not-oldest brother and his wife are busy raising the first grandchild of both families. He is adorbs! However her father has got several tumours and the ensuing chemo wipes him out. It was no surprise to me that they gave the baby his name as a middle name. They also gave him my Dad's name as a second middle name, which is pretty unusual, although this brother of mine also has it due to a cousin of Mum's who died around the time he was born.

    The eldest of my younger sisters is soldiering on with her job, her boyfriend and various fundraising endeavors for charity. He's a nice bloke. Unlike my brother's relationship, my Mum thinks this will go somewhere.

    The next younger sister is over in England working at a school for kids with learning and behavioral difficulties. More the latter than the former. Chair legs were involved once. But thankfully she wasn't hurt and this is just the work experience part of her Master's degree, so hopefully she can pack it in after August once she hands in her dissertation.

    My youngest sister is still in school, but 18 and eyeing Volkswagen Golfs wherever she goes. She's studying for her A Level exams but has two disadvantages in this regard: Her studies were disrupted by appendicitis, and she has very poor processing power: Reciting what she's learned is easy peasy, but processing that knowledge, using the information to arrive at a new conclusion is difficult for her, rather like getting the round peg to the round hole and trying to put it in sideways. She faces the possibility of repeating the last year of school or going to a technical college to improve her grades to get into University, because grade requirements are pretty ridiculous right now.

    Upcoming birthdays: Brother #1, his girlfriend

    Mid term plans: After my sister's exams, send Mum to France for a week or two to keep Dad company.

    Long term plans: In August me, my Parents and Sisters #1 and #2 are going to California. I had hoped Brother #1 would come along too - it would make his birthday pretty easy this year - but with trying to rekindle his relationship that's out the window. Sister #3 was invited, but she took a funny notion and didn't want to go. I think teachers have beat it into her head that she shouldn't take that time off because of exam results, even though they're out almost two weeks before we leave. There was also talk of going to Chicago and sending Brother #2 to meet up with us there as another birthday present, but we dropped Chicago from the itinerary due to cost and settled on an iPad instead, which he could turn into a photo album of the baby.

    So that's what's going on in my family right now. Sounds pretty boring when I think about it.
  • VeldrinVeldrin Sham bam bamina Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    My father is prepping himself for retirement and has been putting together a lathe and some other woodwork and metalwork equipment over the past year to use once he does. He has also been excitedly planning various trips to different places around the world for him and my mum to go on together.

    He's so excited about retirement. It's adorable.
    Veldrin on
  • bwaniebwanie Registered User regular
    retirement for my father has been a long and painful process of him realising that in the current econmy he hasn't planned far enough ahead.
  • triftrif EdinburghRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    We visited my partner's granny in a nursing home at the weekend with our two year old son. She (the granny, not my partner!) was a little dotty and fell asleep halfway through.

    My son was initially terrified of a room full of old grey haired people, but warmed up eventually. The place was clean and the staff were friendly... but dammit are nursing homes creepy and disturbing!
    trif on
    Honk iff you love formal logic! - - There are only 10 types of people in the world; those that understand binary and those that don't
  • smofsmof The meanest dinosaur Registered User regular
    My dad stopped working in November 2011 when he was diagnosed with a brain tumour. So now he has ALL THE FREE TIME and because he is one of those people who can't sit still he's been going nuts with DIY projects around the house. And driving my mum nuts in the process because she never knows if she's going to come home from work and find he's built something or taken something apart or "improved" something. It's pretty entertaining for me.

    My brother is generally rad and has just bought a ridiculously huge and nice house because he is apparently rich.

    I am by far the least impressive and interesting member of my family.
  • SporkAndrewSporkAndrew Registered User, ClubPA regular
    smof wrote: »
    I am by far the least impressive and interesting member of my family.

    You are a T-Rex who has beaten adversity to rise through the ranks of a secret international military organisation to command a crack team of soldiers in Earth's only line of defence against alien invaders. I'd say that's pretty interesting.
  • Crimson KingCrimson King the freedom of birds is an insult to me i'd have them all in zoosRegistered User regular
    my mum has decided that when my dad dies (which will be in a decade or so, probably, no-one really knows what's wrong with that dude) she's going to go back to uni and get her degree in neuroscience and write a book about happiness and resilience and why some people cope better with tragedy than others

    i don't know where she's going to find the time in between building a house in tasmania, travelling around iceland, joining the greens and running for the senate

    totally believe she could do all of those things at once though
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    My underage cousin who had a child out of wedlock had her son pass away at the age of 1 due to illness about a month ago.
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    smof wrote: »
    I am by far the least impressive and interesting member of my family.

    You are a T-Rex who has eaten adversity to rise through the ranks of a secret international military organisation to command a crack team of soldiers in Earth's only line of defence against alien invaders. I'd say that's pretty interesting.

