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  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    Don't ever take sides with anyone against the family.
    360: Sir Stiggleton PSN: Stiggy_PA GFWL: RacerStig Steam: TheStig
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    The Geek wrote: »
    I honestly don't have much concern about my given family.
    is this "they don't have anything going on that causes me concern" or "I don't really know/care what is going on with my family"

    cause I am that first thing and it makes me happy
  • DubhDubh Hoodmistress Registered User regular
    My family situation is mostly bleh. Though, Mom is getting a big mother's day phone call because even if she can't handle my gender identity, she has acted upon eveything else to the best of her ability. It drives me crazy that she has ended up with so little for the hard work she's done over the years.
  • KamiroKamiro Registered User regular
    On the good side of things:

    My dad started at his current company ~28 years ago as a secretary (undergrad degree in German and Literature and masters in Theater Arts, yay!) and this past year became the VP of Communications. He bought the house he lives in now (~26 years go) when the neighborhood was not very safe (crack house across the street, finding handguns in his back yard) and now it's a very trendy area and the value of the house has increased by x10+. He wants to do a big construction project and make his basement liveable since right now it has a 6 foot ceiling and dirt floor so when he retires he can live in the basement and rent the rest of the house for $$$. He also wants to buy a house in Spain and live there, because it is his favorite place. He vacations there at least 3 times a year. The problem is Spain has weird housing laws and he needs to make sure that when he buys a house, some long lost relative of the previous owner doesn't come by and claim it from under him.

    My sister got married last year and bought a house in Jersey. It's a pretty nice house with a big yard, and they're currently building garden boxes and putting up new fences and stuff. They got really lucky with that hurricane that came by last year in that their giant tree fell down and didn't land on their house. It did land on their neighbors house, though...but they're not liable.
  • KamiroKamiro Registered User regular
    Aaaaaaaaaand, I just got a call from my mom. She has a tumor on her spine and she's getting admitted to the hospital today to get it checked out. Fuck
  • LiiyaLiiya Registered User regular
    My family is pretending to be supportive of my applying for university but they think it isn't a safe idea and that I should stick at my minimum wage job for the rest of my life. For someone who has always relied on their opinion it is pretty tricky and makes me feel pretty alone on the decision.
  • Lost SalientLost Salient generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    ...my dad and mom just moved in January to Russia where my dad is the vehicle chief engineer for a new joint project between GM and Avtovaz. Then last week they flew back to Chicago do my dad could get his colon and other parts completely removed due to the presence of cancer cells in a horrifyingly located polyp.

    It is pretty stressful. The recovery takes a long time so they don't know if he'll be able to resume his work in Russia or even in Italy.
    Lost Salient on
    "Sandra's favourite movie is escape from new York because she cries when magpie and brain die because they will never be together." HAIL SATAN
  • #pipe#pipe Cocky Stride, Musky odours Pope of Chili TownRegistered User regular
    Liiya wrote: »
    My family is pretending to be supportive of my applying for university but they think it isn't a safe idea and that I should stick at my minimum wage job for the rest of my life. For someone who has always relied on their opinion it is pretty tricky and makes me feel pretty alone on the decision.

    Try to remember that they want to make sure you're safe, and can take care of yourself. It can be difficult to see your child take a risk that might result in a few years of struggling for money and being overworked.

    But you should totally still do it. You only get one go round and giving up the opportunity to pursue something you're passionate about because you're worried about money is no way to live your life.
  • DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    I don't speak to my family anymore. Or at least not my father and stepmother.
  • POKÉMON MASTER WT SHERMANPOKÉMON MASTER WT SHERMAN sherman is coming. hold out. rockville, mdRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    my sister's been working toward becoming a nurse for ages and had that nearly blow up in her face due to indifferent professors/administration when her appendix had to be taken out, but she dodged that bullet and has one more year of school left before she wanders into an oversaturated job market and oh god who knows what happens then

    my dad has been kind of slogging through each day since my mom passed away in 2010 and i don't know what if anything i can do to help him, he's mostly healthy physically but he doesn't seem to have anything he cares about overmuch and it worries me a lot because he's the most important person in my life

    their dog's doing pretty good
    steam | xbox live: IGNORANT HARLOT | psn: MadRoll | nintendo network: spinach
    3ds: 1504-5717-8252
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    Nurses are always in demand somewhere. The real thing is comes down to is whether or not she'll be working in the part of the hospital she wants to be in, at the desired town she would like to work in, etc.

