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American health care vs the world!

Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Debate and/or Discourse
I was watching the news the other day and saw a democratic congress woman by the name of Rep. Jackson Lee argue before members of the House that Universal healthcare was an constitutional right, which dumbfounded me. When i was growing up my history teacher would say when dealing with the constitution 'Your rights end where my begin'. basically saying that your rights can not impose any more merit then my do. they are equal, side by side in the eyes of the law. now I'm not saying that don't believe in every American having the opportunity to get healthcare or has some on the left cry i don't want children dying in the streets. But for a government that has always in the past frowned upon Big corporations monopolizing it now tries to do just the same by being the be all for all standard threw entitlement programs like Obamacare. I would love to see every American have some kind of healthcare, its a noble cause but to say that half of all tax payers should take care of the other half is impossible, and if you don't have health care by a set date and time the federal government will penalize you. I believe the best way to insure that all Americans have equal opportunity to healthcare is by doing 3 simple things. Number one, open up interstate sale of health insurance plans. That would allow the consumer to buy insurance from any company in the world they like not just from the ones in your state, and create competition within that area of the free market so that in the end the consumer gets the best services for less money. Number two, place tough but fair penalty on insurance companies that inflate their prices beyond 5% of their competitor's prices. last but not least, Number three, give vouchers similar those used in magnet private school programs to help ease the burden of paying for healthcare for the first year. Now may disagree with me totally or even partly and if you would like the voice your thoughts or view on this issue you may do so, but remember to be respectfully of my view points and others. NO NAME CALLING OR THREATENING REMARKS PLEASE. thank you. i hope we can all have a civilized debate.
Irond Will on


  • monikermoniker Registered User regular
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    I was watching the news the other day and saw a democratic congress woman by the name of Rep. Jackson Lee argue before members of the House that Universal healthcare was an constitutional right, which dumbfounded me. When i was growing up my history teacher would say when dealing with the constitution 'Your rights end where my begin'. basically saying that your rights can not impose any more merit then my do. they are equal, side by side in the eyes of the law. now I'm not saying that don't believe in every American having the opportunity to get healthcare or has some on the left cry i don't want children dying in the streets. But for a government that has always in the past frowned upon Big corporations monopolizing it now tries to do just the same by being the be all for all standard threw entitlement programs like Obamacare. I would love to see every American have some kind of healthcare, its a noble cause but to say that half of all tax payers should take care of the other half is impossible, and if you don't have health care by a set date and time the federal government will penalize you. I believe the best way to insure that all Americans have equal opportunity to healthcare is by doing 3 simple things. Number one, open up interstate sale of health insurance plans. That would allow the consumer to buy insurance from any company in the world they like not just from the ones in your state, and create competition within that area of the free market so that in the end the consumer gets the best services for less money. Number two, place tough but fair penalty on insurance companies that inflate their prices beyond 5% of their competitor's prices. last but not least, Number three, give vouchers similar those used in magnet private school programs to help ease the burden of paying for healthcare for the first year. Now may disagree with me totally or even partly and if you would like the voice your thoughts or view on this issue you may do so, but remember to be respectfully of my view points and others. NO NAME CALLING OR THREATENING REMARKS PLEASE. thank you. i hope we can all have a civilized debate.

    How do you require insurance companies to provide service to people with pre-existing medical conditions in this approach? And if you don't, what happens to people who actually need healthcare rather than just health insurance?

    And half of tax payers aren't talking care of the other half, healthy people are subsidizing sick people.
  • monikermoniker Registered User regular
    I am also confused as to why you think that healthcare is actually a market. What are the markers that you seem to think qualify it as one, because I just don't see them. I have zero bargaining power when I'm unconscious, when denying your service results in my death, or when the nearest competitive facility available requires costly stabilization and medical oversight in the process of moving to engage them instead.
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    It's not a constitutional right.
    It is however permissible under the constitution
    Deebaser on
  • monikermoniker Registered User regular
    Eh, you can quibble about whether or not it is a constitutional right through broadened interpretations of the General Welfare clause. None of that really matters, though, since SCOTUS won't obligate the government to provide universal care above what it already does via EMTALA. For all practical purposes the argument is moot thanks to other provisions which empower Congress to tax people in order to provide services, such as healthcare if it chooses to do so like with MediCare, MediCaid, and PPACA.
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Basically if you are being at all pragmatic, I think we need to either get rid of the EMTALA or have universal healthcare

    because we're all paying for it regardless, we're just being horrendously inefficient about it because we're terrified of socialism
    override367 on
  • No-QuarterNo-Quarter Registered User regular
    Basically if you are being at all pragmatic, I think we need to either get rid of the EMTALA or have universal healthcare

    because we're all paying for it regardless, we're just being horrendously inefficient about it because the wealthy might have to pay a bit more for something they don't see as benefiting them directly