    Just a slight correction.
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    My mother has severe depression and despite the fact that she has been on medication for a long time it is fairly typical for her to threaten to overdose on sleeping pills. My father is a fat-ass who has not had a steady job for six months. There was a brief period before this where he was working as a facilities guy at a local university, but before that he was throwing money away on his own company including $6,000 he took out of my bank account without my knowledge when I was a senior in college. The company had not made a profit for the last six years. Basically he now just sits around the house and plays solitaire all day. My father has started spending a lot of long hours on the phone with the soon to be ex-wife of his best friend and doesn't understand why that upsets my mother so much.

    So my depressed mother is working herself to death at a job that she hates because she's the only one bringing in any money. My Uncle (my father's brother) now lives with them to help pay rent, but he is also there because he has severe PTSD and is too paranoid to live on his own. So he might lose his job because sometimes he just doesn't go to work when he thinks that he's being followed.

    I'm really excited to see the three of them this weekend...
  • jgeisjgeis Registered User regular
    My paternal grandmother has brain cancer and we've had a wild ride trying to get it taken care of. It seems like its basically incurable at this point, but manageable, so she's doing alright. She's had numerous surgeries and treatments which have taken a toll on her, and she has been living with a facial palsy for about 2.5 years now. She's a big inspiration to me, because despite being somewhat disfigured and always under the threat of death from cancer, she just goes about her daily life without too much care.

    My paternal grandfather is slowly losing his mind to Alzheimer's. We have tried to give him a fair range of autonomy because he hasn't done much to get himself into trouble. Well, last week my grandmother asked him to go to the local American Legion post to pick up some free food for the elderly/less fortunate and he ended up driving 40 miles away and got lost in Gary, IN. My aunt and uncle happened to be free that afternoon and they had to go collect him. It was really sad and subsequently he isn't allowed to drive anymore.

    My father is a city official and that brings all kinds of stess, but he loves the job and loves the city. He is currently in the middle of a stressful lawsuit involving damage done to the city ice rink by some local youths (technically adults under the law). The town is pretty divided about what has gone on, and a bevy of false information has caused my dad some stress due to people reacting poorly to said false information.

    My mom is a bank teller and she both loves and hates her job. Loves the people, hates the management. She has a bit of a green thumb, so she has been planting up a storm the last two weeks.

    My brother is in high school, just got his first job and should be getting his driver's license soon.

    My sister has moved away from home and goes out and drinks a lot. She and her drunk friends got pulled over by the police the other night and that caused a ton of problems. So that's fun.
    3DS Friend Code: 2320-6460-9072
  • MarathonMarathon Registered User regular
    My youngest sister will graduate from high school in a couple weeks. It will be a nice punctuation since she was hospitalized for a few months when she was younger because of an eating disorder that probably would have killed her.
    Dumb Hero wrote: »
    "Okay, you take 2d4 damage from the ogre's dick impaling your 2inch anus"
    Hey, Satan.
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I honestly don't have much concern about my given family.
    Amazon wish list | Please check out my wife's blog and jewelry store.
  • MarathonMarathon Registered User regular
    The Geek wrote: »
    I honestly don't have much concern about my given family.

    We're all worried about you though, The Geek.

    This thread is secretly an intervention.
    Dumb Hero wrote: »
    "Okay, you take 2d4 damage from the ogre's dick impaling your 2inch anus"
    Hey, Satan.
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    My brother moved to Switzerland several years ago to live with his wife. My parents are still sort of grieving this event and how he doesn't call. My older sister is in Connecticut working a job and doing university stuff. She finds her time over there less stressful because she doesn't need to deal with the social drama of our home all the time anymore.

    My mother is only barely in the church, deciding to not follow traditions because of a bad experience with a church leader in the past. She isn't against it, but she doesn't trust a formal institution to handle things right. This causes great grief with my father, who is still really into the church. She does a lot of passive-aggressive jabs at him, and he just talks ill of her in his long rants he does about everything. They both lost the message the church has been repeating for a long time of "If the church is causing family problems then stop coming to church, we value healthy families over commitment to a ritual."

    My father has been working 10 hour shifts seven days a week for years now to support the family. My parents have been through bankruptcy and multiple layoffs from really needed jobs while raising us. My father studied computer networking around 2000, but before he could get a job in that field an advancement of technology made his studies obsolete.
  • WheatBun01WheatBun01 Registered User regular
    My dad's been pretty good, though all his blatant homophobic remarks are starting to get to me/hurt my feelings a bit.

    Mom has some pretty severe brain problems that are untreated, terrible temper, depression, and is just all around kinda loony. But she's out working again, which has helped some. Yesterday we had an awkward discussion on religion and I lied about still having faith. Pick your battles, right?

    Sister is going to college, making good grades, and just being your typical kid! Not much else going on.