    But you can take some comfort in knowing that she will be able to find work. Even if it is not precisely where she would want to be and at the amount that she would prefer.
  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    my sister is, amazing. Funny, pretty, smart, driven, kind, fearless. Seriously one of those super people that you'd hate if they weren't so nice.

    I'm kind of a shlub in comparison but I make it work
  • POKÉMON MASTER WT SHERMANPOKÉMON MASTER WT SHERMAN sherman is coming. hold out. rockville, mdRegistered User regular
    Sassori wrote: »
    Nurses are always in demand somewhere. The real thing is comes down to is whether or not she'll be working in the part of the hospital she wants to be in, at the desired town she would like to work in, etc.

    But you can take some comfort in knowing that she will be able to find work. Even if it is not precisely where she would want to be and at the amount that she would prefer.
    i'm sure you're right

    i just

    steam | xbox live: IGNORANT HARLOT | psn: MadRoll | nintendo network: spinach
    3ds: 1504-5717-8252
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    Sassori wrote: »
    Nurses are always in demand somewhere. The real thing is comes down to is whether or not she'll be working in the part of the hospital she wants to be in, at the desired town she would like to work in, etc.

    But you can take some comfort in knowing that she will be able to find work. Even if it is not precisely where she would want to be and at the amount that she would prefer.
    i'm sure you're right

    i just


    I have a twin brother and two older sisters. There is no way our parents could be of any help even assuming they wanted to.

    I totally get it.
  • LiiyaLiiya Registered User regular
    Liiya I have been there and it blows

    But university is a great call.

    #pipe wrote: »
    Try to remember that they want to make sure you're safe, and can take care of yourself. It can be difficult to see your child take a risk that might result in a few years of struggling for money and being overworked.

    But you should totally still do it. You only get one go round and giving up the opportunity to pursue something you're passionate about because you're worried about money is no way to live your life.

    Thanks you two, that is definitely why - I'm the youngest child and still physically look very young! That is definitely why about the few years of difficulty too.

    Its a bit scary and I appreciate it - I feel a bit braver now!
  • KakodaimonosKakodaimonos Registered User regular
    I have an older sister and my parents, none of whom I spend much time talking to.

    My parents alternated between being callously indifferent and in my mother's case, actively hostile.  My father really doesn't like children and will barely tolerate teenagers.  So he left it to my mother to handle everything with us and spent all his time working or out playing golf and running errands.  Our mother always hated us for "ruining her life to take care of a bunch of parasites."  Sometimes she'd be ok and other times she'd get mad for us acting like kids, like the time she threw a dinner party and wanted us to sit still for 3 hours.  Of course we didn't, so my sister and I both got a curling iron across the back of the legs.  It made sitting down interesting for a week.  That was one thing my mother was great at.  Coming up with creative and painful punishments.  She probably would've done great as a guard in a North Korean prison camp.

    My sister and I got along great until she started having the psychotic breakdowns.  My parents refused to get her any treatment and kicked her out of the house when she turned 18.  I tried to help as much as I could but I was also younger than my sister and wasn't able to do too much.  I kept her from hurting the animals when she got really bad and ran interference when her paranoia got too intense.  Once she moved out, my sister was finally able to get some proper treatment and she's now on a few anti-psychotics and is managing ok.  Not great, but better than before.  She doesn't really like to talk to me too much.  I think it's because she feels guilty about what happened.

    My parents occasionally talk to me.  They've tried to explain why they sucked so much, but it's always been them trying to justify what they did.  I dunno if I ever care to have much contact with them.

    Fuck, now I need a drink.  Sometimes families can really suck.
  • GoldenSeducerGoldenSeducer Dar'Habasi Sugar-Lips Purrfessional Cat-burglerRegistered User regular
    Sounds like your parents need psychological help themselves. Or they are just assholes.
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    my grandfather has been in and out of the hospital for 3 weeks. he needed major bladder surgery, so he was in for a week to do that. then he was out for a week to recover but it wasn't going very well and he could not eat anything. when he came down with a fever my grandmother called the ambulance and he went back in. turned out it had nothing to do with his surgery, he had an ulcer and couldn't eat because of that. they removed it and had to pump a bunch of black gunk out of his stomach(yeah ew), and now after a few days he has finally been able to eat again.

    so been a bit of a whirlwind. My situation is pretty rare I'm 28 and still have all four grandparents alive. but they all seem to be falling apart at the same time.
  • Virgil_Leads_YouVirgil_Leads_You Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    There are a lot of cousins that I would like to know better. My mother's family have a lot of distant folks with grudges and strained relationships with each other. My father's family is huge and seemed to have settled everywhere in my region, so it's a weird contrast.