    Fixed that for you.
  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    OK. Wow being my thread ever I'm impressed and amazed by the comments. And sorry about no paragraphs I had a lot running threw my mind.

    Also I don't want people to think I'm implying that my education and knowledge of this subject is anymore then the average Joe.

    Also to people that claim the constitution is stupid and useless is unbelievable. Without it you have nothing. Its the country's backbone. Men and women have died to protect what it stands for.

    And its not written on goat skin or 200+ pages. Its written on hemp paper which is made from cannabis or better known as weed, and its only 6 pages long. Most state constitutions are longer like my state's constitution which is 40 times longer.

    and to the post that addressed my number three idea, no i don't think that healthcare cost would suddenly drop lower after one year, but i don't that the government should have to buy for healthcare the rest of your life. and forcing insurance companies to cover the cost for pre-existing medical conditions is a no brainer. no one should be denied healthcare for something they can't control. and one last point healthcare is a market. just look at the stock market. hundreds of health insurance companies are public now and make billions off shares and their customers. and don't get me wrong there are a few parts of Obamacare i did like, but overall it doesn't fix anything and hurts our economy in the long run.

    the reason I start this thread was to hear other people views beyond the mainstream talking points and learn more.
  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    correction i miss read buttcleft's comment about 200+ pages, he did say 200+ years. sorry for the mistake.
  • redxredx Dublin, CARegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    forcing insurance companies to cover the cost for pre-existing medical conditions is a no brainer. no one should be denied healthcare for something they can't control

    That is not compatible with health insurance companies functioning, unless healthy people are also forced to enroll. Which seemed to be something you were complaining about.

    What difference does it make if you are forced to subsides the care of unhealthy people through a tax or through carrying insurance?

    edit: The actual difference is with taxes, you pay less because you aren't contributing to profits for insurance providers and tricare, medicaid, and medicare are basically the three most efficient insurance providers in the country( dollars-for-service/dollars-intake and typically one of the lowest cost per procedure).
    redx on
    RedX is taking a stab a moving out west, and will be near San Francisco from May 14 till June 29.
    Click here for a horrible H/A thread with details.
  • LawndartLawndart Registered User regular
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    And its not written on goat skin. Its written on hemp paper which is made from cannabis or better known as weed.

    No, it's not.

    But to be more on-topic if not less pedantic, while I agree with the sentiment behind calling health care (and things like housing and a living wage) Constitutional rights, pretty much all of the rights described (or implied) in the Constitution are negative rights (i.e. things the government is not allowed to do).

    I do think that providing universal health care would fall squarely under something that the federal government is empowered to do, and could be seen as a Constitutional obligation for Congress to provide to U.S. citizens as part of the whole "general welfare" concept.
  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    I'm all for someone out but the government should not force people to do something against their well. and people pay too much in taxes now why add more to that burden? my grandparents between the taxes on their retirement checks and federal and state taxes just this year paid five thousand dollars. and i would have to disagree with your edit statement. in my option they are not the best insurance providers in the country. they change coverages all the time.
  • Knuckle DraggerKnuckle Dragger Explosive Ovine Disposal Registered User regular
    It's not a constitutional right. However, that has never been a compelling reason to not do something.
    sig-2699.jpg Iosif is friend. Come, visit friend.
  • redxredx Dublin, CARegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    I'm all for someone out but the government should not force people to do something against their well. and people pay too much in taxes now why add more to that burden? my grandparents between the taxes on their retirement checks and federal and state taxes just this year paid five thousand dollars. and i would have to disagree with your edit statement. in my option they are not the best insurance providers in the country. they change coverages all the time.
    Why do you think coverage doesn't change very frequently with private insurers?

