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  • TonkkaTonkka Impossible! They were doomed!Registered User regular
    Hung out with the family tonight.

    My mom seems to be doing okay, as it seems more that she doesn't really know what to do with herself now that she's retired. There things that she worries about aloud, but I can explain them to her and she's fine with it then.

    What was awesome tonight was watching the Red Wings game with my sister because she was yelling at the TV more than I was.

    My sister knows way more about hockey than I do.

    My sister rules.
    Gamertag: T0NKKA - Steam: evilumpire Twitter Art blog/Portfolio!HEY SATAN!
  • BYToadyBYToady Registered User regular
    In the winter of 99 I moved across the country, gonna go back and visit the family for the first time in 13 years in a couple months. Gonna meet so many new nieces, nephews, and cousins.
    Battletag BYToady#1454
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    My dad got in touch with a sister nobody was supposed to have known about when I was around ten. Turns out grandpa had affair when dad was a kid.

    The dates are rough, but I think she would have been born right around when he married his second wife, who I'm pretty sure he was with while he was still married to his first wife.

    Aunt Jackie is by far the most well-adjusted of that side of the family.
    laughingfuzzball on
  • TonkkaTonkka Impossible! They were doomed!Registered User regular
    Big hugs to family problems and many thanks for all the well wishes.
    Gamertag: T0NKKA - Steam: evilumpire Twitter Art blog/Portfolio!HEY SATAN!
  • ASimPersonASimPerson And they will tremble again at the sound of our silence.Registered User regular
    a5ehren wrote: »
    ASimPerson wrote: »
    Oblig. @a5ehren shout-out



    I'm at a bar in SF. Y'all house visit sometime. I assure you it'll be more interesting than the family vacations we did as kids :-P
    SE++ Forum Battle Archive | PST = Pacific Standard Time | DRUNKSTUCK: A Homestuck recap
  • TonkkaTonkka Impossible! They were doomed!Registered User regular
    Family is good.
    Gamertag: T0NKKA - Steam: evilumpire Twitter Art blog/Portfolio!HEY SATAN!
  • CorporateRedCorporateRed Let's go Yankees Clap, Clap, ClapClapClapRegistered User regular
    My daughter apparently arranged via email for my mother to come visit this summer. My mother has been calling me asking when a good time would be. I'm debating between "never" and "when I'm drunk enough to deal".
    Steam ID: Corporate Red
  • TonkkaTonkka Impossible! They were doomed!Registered User regular
    Oh no.
    Gamertag: T0NKKA - Steam: evilumpire Twitter Art blog/Portfolio!HEY SATAN!
  • nukanuka What are circles? Registered User regular
    I forgot tomorrow is Mother's Day. Ah well, at least I still have time to get her a card.
    Not that I think the crazy, spoiled, stubborn, tantrum throwing, bitch who wishes I wasn't her daughter and thinks mental disorders are for the weak and lazy, deserves it but I still live here.
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    got the full scoop on my grandfather. apparently the stuff they pumped out of his stomach was "like motor oil". my grandmother and uncle were going batty for a few days there but he seems to be making a full recovery after not being able to eat anything for 3 weeks.
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    my dad has brain damage and oscillates between being unable to speak or formulate meaningful thoughts and having the mental capacity and personality of a 7 year old with a few ever-rarer bursts of clarity now and then

    my mom is perpetually stressed out because her job is hard and taking care of my dad is hard and even if those things weren't true she makes a federal god-damn issue out of every little thing that goes wrong and she thinks that it is okay to use me as someone to constantly vent to while simultaneously dismissing all of my problems as not actually being important and just on a general sort of level i think she has a difficult time grasping the notion of being empathetic to others

    she helps me make funny things on the internet sometimes though
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    My uncle just put his house on the market, is packing up a few basic things and his dog and is about to just... go somewhere
    He's crashing with me for a night next week and then he'll just be out walking the earth
    This is... maybe the sixth time he's done this?
  • FencingsaxFencingsax Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    It's my younger sister's birthday, so she's home with her friends, and everything is hunky-dory. She just had an interview, and she really liked the place, so we have our fingers crossed. My older sister loves her job, and her husband really likes his new job as well. Since I live with my parents, their favorite sport is "Figure out ways to annoy our son". I just need to come up with the ambition to get a job that is a career, and not work at the grocery any more.
    Fencingsax on

    Because 9% think it's too high, and shouldn't be cut! 9% of respondents could not fully
    get their arms around the question. There should be another box you can check for, "I
    have utterly no idea what you're talking about. Please, God, don't ask for my input."
  • FortyTwoFortyTwo strongest man in the world The Land of Pleasant Living Registered User regular
    My mother has a live-in-dudefriend. I hate calling a 60+ year-old man my Mom's boyfriend. It sounds terrible. Anyway, he injured his foot badly on the job a couple years ago. He also has diabetes, and you know that age+diabetes+foot injuries = bad times.

    He struggled with a wound that just wouldn't heal properly for the last year. My Mom has been nursing him back to health through everything. But it looks like now he might have to lose the foot.

    Other than that, things are fine I guess.

    My father is getting older and I pretty certain he is hiding medical problems from me and the rest of the family.
  • FortyTwoFortyTwo strongest man in the world The Land of Pleasant Living Registered User regular
    On a brighter note my wife and I have made a decision.

    We aren't necessarily trying to have a child, but we have decided to remove the barriers that would prevent a child from happening.

    If it happens, it happens.
  • TonkkaTonkka Impossible! They were doomed!Registered User regular
    Oh god.

    One of my greatest friends ever's daughter posted a picture of her mother on facebook.

    Her mother died of pancreatic cancer about 8 years ago.

    I just lost my shit.
    Gamertag: T0NKKA - Steam: evilumpire Twitter Art blog/Portfolio!HEY SATAN!
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