    One of my mother's sisters seems to have been disowned by her son over some pretty significant stuff. I've never met him, but I hear he's one of the few cousins from that branch, who is doing well for himself. It would be neat to meet the successful architect in Hawaii, but I suspect he would be less enthusiastic about family considering.

    I'm pretty proud of all my baby cousins. I'm super excited to see some of these brats heading off to college. I remember witnessing a count for Christmas bingo and there were like 40 something kids who were excited to win cheap toys and puppets. When my grandmother passed, the preacher observed that she had raised a goddamn army.

    Someday, I will be planning Christmas reunions and letting little snots run around and destroy the house, while losing 30 bucks in various games of poker.
    Virgil_Leads_You on
  • MarthMarth Sad Schaub Registered User regular
    Man, Tonkka. I'm really hoping the best for your mom, because Alzheimer's sucks big-time. My grandma (mom's side) suffered from it for the last 5 years of her life. Her memory and mental state only got worse. It was terrible because my mom stepped up and took care of her (home visits, nursing home), but my grandma still forgot who my mom was. She really turned into a shell of her former self.

    This isn't going to make you feel better. I'm just saying I get where you're coming from. It's not easy to watch. I hope you have someone you can lean on.
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    The Geek wrote: »
    I honestly don't have much concern about my given family.
    is this "they don't have anything going on that causes me concern" or "I don't really know/care what is going on with my family"

    cause I am that first thing and it makes me happy

    Both, actually. It's a weird place I'm in when it comes to them. I've never had any issues with them and they treated me as well as you could expect growing up, but I have just never had any kind of connection with my parents and brother and I can't explain why. I honestly just don't care and have no reason for it. If my parents died tomorrow I would have no strong feelings one way or the other.

    If it wasn't for my wife having a strong need for connection to family, I'd probably never talk to them. Not because I dislike them, but because I just don't feel that they are of any significance to me.

    Is anyone else like that? Because I don't think I've heard of anyone having that perspective before.
    Amazon wish list | Please check out my wife's blog and jewelry store.
  • ReginaldReginald Registered User regular
    My family is a giant katamari ball of nonsense, and I am a dude with a weird pompadour standing next to a bunch of bananas.

    It sucks.
  • MorivethMoriveth Registered User regular
    I like my family. Also my daughter is the best.
  • Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood What happened to you? The Blue RouteRegistered User regular
    my family is cool mostly, but let me tell you about

  • FishmanFishman scientia potentia est Robot ProvocateurRegistered User regular
    Mori's family is pretty cool.
    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
  • JayKaosJayKaos Registered User regular
    Reginald wrote: »
    My family is a giant katamari ball of nonsense, and I am a dude with a weird pompadour standing next to a bunch of bananas.

    It sucks.

    I feel bad for your having to deal with nonsense but this is my new favorite analogy.
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaykaos This is my steam profile.
  • GanluanGanluan Registered User regular
    Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have parents who did their best to give me opportunities to succeed. One unsettling prospect is that it worked out well for me - I'd like to think I'm doing pretty well. On the other hand, my brother has been a trainwreck and we were raised in a similar fashion, so I worry that no matter how well I raise my son he might end up going off the rails.
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    I am accumulating sisters.

    you could share a couple?
  • BogeyBogey Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    /me has dibs, back off.
    XBox LIVE: Bogestrom
    PSN: Bogestrom

    R.I.P. Wampa Milk
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    you can only keep what you can hold onto!
  • a5ehrena5ehren Registered User regular
    ASimPerson wrote: »
    Oblig. @a5ehren shout-out

  • nukanuka What are circles? Registered User regular
    :O What's with Bogey's post?
  • SeriouslySeriously Maarebas Registered User regular
    oh god

    they have programmed geth to respond to mentions of bogey and sisters

    what other automated responses does it now have
  • ChicoBlueChicoBlue Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    '/me toots softly

    I do not have permission to remove the '
    ChicoBlue on
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