    5k, out of how much income? How much of that state tax is a property tax? How much of it has anything at all to do with paying for health care?

    The government forces people to do things against their will pretty much constantly. If you don't want to pay taxes and follow laws, please move somewhere else. By living in this democracy, you are agreeing to allow the will of other people to constrain and control your actions.
    redx on
    RedX is taking a stab a moving out west, and will be near San Francisco from May 14 till June 29.
    Click here for a horrible H/A thread with details.
  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    Lawndart wrote: »
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    And its not written on goat skin. Its written on hemp paper which is made from cannabis or better known as weed.

    No, it's not.

    But to be more on-topic if not less pedantic, while I agree with the sentiment behind calling health care (and things like housing and a living wage) Constitutional rights, pretty much all of the rights described (or implied) in the Constitution are negative rights (i.e. things the government is not allowed to do).

    I do think that providing universal health care would fall squarely under something that the federal government is empowered to do, and could be seen as a Constitutional obligation for Congress to provide to U.S. citizens as part of the whole "general welfare" concept.

    glad to see you want to stay on topic but please google what the kind of paper the constitution is written on. though i will agree that providing for the general welfare can be looked at as meaning healthcare. but i don't think our founding fathers were envisioning UHC when that they wrote that.
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    I'm all for someone out but the government should not force people to do something against their well. and people pay too much in taxes now why add more to that burden? my grandparents between the taxes on their retirement checks and federal and state taxes just this year paid five thousand dollars. and i would have to disagree with your edit statement. in my option they are not the best insurance providers in the country. they change coverages all the time.

    The government does, and should, force people to do things all the time.

    Taxes overall are the lowest they've been in decades.

    I would literally, happily, double my tax burden if it means I could have my government healthcare without the government job.
  • KetBraKetBra shut up and jamRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The founders didn't envision nearly anything about modern America when they wrote the constitution.
    KetBra on
  • KingofMadCowsKingofMadCows Registered User regular
    Our views on health and death have changed drastically since the time of the Founding Fathers.
  • syndalissyndalis Aballah Can Tah Advancing the Human ConditionRegistered User regular
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    Lawndart wrote: »
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    And its not written on goat skin. Its written on hemp paper which is made from cannabis or better known as weed.

    No, it's not.

    But to be more on-topic if not less pedantic, while I agree with the sentiment behind calling health care (and things like housing and a living wage) Constitutional rights, pretty much all of the rights described (or implied) in the Constitution are negative rights (i.e. things the government is not allowed to do).

    I do think that providing universal health care would fall squarely under something that the federal government is empowered to do, and could be seen as a Constitutional obligation for Congress to provide to U.S. citizens as part of the whole "general welfare" concept.

    glad to see you want to stay on topic but please google what the kind of paper the constitution is written on. though i will agree that providing for the general welfare can be looked at as meaning healthcare. but i don't think our founding fathers were envisioning UHC when that they wrote that.

    Drafts may have been on hemp, but the final documents were on parchment.
  • Clown ShoesClown Shoes Registered User regular
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    and to the post that addressed my number three idea, no i don't think that healthcare cost would suddenly drop lower after one year, but i don't that the government should have to buy for healthcare the rest of your life.

    Then what do you do about people who have lifelong conditions that prevent them from working? A system that only covers short term illnesses is not a proper healthcare system.

    and one last point healthcare is a market. just look at the stock market. hundreds of health insurance companies are public now and make billions off shares and their customers.

    The stock market is a market for stocks, not health. A health insurance company being traded on the stock market does not automatically make healthcare a market.
  • FencingsaxFencingsax Registered User regular
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    and to the post that addressed my number three idea, no i don't think that healthcare cost would suddenly drop lower after one year, but i don't that the government should have to buy for healthcare the rest of your life.

    Then what do you do about people who have lifelong conditions that prevent them from working? A system that only covers short term illnesses is not a proper healthcare system.

    Also, short term illnesses are not what makes healthcare expensive.