  • NaloutoNalouto Registered User regular
    Today marks 2 years since my Mom died from random awful super-cancer in her stomach. All things considered that was a very peaceful and largely NON traumatic experience in my familys life, while still being one of the worst things to happen ever... We all said what we needed to say to eachother, cancer is terrible.

    This leaves my dad alone in his place downtown now, and me and the soon-to-be have since moved an hour and a half west out of the city. I bring our son (his 4th grandson) over quite often (not as much as I should) and our relationship if anything has actually finally strengthened into some sort of adult understanding of life. I plan to start tackling tv series and movies with my dad once a week, now that the dust has really settled, my work situation is smoothed out a bit, and I can acknowledge the friendship he is now missing (and needing) in his life. (for instance i cannot wait to strap the oculus rift on the old mans head.) He's a tech-friendly guy too, but just barely manages his iPad with my help (yes I bought it for him :P), though watching him and my 2 year old learn the iOS tech at the same time has been amazing for me. (and my kid is really not that much slower with it.)

    Yup that's it. I do love my family, and am thankful I can say that. (Except I have an uncle who is kind of lame...) ... But like %95.
  • KamiroKamiro Registered User regular
    My mom decided she's going to move back to her birth country, which means she has to do something with the condo she bought a couple of years ago. Which she will probably get a loss on since she bought it before the crash and it hasn't quite gotten back to the purchase value. She was originally going to rent it out, but 2 weeks before she was going to rent it, she decided she was going to try to sell it instead. She also decided to move into her friend's house for Reasons.

    She got shingles a few weeks ago, and has been miserable and in pain. I thought she was taken care of due to moving to her friend's house, but apparently she moved BACK to her condo and didn't tell me. Then sent a bunch of text messages to my sister saying how I don't care about her because I never asked if she needed anything or visited her to make sure she's OK. She then posts on facebook saying that she's glad she's moving back to her country because being sick in the US sucks, which I'm taking as a passive aggressive slight toward me, since health care in her country is TERRIBLE. A couple of days ago she finally sends me a text message telling me all the things she complained to my sister about, which is when I found out she has been in her condo all alone and not at her friend's house. So I've been guilted into thinking I'm a terrible person. Best part was when she says that "Sometimes women want men to guess what we need." and that "I just want you to be a caring, thoughtful man in the future." I am not a mind reader especially when you don't tell me that you're not at your friend's house anymore.

    And now mother's day is coming up and I don't want to deal with being lectured or guilted.
  • OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor Registered User regular
    Mothers day is that once a year thing that makes me feel really awkward and etc.

    Hate the holiday
    The sound of his stallion's stream seemed so potent, so replete with authority, that it increased her terror of the devastation to come.
  • crwthcrwth Registered User regular
    my mom is cool and great

    my dad is in constant pain in either his back or leg or both

    also sometimes he is an asshole

    overall i love my family

    oh and my cousin got busted for violation of probation and he is 17 so do me a favor and nuke my hometown
  • valhalla130valhalla130 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    My father has been having issues with his diabetes and won't eat what he is supposed to to help control it, relying entirely on his automated insulin pump to deal with it. The insuling for this is very expensive and he has hit the Medicare donut hole (possibly due to his medicare advantage plan) and he no longer has it. He did this last Otober and by December, was passing out every time he tried to stand and could not control his blood sugar with regular insulin. Not to mention the mini-strokes they found out he was having. We ended up calling the ambulance Christmas Eve to take him to the hospital.

    So I have that to look forward to again soon. His weight has ballooned up recently, and I can barely hold him up when he begins to pass out, but he still doesn't want to do anything to help himself. Its driving my mother crazy, and she's driving all of us crazy.

    Not to mention the continued financial diffculties our family has been having. Since I am turning into the principal care-giver for my mom and dad, and they're only 62 at this point, I'm having some issues with it. I'll do it, because I love them, but with all my issues too, it's going to be difficult and I just hope I'm up to it.

    EDIT: Not to mention that dad has been hard to live with because his attitude and emotional state has been up and down due to these problems, and he had to quite work about 3-4 years ago and still wants to go back. He hates being at home. Hates being with my mom all the time and is making life miserable for us and himself.
    valhalla130 on
  • UsagiUsagi Got catz in my zone Ca-catz in my zoneRegistered User regular
    My Mom retired this past year and had been planning on traveling a whole bunch but now her free time is mostly taken up with caring for her mom. Gram is eighty something but has finally (after 60+ years of hiding it) been diagnosed with GAD/depression but it went untreated long enough that she kept forgetting/not caring enough to eat so there's already starting to be some cognitive and physical decline. She's always been totally batty but it's tough to see her tottering around because she can't stand up straight and then not recognizing I'm not my Mom.