    But yes, I'm going to agree with "Not a right enumerated in the Constitution, but it is a human right"

    Because 9% think it's too high, and shouldn't be cut! 9% of respondents could not fully
    get their arms around the question. There should be another box you can check for, "I
    have utterly no idea what you're talking about. Please, God, don't ask for my input."
  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    KetBra wrote: »
    The founders didn't envision nearly anything about modern America when they wrote the constitution.

    true. but i still believe that life is better when the government doesn't force its self on us. also to quid how are the taxes lower then in decades before when the average American pays an average tax rate of 12.60% percent on their income and 10 years ago it was around 8 to 9%.
  • Clown ShoesClown Shoes Registered User regular
    One thing that I never see addressed in the whole "paying for other people's healthcare" argument is that a person can be both the payer and payee at different times in their lives.

    Me, my brother and my sister are all alive because of the NHS (appendicitis, impaled on a tree branch and premature birth respectively) and are paying taxes that provide pensions and healthcare for people whose taxes paid for the NHS when we were younger.
  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    and to the post that addressed my number three idea, no i don't think that healthcare cost would suddenly drop lower after one year, but i don't that the government should have to buy for healthcare the rest of your life.

    Then what do you do about people who have lifelong conditions that prevent them from working? A system that only covers short term illnesses is not a proper healthcare system.

    Also, short term illnesses are not what makes healthcare expensive.

    But yes, I'm going to agree with "Not a right enumerated in the Constitution, but it is a human right"

    IIRC, doesn't your constitution specifically have a "there are also other rights not listed here, this isn't the definitive list" clause?
  • Kipling217Kipling217 Registered User regular
    Our views on health and death have changed drastically since the time of the Founding Fathers.

    For instance we no longer believe that disease is caused by ill humors. (Ok, that's exaggerated, but only little).

    Not for nothing, but the Founding Fathers where fucking ignorant of what we today consider basic science. Like Viruses, Bacteria and blood type. In the founding fathers time, barber shops where only just giving way to medical professionals as first stop for medical advice.

    Communicating from the last of the Babylon Stations.
  • Clown ShoesClown Shoes Registered User regular
    V1m wrote: »
    Literally the rest of the civilised world treats healthcare as a right.

    I'd be inclined to argue that treating healthcare as a right is an entry requirement for the civilised world.

  • KetBraKetBra shut up and jamRegistered User regular
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    V1m wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    and to the post that addressed my number three idea, no i don't think that healthcare cost would suddenly drop lower after one year, but i don't that the government should have to buy for healthcare the rest of your life.

    Then what do you do about people who have lifelong conditions that prevent them from working? A system that only covers short term illnesses is not a proper healthcare system.

    Also, short term illnesses are not what makes healthcare expensive.

    But yes, I'm going to agree with "Not a right enumerated in the Constitution, but it is a human right"

    IIRC, doesn't your constitution specifically have a "there are also other rights not listed here, this isn't the definitive list" clause?

    Why yes. Yes it does.

    There's a reason why the bill of rights are amendments, and it's not because the founders didn't believe people had rights.
  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    IIRC, doesn't your constitution specifically have a "there are also other rights not listed here, this isn't the definitive list" clause?
    yes and no. its says that all powers not given in the constitution to federal government fall in the states' hands.

  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    lol funny @Lawndart
  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    V1m wrote: »
    Literally the rest of the civilised world treats healthcare as a right.

    I'd be inclined to argue that treating healthcare as a right is an entry requirement for the civilised world.

    One of them. I mean you did fix the slavery thing, that was good.

    But man, if broke-ass places like Cuba can do healthcare as a right, what's your excuse?
  • dlinfinitidlinfiniti Registered User regular
    V1m wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Buddha73 wrote: »
    and to the post that addressed my number three idea, no i don't think that healthcare cost would suddenly drop lower after one year, but i don't that the government should have to buy for healthcare the rest of your life.

    Then what do you do about people who have lifelong conditions that prevent them from working? A system that only covers short term illnesses is not a proper healthcare system.

    Also, short term illnesses are not what makes healthcare expensive.

    But yes, I'm going to agree with "Not a right enumerated in the Constitution, but it is a human right"

    IIRC, doesn't your constitution specifically have a "there are also other rights not listed here, this isn't the definitive list" clause?

    the right to party falls into this category
  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    when has the Communist Cuban government ever give their people rights?
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