    Other Gran is a fucking rockstar, mid eighties and just stubborned her way through three weeks of hospitalization for pancreatitis, mows her own lawn, takes care of her church lady friends, babysits my young cousins constantly, and still has time to give me crap for not visiting more often. She's rad and I want to be her when I grow up.
    twit | make stuff | GW2: Arithmetock.3459 | a list of wishes | a post of wishes | svpply
  • HammerHorrorHammerHorror Registered User regular
    Mom and Dad are doing ok - they just moved to their summer house in WI (they can't handle TX summers any more). Worried about Dad's loss of mobility over the past couple years, but he's a tough, bullheaded old fart - he'll manage.
    I hear from my brothers when I do - we don't dislike each other, we're just lousy at communication.
    Wife is FAR more tolerable now that she's on break from nursing school.
  • Wombat!!Wombat!! Registered User regular
    My parents are good, coming down for my graduation later this month (PEACE OUT COLLEGE MAY 26th), they are living out on the island, both working less and less as time goes on. My brother and sister are doing well in their post-grad lives, the latter a bit less steadily employed than the former, but with much more of an education under her belt. Grandpa is having some mind issues, but he's surrounded by family, and rolls with the punches pretty well.
  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    Have no idea who in my family is still alive; I haven't talked to anyone in years. I just found out my insane mother managed to get my name on the lease of her apparently decrepit home and now I need to sign something to get a government loan to make the thing inhabitable or it gets torn down.

    I hate family.
  • WuShockWuShock con sopa Wichita, KS, USA, Earth, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way GalaxyRegistered User regular
    Dad has been cancer-free for three years now since the operation and the chemo (he was bald anyway, so no big loss there). He's also had a knee replaced and is 70 years old and he absolutely refuses to stop working, just like his father, because, "when you stop moving, you die." Given that Grandpa lived into his late 80's, still working part-time five days a week, I think I have to agree with that statement.

    Mom is finally going to retire this month, but is then going to get re-hired back (for a lower wage) and "double dip" with the retirement for a while (perfectly legal in this context). And by "a while" I mean, "until she can find something else to do full-time," because the woman would go nuts if she didn't have something to do.

    My oldest niece graduates from high school next week and, to her chagrin, she will be doing her pre-med at KU. The hope is that she can get into actual medical school at Johns Hopkins (she wants to be a research oncologist), but she can fall back to KU med if that doesn't happen.

    My wife's mother lives with us, and while she and Mrs. Shock have a strained relationship at times, they really have been working to cut the other more slack. As annoying and unsettling as it can be (and as stereotypically Sit-Com as the situation is), I am very happy that WeeShock has that close relationship with his grandmother.
    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him

    Pax Prime '11, '12, '13 - Cookie Brigadier
  • JunpeiJunpei Registered User regular
    Luckily nothing so complicated on this end.

    My dad is busy working to get his model trains business off the ground, which isn't too bad at 65. He's always been a busy body and if he isn't sleeping/eating he is working on something or another. Still holding down a full time job so he is going full steam still at 65. My mom is waiting patiently for retirement which will never come because they'd never be able to afford to retire. that is the problem with immigrating to the UK at such a later period in life, you can't really get a house unless you can afford a 5 year mortgage and who can honestly afford one of those? Both of my dads parents died in the last few years and my moms mom has had a resurgence in her cancer so it's likely she isn't long for the world but she's an iron lady so you never know, most older generation Scottish women are. Hard as stone.

    My older brother and his wife and kids are seemingly doing well but he is an eternal worrier and penny pincher so there is always some sort of scheme going on there, like a Del Boy without a Rodney. My younger brother got married last year which was nice, not much happening in his life really.

    I'm still working my ass off for no real gain, looking after my wife who still struggles with her mental health issues. It's not an easy life and it would be a simple thing to let despair swallow my optimism whole but we can't be letting that happen, I'll just keep on trucking, working hard, supporting my wife and making terrible youtube videos that nobody wants to watch.
  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    My mom is visiting us right now, but for the past few months she's been up taking care of my Grandparents. My grandma has Alzheimer's, and it looks like my Grandpa might be heading in that direction as well. My dad is in a really rough spot in his life, after having to file bankruptcy because of all of our collective medical bills and issues. My brother probably really needs to talk to a therapist or something, but he also should hopefully start going to school sometime this summer. My sister is a passive aggressive 'better than you' type, and I really do my best not to talk to her.

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • ChicoBlueChicoBlue Registered User regular
    My family is pretty swell. I like my brothers just fine, but I mostly only talk to them around Christmas.

    My mom and dad are super nice. My dad's a sales/managerial guy and he works very hard. My mom takes care of the house and my dad and spends her free time painting and working on children's books that she'd like to publish some day. I'm pretty sure that they regard me as a quiet and odd sort of disappointment, but are too loving to really say anything about it.
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